Wednesday, January 26, 2011

100 teachers a good habit (to)

 Education used to chapter: to be a wise educator
1. Remember, a student one of the world:
Hamlin Chomsky). every student is a colorful and vastly different personality world. As a teacher, look for the good of each student's different personalities, take care of these lives, into the world their unique personality, to guide them and help, give acceptable and confirmed to be extended and developed, so that every student to enjoy the love of the sun and rain, in warm, moist environment to thrive. but not every single, uniform everywhere, always unity, A sure way to implement a simple, one appearance, an answer, leading to thousands of teaching a method, a mass side of uniformity. and excellent or good student underachiever headache should be treated equally, fair love. the sun belongs to every child, whether they are rich or poor, wise or mentally retarded; whether they are plain or ugly, or no expertise even mediocre. every student should be equal, free and full participation in the whole process of education, should be in the education process of learning to enjoy the happiness and joy.
2. be a teacher of sunshine:
what Teachers are teachers like the sun? those youthful, vibrant; with good image quality; with the spirit of innovation, Ganpin daring, positive, open and aboveboard; have their own way of education and education of teachers thought that the sun teacher. do teacher, a sun, with good teaching, hard intellectual person.
3. Teachers, please remember their names:
everyone value their name, students are no exception. remember the name of the student is respect to their personality, is of them as class members the recognition and approval. teachers can memorize and can at any time call out the names of the students, the students will feel won the respect of teachers will naturally have a sense of trust, intimacy, in the In this case, the teachers often better teaching results. remember their names, reflect the habits of education; remember the names of the students, teachers and students is the emotional bond of communication; remember the names of the students, the education fair embodiment; remember their names can promote the formation of the Student Health Psychology; remember their names can be added to student teachers a sense of trust, intimacy, learn the reason. a means of success. education and teaching activities for students have the patience or the extent of a patient how to faithfully reflect the degree of self-cultivation of a teacher. Therefore, patience is an important quality of a teacher is one aspect of ethics training. CULTIVATION , serve as role models, teachers in particular need to have patience. to remained calm, not angry at the trouble, at the busy not impatient, can only go with the flow. enlighten them with reason, and emotionally moving, well-meaning, have taken the trouble, make the best use. avoid simple and crude, instant success, students in mind hobby. When students make mistakes that is to blame in this, if we are to has the power. empathy for teachers to develop good habits, change their role from time to time, parents and students stood in the angle of empathy. only empathy to the causes and effects of events, context and nature of the trend of a more comprehensive and more objective grasp in order to ensure to make their own objective, scientific judgments and choices. understand empathy are broad-minded, smart, intelligent people, empathy for teachers to understand many things in the handling of chess than others before a move, came out on top.
6. Control your emotions:
changes in mood affect their work and life. emotional intelligence (EQ) relates to the success or failure to recognize a good, good regulation, encouraging their own emotions and avoid emotional, moody. when aware of their emotional problems, the first step is to identify because, if it is physical reasons, it would have to follow the physical laws, to ensure adequate sleep, adhere to regular exercise, proper diet, maintaining a positive attitude. Do not make things boring in the heart, and tell about my colleagues, and friends exchange with , you will become very easy. in like mad before the next decades, or take a deep breath, you may want to relax. to remain open-minded attitude. cheerful open-minded teachers and students more narrow the distance between create a harmonious and relaxed teaching atmosphere, contribute to improving the quality of teaching. In short, teachers are engineers of human souls, should try to manage their emotions, to open-minded, cheerful, positive and optimistic attitude towards the health of teaching, their students, rather than to fear, anxiety, irritable, angry, passive, decadent and other negative emotions affect their own to defeat their own.
7. talk is an art:
talk, is an art, should be based on the psychological characteristics of different types of students to heart-touching students in emotional ways, through the medium of language, to really communicate heart to heart, so that students accepted in the pleasant atmosphere of education in a relaxed and harmonious comprehend situations where reason, understanding the emotional exchange gain psychological balance . in this way can the emotional communication between teachers and students set up a Love is the basis of division, in addition to attention to the timing, methods, objects, but also from the reality of students, from the little things in life focus, getting from here to point, and through the most essential point, by analogy, and strive to have every conversation to talk sublimation, in order to play the biggest education teachers and students talk performance. :
There is a very simple way of education, it can satisfy this desire of students to enable students to maintain a good mood and status, and feel the warmth of sunlight, so full of confidence and hope! that is m Praise! praise students, a teacher from the heart of the students respect. praise the students, teachers can allow students to experience his attention and care; praise students, teachers can also help students gain the trust and love. praise is a magic, praise is an appreciation of education, is a kind of emotional investment, is encouraging people to make up, proactive a genius, you can destroy a genius. Fire claims, the torch can ignite the hearts of the students to find confidence in life and struggle of the beacon. incentive for students to be the big picture, and begin with a change in thinking, a number of ways to motivate the specific and subtle in sublimation. In short, If teachers are just some of the conventional excitation method used, such as the famous saying incentives, material incentives, the incentive to praise and praise, etc., are not sub-objects, regardless of time, regardless of settings, then the final results achieved will be more weak, less and less influence and persuasion. a change in thinking and encourage students, might achieve an unexpected effect.
10. to the people like it, ugly children, and love is the real love ugly, so the sky is extremely broad; mountain shelter every stone, regardless of their size, so the magnificent mountains; sea spray accept every one, regardless of their voicing, it is extremely vast sea. understanding, can the mind off the dark clouds of special students, to bring sunshine. learn to appreciate, in order to eliminate low self-esteem for special students, give them hope. to make every life in the sun, spread the love to each student, non-discriminatory and just treat each student, the special love to the students in particular have a special reward. is the soil, it can be fired brick; a stone, it will be tempered into a steel; is gold, glory to release it! < br> 11. look forward to a deeper love:
teachers to love students, students have expectations, and to this expectation into the process of ideological education, after a period of time, effort, these students often as teachers expect continued progress (the famous grade teacher Li Gong). every student from the heart, are hoping to get the teacher's positive, praise, encouragement, and thus the success of the experience, get psychological satisfaction. Therefore, the expectations of teachers to students to a large extent to promote the improvement of student character. In fact, a very distinguished student teachers who expect them to do better, teachers hope that students can actively caring teachers under the influence causing positive change. teachers look forward to of the language, look forward to sexual behavior, expectations of classroom assessment can infect incentives to promote the advancement of students, and thus obtain a strong desire to succeed active.
12. prestige, education, the potential power:
of the Soviet Union Educators like Markov increasingly formed so that students feel respected and trusted by a probation. understood the minds of students to teachers in the prestige and credibility. prestige and dignity of difference, dignity is often fueled by indifference, rebuke, punishment set up. authority is by words and deeds convey, is a subtle but deep heart's like, beloved, or worship. we often see, with a requirement made by the prestigious teachers and students to easily accepted; the contrary, is not high from the credibility of the teachers suggested that students not easy to accept. how to establish credibility? without virtue no prestige, no it had no prestige, no love no prestige, no letter had no prestige, no strict no prestige, no Wei inaction.
13. just, is respect for the students:
poor hundred thousand other students, have a different personality, ability differences between high and low intelligence, conduct a top to bottom, rich and poor families. teachers of each student to maintain the same attitude, not their own feelings of likes and dislikes, favor, sheltered part of the students, contempt, indifference to another part of the students, nothing more than the injustice resulting from emotional numbness in the mind of the more child abuse. responsibility and moral obligation, but also teachers, teacher, set a good example of the important content. teachers, justice, selflessness, kindness, integrity, enabling students and teachers exchanges reasonable and fair experience, making them the basis for the growth of health psychology conducive to influence and motivate students to truth, goodness and beauty pursuit of excellent quality of training; helpful in getting the trust and respect of students, health education activities in the formation of the situation; arousing the enthusiasm of the students, and initiative. On the contrary, teachers favoritism and injustice, will bring the students to lose a sense of fairness, resulting in feelings of depression and mental imbalance, bruising motivated students to learn and requires enthusiasm, thus affecting the confidence of students to teachers, the school's trust, even trust of the community is not conducive to the health of students and excellent quality of training.
14. do students close friends:
. teacher's labor is the emotional impact of students, found that behavioral problems and guide the students, a student friend. Lu Xun already said, their children's education, said: Some. Welcome to Wikipedia, which is vast. Tolerance is a baton, she passed humanity, passing power. tolerance is a remarkable magnanimity, tolerance and acceptance is Duirenduishi. Tolerance is the light of love, is relieved of others, but also for their kindness. tolerance is bridges of understanding, faith is the cornerstone of it; tolerance is a fragrant flower, friendship is its fruit. tolerance is a kind of beauty, like a rainbow in the sky after the storm; tolerance is a force, supporting people to get through the beginning of winter frost of winter, hope to Spring in March; tolerance is a charm, a forgiving heart to bring out a fascinating personality. this world wherever and whenever required tolerance, learned tolerance, your vision will become broader, more beautiful, you life will be full of sunshine.
16. Education requires strict:
love of students is the same. embodied in the strict division into love, no division is not strictly an expression of love, the name of love, but in reality harm it. to grasp the ; strict Love is not just meticulous care, and certainly not arbitrary spoiled, right and wrong indulgence. in the education process, can not be too spoiled eugenics, eugenics fault of turning a blind eye turn a blind eye, and made a small mistake on the underachiever is tight, and strict. This will make eugenics weaken self-control, moral decline, while less advanced students because teachers deal with the problem is not fair and aversion, antagonism, and thus lost confidence in learning and activities. Therefore, we must bear in mind ; strict teachers produce outstanding students, Icy heart of the city, the seas gang dry, barren mountains of to discover the strengths of others, and from the heart to admit it. consciously scholars to make up our own weaknesses. life, everyone wants to feel appreciated, which in fact is to get others to their own recognition. It also can practices of others to express my sincere appreciation of the compliment. appreciate others is also a wisdom. you pay a compliment, it not only will not damage self-esteem, the opposite will also gain the friendship and cooperation, and compliment the process of correction is actually selfish and narrow-minded jealousy The process to develop demeanor.
18. the students come first:
Student-based, all students, for all students, for students of all. the students first, teachers To believe that every student has their own talents, abilities, interests and power. to believe that the hearts of every student are willing to accept the good things. to believe that each student in the teacher's concern for education to become a useful person . take the classroom to the students, so that renewal of life and vitality of the classroom; the classes to the students, so that growth of the class is full of flavor; to create back to the student, the challenges to education, full of wisdom; the spiritual development of the initiative to the students, so that School is full of vitality.
19. Active greeting students:
students and teachers are not do not want to say hello, many times they can not determine whether the teacher knew him, fear and teachers greeted the teacher did not respond or cold after the perfunctory and awkward. Therefore, to improve teacher-student relationship, a student's close friends, teachers, teachers must complete a shelf down, so its teachers and students are equal. take the initiative to say hello to the students no harm? In fact, the teacher gave the initiative to greet, would like a strand breeze brushed the hearts of students worries, so refreshing; teachers gave the initiative to greet, would like a clear spring bleeding, wash away the dirt bottom of my heart, so heart Tianqing Run; teachers gave the initiative to greet, would like a handful of moonlight, grazing their free spirit, a sudden and devastating self-confidence, self-courage. Teachers and students should take the initiative to say hello, Huaikang the heart, often line the road to its becoming a student mentor, the students really get the respect.
20. regular communication with parents:
family is the child's first school, the parents of the child's first teachers, parents directly affect the behavior of the child's thinking, behavior, cognitive behavior of parents of children more specific and profound; students of ethics, behavior and attitude, the quality of learning and health status in large part with the family environment are closely linked, family education, the growth of the children play a decisive role, while the students played a leading role in education, school education must also to obtain support and cooperation of parents. This channels affect the growth of the students. Therefore, communication between teachers and parents is very important. For the love of children is a common basis of communication. teachers and parents is to communicate a common goal, that is, education, good boy. a common love of the parents and closer to the teachers, so home-school communication more natural touch contact.
21. a day to reflect on their own:
think is a good habit, it is the essence of tradition, remove the dross, and carries wisdom. think the crux of the problem can resolve conflicts, make clear the rigid way of thinking, it became clear to build new thinking and ideas. American psychologist, teacher growth Posner proposed the formula: Experience + Reflection = Growth. On the contrary, if a Teachers not satisfied merely to gain experience thinking on the depth of experience, then, even if there is any improvement. experts believe that they are the experts to handle their own problems. in their daily work, we did not realize there is no reflection of teaching behavior and philosophy of education, in the process of reflection, can in theory have a deep level of understanding, so that teachers hidden in educational thought in my mind to activate.
teaching habits papers: a charismatic teacher
22. innovation, teach personality:
classroom teaching is an art, different teachers in the classroom will different interpretation of the appeal and artistic effect, despite the provisions of relevant teaching materials and contents and requirements, but there is no fixed lines, to give teachers classroom full of space, you can run free, and free exploration. Innovation is the creative thinking , is to find, develop their own unique new ideas, creating a new style full of personality. As a teacher, in teaching knowledge and innovation to be bold to try to form its own distinct personality of teaching. be innovative, will have individualized instruction; no innovative teachers, there is no individual teaching. First, the design unique, personalized teaching ideas. idea novel, unique, fantastic and eclectic. The second is to seek unique, personalized art of teaching. Teaching art is not to teach, but to encourage, inspire, and guide. teachers in your grade is not and different teaching methods touching together, form a line with the actual personality of teachers teaching style to students in teaching character education to generate the maximum effect. Fourth, the individual show, eclipsing the quality of teaching. teaching high starting point, the way New, high grade, is teaching the art of personal expression. is the premise of high quality teachers to create a harmonious, pleasant learning environment and atmosphere. Meanwhile, we must establish rapport, mutual understanding of the teacher-student relationship.
23. adhere to the individual lesson planning:
the success of teaching, 85% from the default before class (teacher. Jinjia Yan). teaching is an art to prepare for class is to improve the basic conditions of art. how to achieve a real sense of personality of lesson planning? m Si Xia their teacher preparation that teachers preparing lessons a particular point of highlighting the whole life. Each student interested in the intrinsic qualities and character are different, the strength of different IQ, hobbies and needs are different, they insist on teaching the reality, not superstition l books r, individualized, Road Erfu led the students in learning to really play the role of ownership, personality and expertise to be fully developed. , textbooks, teaching equipment teaching m the root r. Yu Yi out that reading, writing, listening and speaking training. teach the law without titration, choice of what method is most effective, teachers can give full play to their wisdom, can be imaginative.
24. can not be ignored pre-class preparation :
inadequate understanding of pre-class preparation, leading to a direct consequence of that is causing the classroom waste. lessons to prepare themselves before the teachers have their own in addition knowledge of relevant disciplines of literacy, and other relevant disciplines such basic literacy teaching methods, the more important the grasp of the material, the design of the course, which is the core work of preparation before class. Teachers guided students to prepare for is the knowledge by the teachers in preparation, mental preparation and the preparation of learning materials. Teachers should a Good Lecture not difficult, as long as the pre-class attention to detail, attention to implicit lesson preparation, carefully, prepare thoroughly, everyone on a good course, can make the classroom glow of life. rainy day, being prepared ; asked, asked the police , we found that some rules of self-teaching. after-school classes in the finish, take the initiative to participants in the classes (including experts, peers, students, etc.) asked their feelings and classroom improvements.
26. have the courage of teaching:
some teachers often teaching The pain can not be found for teaching the design of an appropriate entry point for all students in the classroom can not arouse enthusiasm for learning, teaching can not be made fast for the wise guidance, the painstaking education do not see even the corresponding results hh Teach no more courage. American teacher education experts Parker b Palmer in his they often encounter many difficulties and, therefore, feelings of helplessness and fear. They want to succeed, and to pay a lot, but often had to face failure. departure from the ideal and the reality, it will lose courage. teaching teachers to use their own talent to play the unique advantages of self, leads students to explore the essence of the process. teachers is that teachers in teaching writing self, self identity, self-perfection. the self is to be developed, the potential of the self is to be achieved. is the source of outstanding teaching mind rather than the other teachers. Teachers back the true and real me, to have the courage to keep an open mind, open mind to the wisdom of enlightenment of students, enhancing students the value of life to open hearts open classroom was shy; to wealth of knowledge, skill teaching, strengthen self-confidence to control the classroom. This will have a teaching of to support the use of appropriate teaching methods, knowledge and ability to reach, process and methods, attitudes and values of three-dimensional targets. goal is to make the ultimate goal of teaching all students to achieve desired goals. obtained by the standard evaluation feedback, teaching and can reflect goals gap, in order to take timely corrective measures to promptly remedy the situation. This helps reduce the academic burden on students, but also conducive to a large area to improve teaching quality.
28. refine your classroom:
classroom activities that by several aspects (or the said section) to form, while the links and plates are the details from the one posed. the details, though small, was able to transmission out of the big ideas of education, great wisdom, therefore, must be inseparable from the successful teaching open exciting details. attention to detail can improve the teaching quality of teaching, to promote the rationalization of teaching, wisdom, sophistication. Teaching times will be teaching the details of the bright spot, as the opening point of thinking of the students to become difficult to break the point of teaching, learning habit correction point, the end result of quality training. see the spirit in subtle, in the details at the Jiangong Li, fine details of the classroom from the fine.
29. ahead of three minutes into the classroom:
teachers to advance into the classrooms, easy to do pre-class preparation, but also to remind students quiet. (grade teacher in the Yongzheng) teachers have become accustomed to marching into the classroom ringtones. If this time is the negative attitude of teachers, teachers themselves will be directly affected level of play, but also affect the emotions of students, thus affecting the classroom teaching. If the mentality of teachers at this time of tension, then the teachers into the classroom will have a sense of distraught, teaching programs, there may be chaos, resulting in classroom out of control, even obvious mistakes. even if this time is calm state of mind of teachers, student performance is also possible to break the peace of mind of teachers. bring unexpected gains.
30. with a smile into the classroom:
is a very special job, but need to play a charming smile. teachers must face every day is a yearning for a vision of the future and the students, their words and deeds of the students are subtle education. facing students, teachers A smile can make them feel that the teacher's heart and their heart to heart. teachers into the classroom with a smile, give students a strong affinity, and this affinity for a certain charm to the teacher doubled. will also give students tremendous interest in learning and motivation, no doubt, smile may be improved quality of teaching. a lot of good teachers, although the appearance of different but who has that kind of unforgettable smile. her smile was like a warm, reminder that the wisdom of the buds to open students; that smile as a link between students and teachers to communicate the mind; that her smile was like a bugle, give students the confidence and strength, that smile is like the sun, to arouse the students ideals! smile is a kind of appreciation, a kind of encouragement, a belief, an energy, a caring, kind hearted, a tolerance, a happy experience, a poetic enjoyment.
31. class with passion :
classroom teaching, the participation of students with passion, the desire to have knowledge, have expressed the desire to have the wisdom of the Smart, will lead students to deep insights and unique experience. the educational needs of passion. because education is the soul of dialogue is affiliated social activities in order to shock the heart the heart to emotional intelligence. teachers need passion. because the passion to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to activate the classroom, to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning so that students are teaching subjects you have interest. to teachers in classroom teaching to show the passion, inspired feelings of desire for learning; teacher intentions to pursue the cause of education, full of enthusiasm for lifelong learning of students. without passion can not wake up sleeping people, without passion will not inspire and only a passion to generate passion. education for life and beauty, class and wonderful because of the passion!
32. rostrum to the students to:
new curriculum reform requires us from the rostrum, to the students to This is not only an update on the concept, it is the role of teachers a conversion. only from the rostrum of our teachers, into the students, the students understand the social, family background, individual differences, interests, mental change, development characteristics, we have the basis to get along with students, we can build a new type of teacher-student relationship, and promote our teaching. from the rostrum, to the students to go down not only the body, and soul have to follow down and went to the students, and communication with students, and students with activities, and students learning together, so that students feel the teacher approachable, students can be teachers as their friends, what if, what would you say. only narrow the gap between the division distance students, students will be in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere and better learning. We Only teachers from the rostrum, to the students to go to a childlike innocence and students compatible with the world about their hearts, a student's friends , students will learn in a happy, happy to grow.
33. classroom more and more default . encourage students to develop effective learning is a powerful tool, its basic function and role is mainly manifested in two aspects: first, through a specific situation, activate the students awareness of the problem, the formation of learning based on problem solving tasks, which started to ask questions, analysis of the total is always the learning activities and resolution; Second, through a specific problem scenario, the problem ...

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