Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shaping the perspective of IBM's life sciences market in China

 Zhuanzhai Note: The following quote from IBM's announcement of a White Paper on China's pharmaceutical market, we can understand from the perspective of the IT companies to look at the Chinese pharmaceutical market, I believe there will be inspired.
Life science market in China has become even the engine of global development. even in this financial turmoil, because of strong consumer demand, China's pharmaceutical and medical device market is still maintained double-digit growth every year. China should focus on the concerns of long-term life sciences market development potential. China life sciences market is undergoing a revolutionary change, the most compelling next three years, governments at all levels will be invested in the new health reform 850 billion yuan (about 125 billion U.S. dollars), the healthcare enterprises that is undoubtedly a golden opportunity. Meanwhile, the Chinese government will also aim to create a more transparent and regulated health care market environment. This white paper the main market structure will change and the impact of related enterprises discussed:
1. to improve health insurance coverage to a wider audience can enjoy affordable health care services: pharmaceuticals and medical equipment to stimulate growth in consumption.
2. to provide a more efficient health services: urban primary care system and the establishment of rural health care system to promote a new generation of consumer groups, triggering changes in channel structure, and thus on the ability of business operations with new requirements.
3. to establish and implement national essential drug list drugs online public bidding in order to strengthen drug sales and use regulation.
the Chinese government is committed to promoting the pharmaceutical industry innovation, promote China's pharmaceutical enterprises to enhance competitiveness, thus forming a new pattern of life science market. We believe that this is R & D resources and innovative ways to promote the integration of medicine. When R & D (R & D) market is full of energy, will attract more investment; and increased investment will lead to further promote the sound development of pharmaceutical R & D market. China in recent years pharmaceutical manufacturing practices (GMP) and drug quality management specification (GSP) of the revised standards to improve the quality of medicines, but also on pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution companies set higher requirements. With the further integration of the pharmaceutical industry, a group of weak competitiveness of enterprises will be eliminated, the pharmaceutical industry The access threshold will become higher. In short, we hope that China's life sciences industry will become increasingly mature and more competitive in the international market.
this white paper to the China life sciences companies to the rapid development of and full of success in the market change to provide practical insight into the views. We recommend that companies should follow the following three key operational capabilities to enhance:
b innovation: the development of domestic technology industries and government support for the opportunity to strengthen R & D capacity . through cooperation with external institutions to enhance research and development capabilities, by developing internal talent and manage projects to enhance internal management capabilities.
b production quality: high-quality products is not only the pharmaceutical companies marketing differentiation in the embodiment, it is which pharmaceutical companies first condition of existence. companies must improve productivity, reduce operating costs to achieve supply chain operational excellence.
b sales, marketing and distribution: business channels and by strengthening logistics management, so that more consumers can easily buy high-quality drugs. Therefore, strategies to expand sales channels and strengthen sales force management is the key to future business run-off market. Pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmaceutical distribution enterprises to be more closely together to enhance overall operational efficiency. the definition of life sciences market

defined our extensive coverage of the life sciences market throughout the health of ecosystems and life sciences ecosystem, the main enterprise (organization), as shown in Figure 1. these companies in the medical field engaged in pharmaceuticals, medical devices and diagnostic tests and other content related to business activities, through innovation (R & D), manufacturing, marketing and distribution of the whole process, and ultimately commitment to patients and provide consumers with better health services. < br> When the slowdown in other industries, China's life sciences market is undoubtedly a bright spot in the global economy. Chinese medicine market because of its huge development potential and attracted much attention. Chinese brand prescription and non prescription drugs (OTC) 1997 years market size of only 37 million, while 2010 is expected to reach 220-250 billion U.S. dollars. estimated 2009 pharmaceutical market in China will reach an annual growth rate of 25%, higher than in other emerging markets growth rate of 15% and much higher in developed market growth rate of about 5% .3 is the world's attention even more is expected in 2020 to 220 billion U.S. dollars in China is expected the market to become world's second largest after the U.S. pharmaceutical market .4
China The current health care reform and the Government to establish more innovative and competitive industry initiatives, will promote China's booming life sciences market. When corporate exposure in a more orderly, more regulated market environment, to better meet patient needs demand responsibility, and gradually become a global market leader.
health care reform on China's Life Sciences Industry in China is
health system reform its huge investment In 2009 an unprecedented 1 month, the State Council announced the next two years will be 850 billion yuan investment in the health sector (about 125 billion U.S. dollars), and provide residents with high-quality, affordable health services .5 expects the investment will in the life sciences market, pharmaceutical, medical equipment manufacturing and pharmaceutical distribution and other enterprises have a significant impact.
more people can enjoy affordable health services means that the increase in health care spending, resulting in the demand for drugs and medical equipment rose
health reform One of the main objectives is to solve China's population and of coverage due to lack of medical problems. in recent years in the medical security system in China has made significant progress, by 2010 Medicare will cover all kinds of more than 90% of urban and rural residents, countries through the implementation of the basic medical insurance, basic medical insurance for urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical care (referred to as the new rural cooperative), a wide range of urban and rural residents to improve health insurance coverage. 6
new broader health insurance cover not only the crowd, and that the government increased subsidies for individual insurance. For example, the government medical insurance for urban residents per person per year subsidy from the standard 80 yuan to 120 yuan, the new rural cooperative subsidy from the standard 40 yuan per person per year increased to 120. Government subsidies increase the number of each individual concerned may not, but taking into account the total number of health insurance coverage is very large, this initiative will profoundly affect the total consumption expenditure on health. Analysts predict that by 2011 to increase coverage for health care reform pharmaceutical market brought about expansion will reach 1650-3330 million .7 There is no doubt that the next two years, health insurance coverage will promote the improvement of pharmaceutical sales.
more efficient health service system will change the life of existing scientific institutions channel, product and customer portfolio
reverse city doctors, hospital beds, medical facilities, etc.), the inequality. 8 China's current urban medical service system of medical resources from the hospital too focused on high-end will be referred to a hospital for further treatment.
This marks the existing health service system, patients are mainly concentrated in large urban hospitals would be a dramatic change in status. The new model, the main function of the high-end hospitals is the treatment incurable diseases, serious illness serious illness, teaching and research, large-scale clinical trials and medical research. can be expected, the high-end hospital resource utilization will gradually decline, such as out-patient share from the current 80% to 50%. midrange Hospitals will also be divided, some hospitals with better conditions will be transformed into the top three hospitals, in part poor efficiency, small-scale hospitals, may be converted into community health centers or other services.
With the establishment of urban primary care health system, the number of community health services will grow rapidly. Community health services provided at a lower price treatment of common diseases, preventive health and disease control services, to provide economic and convenient health services. From 2007 to 2010, China will in all level and above the county level cities and in the establishment of 40,000 urban community health services. The goal is 3-10 per million inhabitants, or by district offices and the establishment of a number of health centers community health service stations .9
rapid emergence of health services will be at the basis of medical institutions and medical market enterprises (such as manufacturers of generic drugs, basic medical equipment manufacturers and pharmaceutical distribution business) have a profound impact. Community health services institutions were established, and will produce a large number in a certain period of recruitment and training of qualified medical personnel needs; medical device manufacturers will usher in a new market demand, expected funding for community health for 30% of institution-building will be used to purchase basic medical equipment . Meanwhile, the commonly used drugs, especially generics sales will go up.
three-tier health service system in rural development, life sciences sector will face new customers and channels
will establish a new rural health services in three system so that minor illnesses within the village of rural residents, serious illness not counties. county hospital will become a regional treatment center, the main provider of basic health services and specialist disease clinics, while rural health facilities will also provide training and operational staff and technical guidance . Since the 3 years beginning in 2009, the central key support around 2000 county hospital building, so that each county at least one county-level hospitals to standardize the level of .10
basic community health agencies and similar organizations in the development of rural health for pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers and medical distribution companies to bring new channels and markets. community and the rise of the two major markets in rural areas, will have sales of drugs, types and significant impact on the current channel structure.
strengthen drug sale and use of regulatory, operational requirements of life science institutions change
content as part of new health care reform, medical reform led to widespread popular attention and discussion, especially in drug procurement, drug distribution and so on. Although the drug sales and use implementation details have not yet released, but the new health reform program can determine that the drug sales and use will enhance the transparency, to reduce the total cost of medical services (see Figure 3) .11
to control medical costs is a key initiative to establish national Drugs List, based on types and brands of drugs into three categories, each set different types of pharmaceutical reimbursement. A majority of medicines covered by basic drugs, from state subsidies received full reimbursement of the insurance sector, B medicines for a certain reimbursement ratio, C medicines to be paid at their own expense. local governments have increased in the B class directory and remove the flexibility of 5% of drugs. National Drug List will be given the highest guiding price of each drug, and the final price tenders by local governments through decision.
health reform under the new policy, all community health agencies all use the essential drugs list in the variety of other medical and health institutions such as tertiary hospitals should give priority to use the directory prescription drugs .12 In addition, there are some on the use of essential drugs List of proposals to lower drug costs, such as retail pharmacies to buy drugs in the base directory will be included in the scope of reimbursement. The overall objective is to full competition by encouraging the market to further reduce drug prices.
Another important reform is the provincial government for the establishment of centralized procurement of drugs for profit platform, state-owned non-profit medical institutions must all participate in centralized drug purchasing. implementing web-based centralized procurement and online auction to raise medical drug procurement process more transparent. the provincial government to establish a scientific evaluation of drug procurement methods gradually increase the weights of different elements, such as drug quality, price, service and reputation, and other elements of pharmaceutical manufacturers. Meanwhile, to encourage standardization of medical prescription drugs in order to improve health care quality and regulate the behavior of prescribing part of .13
local governments such as Guangdong have tried to make some reforms. This requires pharmaceutical companies and distribution companies to enhance the quality and cost control. pharmaceutical distribution market will be affected, the next 80% of the essential drugs will be directly delivered to the community or rural health facilities medical institutions, which will encourage the use of large regional and national circulation circulation commercial business, giving rise to the integration of pharmaceutical distribution market. 14
China's health reforms will change the existing channels and customer segments
Chinese medical and health Life sciences companies will bring reform to market changes and opportunities. pharmaceutical companies, especially manufacturers of generic drugs, medical equipment manufacturers, vaccine manufacturers will benefit from increased public expenditure on basic health services and health insurance coverage expansion initiatives have been interests. National Essential Drugs List in 50% of Chinese patent medicines, the Chinese manufacturers are also expected to benefit from it.
bring health care reform and pharmaceutical channel structure changes in the consumer market segments. estimated that about 20% of the drugs transferred from the hospital market to the third terminal market, the third terminal market is outside of the hospital pharmacies and retail pharmacies sell drugs directly to consumers terminals, such as community health agencies, clinics, health care centers. 15
us noted that health care reform will promote the formation of three major market segments, companies in every market segment for marketing, sales and distribution activities, will need to build the operational capabilities of differentiation (see Figure 4).
basic State Drugs List, drug procurement and other measures to increase the public bidding of drug sales and use of supervision, but also pharmaceutical companies and distribution companies put forward higher requirements. companies need to enhance the pharmaceutical, medical equipment sales and distribution of the transparency of the process and control at the same time, product pricing, market entry, medical claims, etc., need to be strengthened with the government, social insurance institutions relationship management.
create a more competitive and innovative life science market in China
life science industry's competitiveness and innovation is growing. The Chinese government is taking important measures to encourage innovation, improve industry standards, and continuously improve the industrial environment. This is consistent with the national support for domestic companies to extend high-end value chain, engaged in high value-added innovation activities, thereby enhancing local enterprises in China and the global competitiveness of the overall objective.
efforts to promote innovation and to in the global life sciences industry shows great potential for development, the Chinese government to establish bio-pharmaceutical industry as the pillar industry of China in 2020 .16 biomedical industry will account for gross domestic product (GDP) of 4%. bio-industry development, First Five-Year Plan Chinese enterprises encouraged to develop new drugs in 2010 .19 The specific objectives of:
b build 10-20 new drug incubator 8-10
b form drug development alliance
b cultivate a number of chemical drugs , Chinese medicine and biological medicine big business
b 2008-2010 budget for the 6.6 billion annual investment (about $ 96,000,000)
b completed clinical study of 30 new drugs, for 1-2 innovations with intellectual property rights drugs can be completed or substantially completed in developed countries clinical trials
b 20-30 items and strive to break through the key new drug research and development of technologies, including chemical medicine, Chinese medicine and biotechnology drug development and quality control of new drugs that the special will
implemented in two tranches, the first establishment of a special group of enterprises the main incubator of innovative drug research center .2008, Beijing Pharmaceutical Group, North China Pharmaceutical, Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical Group, Zhejiang Medical Group, Tianjin Tasly Group, Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine and other six companies short-listed the first national technology research, innovative drug research and development, new drug research and development of technology platform and other projects.
created a major new drug is one of the special importance of the domestic R & D R & D focus on key areas. For example, specific for the 10 categories (species ) seriously endangers the health of the people of the major disease drug research, standardization of traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the field of biological agents in the lead. to establish state-level enterprise research center, will help to focus funds and resources to high-potential Chinese enterprises. aware of multinational corporations expensive drug development model is not suitable for China, Chinese companies try to to attract talent, and leading academic institutions and biotechnology companies to form strategic alliances, and many other challenges, but also is becoming a popular innovative multinational territory.
recognized life sciences industry has to attract high value-added manufacturing and the promotion of local employment development potential, local governments have to build a large pharmaceutical industrial park. For example, Tianjin aims to biopharmaceutical R & D base, limited production. At present, around the emergence of highly competitive industrial park, the country is said about 14 Medical Park, the United States only 16. However, there is a lot of multinational companies has completed investments in R & D base, and mainly concentrated in Beijing and Shanghai.
in promoting innovation in local government also play a key role. Figure 5 shows, across different policy to concentrate resources to promote biomedical innovation.
enhance and strengthen the GxP standards, pharmaceutical companies and distribution companies to improve the competitive threshold
China is implementing management practices and revise various types of drugs standards that affect the development of drugs to the sales process from all aspects. in research and development, China adopted the International Drug Clinical Practice (GCP) and medical laboratory practice (GLP), mainly used in contract R & D outsourcing (CRO) and other R & D R & D institutions and multinational agencies. China's current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and drug management quality management practices (GSP) with different standards in Europe and America, but the Chinese government has set standards revised and improved to meet the national security and quality requirements. as the Chinese government to improve standards of GMP and GSP, pharmaceutical companies and distribution companies the threshold will be increased competition, which will likely trigger a new round of industry shuffling.
GMP standards to improve the pharmaceutical the operational efficiency of enterprises, higher current requirements of GMP standards in the execution of
when, in fact, expanded the scope of review and improve a request for review in 2004 did not shut down the 1800 GMP standard pharmaceutical enterprises, these enterprises are due to lack of funds and human resources and shut down production. This incident has greatly enhanced the quality awareness of pharmaceutical companies, and to promote the adjustment of industrial structure.
government implemented in 2010 the latest GMP standards to improve the Chinese pharmaceutical companies the level of product quality and competitiveness. The focus of the revised GMP by GMP review and improve the quality control of pharmaceutical companies and software management requirements to ensure that companies comply with the management of drug registration and recall regulations. The main changes include :
b pharmaceutical companies apply for GMP certification, to assess their compliance with medication supervision, registration and recall of the Ordinance
b pharmaceutical companies to perform an annual quality inspection and is responsible for the recall of substandard products
b improve drug quality assurance, design validation and change control requirements such as filing a new concept. The current requirements of GMP standards for pharmaceutical companies only on the main production steps and processes for archiving key areas, while the new standards may be required to record and archive products before distribution to the pharmaceutical distribution companies in the entire production process 21
revised GMP standards will encourage enterprises to improve the new drug safety requirements of pharmaceutical companies improve the effectiveness of manufacturing systems. To meet the new standard product recall traceability , pharmaceutical companies and medical distribution companies need to work closely in ensuring the visibility of the process of drug distribution.
Duiyu drug export of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises, to follow the national and international quality standards is essential to invest. domestic pharmaceutical companies to upgrade from the production of pharmaceutical raw materials to finished products exported to seek more value-added drug development, the prerequisite is to improve the standards and compliance to meet international standards. At present, less than 20 pharmaceutical companies in China by the EU's European cGMP standards Zhejiang China Sea only get the finished product, a pharmaceutical drug exports to the U.S. certification. Huahai successful 2007, the domestic production of finished drug exports to the U.S. FDA certification, is a milestone in the history of the pharmaceutical industry.
a generic enterprises to successfully export to the United States finished drug case
Ltd. Zhejiang Huahai start in 1989, is a leading pharmaceutical companies, the main raw material medicine, the company exports to over 30 countries and regions. In 2007, an anti-HIV drugs Huahai received U.S. FDA approval, became the first production by the U.S. FDA approved anti-HIV drugs business. HUAHAI FDA-approved and put the whole application process is painful and enormous: from the beginning of the planning, preparation documents to the FDA field investigations, the whole application process took 5 years to spend more than 1 billion yuan. but the benefits are huge. of course, have to wait until China Sea in May 2012 to patent expiration in the U.S. pharmaceutical exports to the United States. When certification from the FDA to Hua Hailiang after the green light, which not only make the Chinese sea approval from other countries easier access to medicines, but also improves the China Sea and other international pharmaceutical giants capacity. 2008 Merck China Sea by the United States medicine in China, designated as OEM (OEM) of the pharmaceutical companies .22
pharmaceutical quality management specification revision (GSP) standards, will accelerate the maturity of pharmaceutical distribution industry in China released a new version of GSP
comments draft, which will pharmaceutical companies and medical distribution companies, higher demands. excerpt may change the terms of the:
b more stringent regulatory measures: the illegal drug business enterprises to strengthen the punishment, such as suspension, revocation GSP certificate and business license drugs.
b stressed that traceability: new coverage for drugs purchased computer information systems, storage, marketing and other business aspects of all of the requirements of the quality control process in order to achieve the management of the flow of drugs and so on, and procurement of medicines to make strict rules to control the source.
b strengthen the management of pharmaceutical distribution companies: the in warehousing of 15,000 square meters area of not less than .23
new GSP, once implemented, will promote the pharmaceutical distribution industry, the acceleration of change. In the past few years, the Chinese pharmaceutical distribution industry has experienced a regional expansion to drive industry consolidation. current China circulation market of the top three market share close to 20%, although with the United States and Japan accounted for 95% of the top three, respectively, compared to 65% of the market share gap between the obvious, but it will be a key turning point in the industry. new changes in GSP requiring companies to have better infrastructure, more efficient operational processes and systems to ensure compliance with government regulations. This may require the implementation of product traceability system and pharmaceutical electronic resume (e-pedigree) and other solutions in the process of production and circulation effective management of medicines. the threshold will increase competition in the industry, some small businesses can not meet the standards could face closure or consolidation.
In short, we expect more innovative enterprises with domestic and competitiveness, China will become more prosperous life science industry shown in Figure 6. multinationals also benefit from their R & D in China and outsourcing manufacturing to find more opportunities for cooperation.
prescription should change: recommendations for life sciences companies to
In the rapidly changing market environment to be successful, life sciences companies need to build and strengthen the three core operational capability: innovation, product quality and sales, marketing and distribution.
innovation: enterprises should strengthen the research capacity to seize this golden opportunity for development
enterprises will continue to strengthen in the short term R & D activities. In addition to the above-mentioned innovative activities of domestic enterprises, multinational pharmaceutical companies grow in accordance with market conditions may still continue to increase R & D (R & D) investment. Enterprise The innovation will be more complex, particularly the exploratory stage in the product.
when China gradually developed into a major global pharmaceutical industry, innovation centers, companies will generally face two major challenges. First, the establishment and strengthening of internal capacity, which can be through talent recruitment, retention and management of projects to be realized, the competition for talent in the pharmaceutical industry, the two centers will focus on the Beijing-Shanghai is particularly intense. The second is to expand through collaboration with external R & D capacity, which is carried out within the current industry model innovation and effective general trend, but also the capacity required for the global R & D institutions. IBM to a recent survey showed that two thirds of the CEO believe that the life sciences staff skills will lead to major changes in the next three years the major companies will face different .24 Challenge Summary Figure 7.
domestic companies choose different strategies can be used to develop its innovative model
generic drugs from domestic pharmaceutical companies to change drug innovation need to gradually establish echelon personnel, expertise and access to capital. We the development of its innovative model of domestic enterprises have made different strategic choices.
b hybrid model: low-cost advantage of China to provide outsourcing services for third parties to obtain the funds required for research activities. Hisun ceremony on the adoption of the United States the company produced its own research and development of tuberculosis drugs to raise funds.
b form a strategic alliance: strategic alliances with multinational corporations, academic institutions to establish licensing partnerships to develop profitable product mix, and eventually enter the international market. North China Pharmaceutical new drug development company, Yunnan Institute of Microbiology and the German Institute for Natural Products HKI strategic alliance for cancer drug research.
b into the branded generics market: Simcere to take strategy, the successful introduction of only two edaravone injection, one of the generic product than the deposit (Bicun).
b to expand export markets: the breakdown of generic drug products into export markets, such as the China Sea in addition to the U.S. FDA approved the export of anti-HIV drugs, in early 2008 and successfully exported products to the European preparations.
b Find China has a unique advantage of new market: Focus on domestic and international markets Biosimiliars unregulated commercial development. Such products contain interference factors, growth factors erythropoietin, human insulin, erythropoietin and other growth factors, the production of such drugs Dragon Pharmaceutical company, Toho Pharmaceutical, etc..
multinational enterprises should make full use of China's growing research and development capabilities, increased global sales channels and accelerate time to market
the past few years, many multinational companies have invested heavily in China to establish R & D center. taking into account the importance of the Chinese market and China's potential for innovation, multinational corporations should take the initiative to explore the innovation base in China increased R & D pipeline, clinical trials take full advantage of China's leading CRO capabilities and improve speed to market, accelerate product development.
multinational partners to implement effective strategies bio: 25
b based on the advantages: multinational research and development in China team should actively seek partners in China, including leading research institutions, biotechnology companies, and establish the ideal partner to seek win-win good reputation
b: to understand the unique demands of R & D institutions in China, such as academic research scientists to provide a more influential position
b appropriate alliance management: when partners began to work with global teams, to promote interaction with partners to reduce unnecessary conflicts, a leading multinational has entered
areas of strength in China, hoping to mine from the traditional Chinese medicine infectious diseases, biological agents in the drug, and using the Chinese hepatitis, cancer and other major diseases, population-based participation in global research and development.
manufacturing quality: companies must transform their manufacturing capacity in order to achieve more efficient, lower operating costs and better compliance when the GMP standard production
improve manufacturing quality and compliance to pharmaceutical companies is no longer a differentiation advantage, and become a prerequisite. If properly managed, high-quality harmony manufacturing not only will not increase the regulatory cost of doing business, on the contrary, higher productivity and lower operating costs will bring more business value.
leading pharmaceutical companies should have the following prerequisites in order to improve compliance and improve product quality:
b familiar with compliance requirements, wanting to enter the international market, it is particularly important: If Chinese enterprises want to enter the U.S. market, you need to be familiar with federal law CFR21 requirements and provisions of 210 (the current drug production, processing, packaging or preservation of production management practices) and operate. For example, they will need to consider how to meet the requirements of electronic batch records
b establish an effective quality management processes and systems: through the establishment of systems (including processes, facilities, etc. ) is particularly important to improve the quality, rather than focus only on a single product
b considered to complete the delivery of high quality organizations and personnel readiness
b using the appropriate, integrated IT systems to support document management, change control and real-time risk management, integrated IT system can also improve management efficiency, control and improve product quality and traceability
b cooperate with the FDA: FDA sought and established offices in China, the cooperation between
from a strategic, tactical and technical aspects of the structured approach of examining:
b strategy: risk assessment, identify failures, production risks and the underlying causes of income. This can help companies sort, to develop and identify best course of action to reduce risk program.
b tactics: the use of science, systems and technology to ensure product and process quality, and product product quality, efficacy and safety.
sales, marketing and distribution: to improve the channels and logistics management can help companies improve operational breadth, accuracy, economy, timely response and security
how to provide more reliable , higher quality and safer drugs are life sciences companies are facing challenges. in addition to the extension of an effective channel strategy and sales force management, pharmaceutical companies and medical distribution companies need to work closely with the effective management of channels and logistics.
the complexity of the Chinese market in sales and marketing at the right time to do, the correct information and data is passed to the right people is challenging. For example, enterprises in the new situation to be successful, needs and national, local Government to establish a solid relationship. marketing major hospitals in addition to the traditional objects of professional doctors, pharmaceutical companies gave the health care reform has brought primary health care work in the new target customers. The community health care and rural health facilities and clinics for the working characteristics of is very different.
enterprises are facing a major challenge is how to cost advantage in the two communities and rural areas to expand into new markets, the main consideration is shown in Figure 8.
to meet the market demand for these dynamic , Life Science Enterprise ...

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