Monday, May 30, 2011

Eternal magic prescription ( Dermatology )

1, skin itching: fresh chives and Taomi Shui, according to the weight of one to 10, with a good, the first two hours and then with boiling hot, to leek washed itches or bath, once effective, not washed with water passed away, one day, and even washing 3 days can be more.
2, psoriasis, tinea capitis, stubborn psoriasis: a pig, prick, the bile on a small bowl, add alum (such as soya bean), to be melted paint with bile affected area 2 times a day for 7 days. This side treatment of psoriasis for many years, the magic effect of stubborn psoriasis.
3, all kinds of dermatitis: a raw egg, vinegar in place the whole eggs soak for 7 days. Remove the egg and then coated with egg white to break the affected area, daily 2 - 3 times, 7 days can be more. Ji Jiu, spicy thing.
4, Scabies, malignant sore, sore unknown: the white feather a burning ash, into a paste with sesame oil, daily suffering outer coating 2 - 3 times, once every 5 - -7 days, excellent results.
5, eczema: a camphor ball, put half a catty vinegar dip 3 days, paint the affected area with vinegar 3 times a day to cure. Effects.
6, gall bladder, ulcer: a small group with a pipe down the oil (or smoked a cigarette filter tip 3), with the amount of water and mix thoroughly, coating the affected area 3 times a day, once every 3 to 5 days heal.
7, sweat stain ringworm: single head of garlic (or small garlic) smashed, wrapped with gauze, dipped in vinegar, rub the affected area (with a slight rub to the local heat tingling), three times a day , with 5 to 7 days.
8, flat warts: each with purslane * 20 grams (40 grams of fresh products), Radix * 15 grams, Jiantang bowl of Oral and leave a small amount of external application, a twice a day, once every 10 days. Divisible warts.
9, vitiligo: Take dew (preferably with a leek leaf dew) a pound, adding snake shell * 5 grams, into a jar, buried underground over a half months later removed, coated with water affected area three times a day, once a January-February. Can also be used purslane * 30 - 60 grams, a bowl of decoction taken orally, the second day.
10, hives, prickly heat: add appropriate amount of fresh leek juice, alum, painted the affected area every day, and rub to the skin, redness, fever, three times a day, 2 - 3 days Jiyu .
11, athlete's foot, I'm feeling: a pound of vinegar, add one or two of garlic, peeled, 1 alum money, soak in vinegar after 3 days with the hands, feet, a 5 minutes after immersion can wash away, one day, qd for 10 days, will not be issued.
12, hands, feet sweating: alum * 5 money, hot water, 2 pounds, with melted dipping hands and feet, a 10 minute stop its air dry after dipping, once daily, 5 days hands and feet sweat normal.
13, hand, foot and cracked (chapped, rough): a couple of raw suet or lard, add honey or sugar 3 money, even paint the hands and feet pounding, day 2 - 3 times 7 days may be more general. Then paint a few days later without recurrence.
14, frostbite is not broken: the 10 pointed pepper, ginger, half of the two, liquor half a catty, with the dip into the bottle 3 days after the beginning of frostbite, skin irritation itching when the paint on the affected area, day 5, there are special effects. Used ten days to eradicate half recovery, no recurrence.
15, frostbite has been broken: old cotton (the more the better old), burned ash, paint the affected area with sesame oil and mix thoroughly, three times a day, apply a good date, not at all.
16, Liriodendron wind, onychomycosis: vinegar 1 kg, add peeled garlic twelve, cigarettes, silk (ten), soaked in vinegar with two hands later, a 10 minutes , the second day, after dipping can be washed with water, once every 10 days have effects. (This side is best used in large dog days)
17, boil, boil, carbuncle (unknown swelling, pain, take back): raw potato mash, coated surface of the skin, cloth, Japan for once, usually 5 days can be more.
18, corn, wart: first, the external surface of the skin with a sharp knife to the old leather trimmed away. Cool and then coated with oil, fire, cigarettes smoked, to insist on a little pain when removed after the fireworks, the second day, once every 10 days, after a half months off not at all.
19, burns: live earthworms amount, add a little sugar into the water, coating the wound three times a day, once every few days are cool pain relief, tissue regeneration function, and will not leave scars , special effects.
20, Meteors, erysipelas (more patients in the lower limbs, skin redness, swelling, heat, pain accompanied by chills, fever, headache): the first one or two of fresh melon skin, burning bowl Oral and Waicha soup, twice a day for 5 days may be swelling and pain, clearing heat and detoxification.
21, mosquito bites (redness, itching): You can use garlic, ginger rub, or vinegar, toothpaste, salt water, cigarette ash and mix thoroughly coated by adding human saliva, can be immediately effective anti-itching, swelling detoxification.

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