Monday, February 28, 2011

Chang educational experience to the reform of the Enlightenment

 July 30 morning, the famous scientist, president of Shanghai University, died in Shanghai Qian Wei-chang. For chang youth schooling experience, major media has been repeatedly mentioned.
Here, allow the author of this experience spend a certain length to go into the entrance mm18 years old, the chang mathematics, physics, chemistry and English, a total of 25 test points. including physical exam, only 5 minutes, never learned English, test 0. The Fortunately, relying on results of Arts (Chinese language and history of the two 100), passed the examinations Tsinghua University. he followed the recommendations of Qian, choose to attend Tsinghua University Department of History. into the history of the next day, the length from the radio after hearing the news, took the decision: I do not read history, and I want to build aircraft and artillery school. At first, Wu, director, Department of Physics has received training do not want him, but could not help Weichang entanglement, Wu has made training to let Weichang probation one year, if the chemical, physical examination and a high number are more than 70 minutes to allow him to transfer into a department.
this experience, it is food for thought. put on today, chang Chinese, history, mathematics , chemistry, physics, English, score only 225 points, the absolute line can not be achieved even the specialist, never expect to enter the Tsinghua University; and more incredible is that the physical only 5 points Weichang, actually Head through lobbying, into the Physics! was put on a completely different path in life.
chang after the death of emotion in public opinion, Mr. Xuesen died that day, when he was Minister of Education Zhou Ji outgoing; Qian Weichang died the day before, China's at least and university enrollment and management system related training. In China's Multiple admission personnel selection mechanism enrollment, would stifle opportunities for poor families, children advance in school. So, to restore public confidence in university enrollment independently, must be the key to the reform. However, the performance of universities is how it? today's Tsinghua University, and Qian Weichang in school that Tsinghua University, the school has the same reputation and public trust it? why the university can do at that time, but today's universities can not do it?
As for the students to develop management, the existing enrollment system is radish a hole even more difficult. Qian Weichang school in the era of professional and transfer switch is essentially normal, listening to the masters of that time out of school stories, often seen from a university to a university experience.
the birth of the master need to have the appropriate environment. Mr. Qian Xuesen issued during his lifetime, school and society, between disciplines, between teaching and research, teaching and learning among the to find ready-made answers. rather than imagined, what a brilliant idea to the development of education.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Yang Zhuo Yong Nano measures and measures

 Must go to Tibet to travel Zhuo Yong Nano measures and initiatives to see the sheep, as the two lakes, the three holy lakes in Tibet which was listed as Nano measures is the day the meaning of the lake, because it is 4718 meters above sea level.
Namtso in Damxung and Nagqu county, far away from La Sabi is the second largest saltwater lake in China, is the world's highest large lakes, it is the rectangular area, looking like a river, the water depth of 33 meters, the lake is the third pole of the Himalayas formed depression movement, south of the lake is the Nyainqentanglha mountain snow, because clouds too more, sometimes can not see, the lake surrounded by grassland and hills surrounded by lush, rich in animal resources.
changing climate on the plateau, west of the east sunrise rain, while black skies, see the sun for a while to disperse the clouds . I went to Tibet in 1993, is one such time, sitting on a car flew in the road, underground heavy rain splashed the sky, not far from the sun in front of that blue sky days, the soon to open to the sky car, the blink of an eye Also open to the clouds below, is a burst of heavy rain. to open when passed a dry river bed, came back full of river water, had to detour, but now the road has been very good repair, this situation is rare .
Yang Zhuo Yong measures referred to as the Sheep Lake, the feeling is the most beautiful lakes in Tibet, and it is located in Shannan Prefecture, is only 100 kilometers away from Lhasa, and its height is 4441 meters, to see many photos are taken back beautiful, of course, if the sky goes to feel more momentum out.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Venerable Master Buddha's merit

 The next day Master
of you, gentlemen, fellow practitioners:
yesterday Buddhist teaching we will target the nature of the content, brief introduction to come out, because we know Foshui Fa teaching machine, and everyone is limitless, root is limitless Therefore, we must lease Fo Yuefa beings of the machine; in other words, we must make all beings are the interests of the former to be Most Excellent.
world we also observe a principle of teaching, learning process. If we have learned in their daily lives do not have access, this academic is not true. dharma in fact, also more realistic than this, that is, Buddhism to us, we must we can now benefit from, now get the benefits of, otherwise, we learned to do it What?
root not the same each and every being, wisdom is not the same, different habits, in other words, our needs are different, so Foyue Fa had also limitless. All in all, the Buddha to all living beings full of desire, which point is very great, really impressive. so there is the key to limitless, which means if there is a school, the school which opened many departments, in order to suit different students, different desires and let him choose Such further studies will be able to be happy, so further studies is a very happy thing, we study music in China Gu Renjiang l ', there is joy in learning them.
not like we are, we now feel bitter when the students , and even with their interests, hobbies are not the same, seems to have been forced to learn, not willing, reluctantly, the learning is painful, and this is the problem system, and now the school is based on test scores to be distributed to your department's , not according to your wishes. we do not follow the Dharma score is based on desire, learn what you like Dharma, Buddha Dharma give what you say, this is our infinite wisdom and see the Buddha's infinite compassion.
So we know, all the Dharma Buddha says not to teach us all to learn, just as the same school, the school opened by the department, not to teach a student's completion of all of it, did not mean it is in which you choose. Shizundangnian alive Jiaoxue that is no problem, any one of his students to see the Buddha to ask for help, have the ability to view the Buddha machine, his ability to observe what you are root, you are not only his situation before understand your past lives, life after life situation, he knew, so great opportunity to say a few words enlighten, enlightenment of students, and understand, this is where we see many, many classic. Buddha Miedu after Buddha was teaching the students for living beings, for human beings, there are great benefits to society, if this teaching was to a great pity if the lost, so many students reached a consensus, the Buddha taught that year, the assembly to be transmitted to future generations. < br> This is a very heavy workload, the Blessed One year of teaching and not writing books, there is no quiz for student notes, is particularly so in the build-up, please Ananda, Buddhist disciples which he is the longest follow the Buddha, Ananda was the Buddha's servant, lord lifetime, every time he preached to the present, not even a monk Ananda years ago when the Buddha says of the classics, the Buddha of the Ananda said that one person can repeat it again, so A Venerable difficult teaching in the Buddha among the forty-nine, he heard what is the most complete, of course, Buddha gave him a mission, you build the future they must take the classic.
memory of his strengths is very good will never forget listening to it again, he has the ability to repeat the Buddha repeat once again talking about at the time, made it very complete, speak no mistake, this is among his disciples, he has the talent. so in the build-up through Tibet, everyone re about to push Ananda, please tell Ananda Shengzuo complex, a complex of a talk by, and elect some people to record, and another five hundred Arhat, are students at Blessed One, ask them to listen, ask them to testify, see Ananda talked about, we do not agree with, if there is one comment, that this sentence should be deleted, everyone must agree that everyone in favor of, which can be recorded. So today, we see the first sentence of l Rushiwowen classic ', this l I' is the Ananda himself, is personally listen to Buddha Ananda, the Buddha how to say, how he would say, to record the call so that l Classic ', the classic is so popular in India down. and build a total of four times as much, the first Ananda assembly, which impress. After a long time to the Buddha, the last off the assembly in the Buddha degree of four hundred years, the duration of time passed, and who then good memory? then handed down some of the classic problems inevitably, this is all we have to know.
so good school, people will learn to grasp the principle, the total control program, it will not be much wrong. who will not learn it very troubled, and persistent in the scriptures, perseverance in the text, which is very distressed. Buddha, the case can be said for the later is very clear, very clear, so the Buddha said that his shipment of three stages, the Fa-rectification, such as law, degenerated. Dhamma a thousand, a thousand years after Buddha Miedu been transmitted to educate the public practice of the principle, generally there will not be wrong ; Although many sub-sects, but there is no problem, learning can be Duanfan Nao, able to wisdom, to permit fruit bits. But after a thousand years, the second method a thousand times as called l ', which l like' is l like ', and gradually degenerate, the more mass the more correct method, there is something wrong inside inclusions.
Buddhism spread to China, just a thousand Buddha Mieduo, that Buddhism is the end of the Dhamma, such as law came to China early Fortunately, the law is like the beginning. The Chinese translation by the work in the past whether it is transportation, personnel, material, printing and distribution have all the inconvenience and many of the restrictions, the founder of ancient times Dade, the spirit of perseverance that they deserve our respect, to overcome the many difficulties, the Sanskrit classics translated into Chinese, this work from the Later Han Dynasty, has been to the Song Dynasty, the time lasted eight years.
Song after the turn the by, that very little volume to the eight hundred years, in other words, Chinese is the classic era of Buddha's image to be completed, like the law started early in the work of scriptures. After the Chinese classics translated into our future generations have a question when I had to keep a Buddhist this question, then spread to China, India, the number of classical Sanskrit many, though transportation is very developed, is still a lot coming from one part of the India's senior monks came to China as a missionary, the other part is the Chinese monks came to the West to study, there is the most excellent achievements, of you know that this monk.
they return home from India with a large number of Sanskrit classics, brought it back, not fully translated, but in which the choice, of course, is to choose the best, most suitable for further studies on the Chinese people, so there are not many of the classic translation. Therefore, we in China > the original it? the original classic that have gone? Why not save passed down? leaving only the Chinese translation of the original lost. I am Mr. Fang Dongmei Buddhism was introduced, and he introduced me to Buddhism I once asked him this question, we Sanskrit classics have gone? side first say a word, to put at least makes sense, his remark has no basis, I do not know, must have l Naturally ', not necessarily according to him. He told me: l we are turning classical Chinese and Sanskrit for the compare if the words of our translation more than the original, the first meaning was the correct turn, the second text, the text than the Sanskrit word presentation skills but also beautiful. very ancient Chinese self-confidence, reading Buddhist scriptures read our translation can be, and do not need to read Sanskrit. ', how you look at the tone, think about was full of sense. former Chinese self-confidence heart is strong, unlike the Chinese now, for the complete loss of national self-confidence lost, think they will not work, all foreigners line, this is a big mistake, so be sure to restore confidence in the nation, this nation will have a future. Therefore, the first of these parties, I think the right is full justified, although he did not say based on, but very good and always answered our question.
So for the Chinese must have confidence in the translation, translations, of course there are better or worse, turned by the dojo talents to many, especially the attack on the literary attainments, and it turned out, the text on the beautiful, if less talent, the book may be translated in the text Comparing almost, it is that we now start to see that the Buddhist scriptures. Again there are many translations of the translation also appeared, as we know the familiar. translation was only one. different translations of the content we have to observe carefully, very similar, so any book is good, are very rare. if we do research, and not to do further studies, we mainly a book Other translations of a reference, so that we reach a full understanding of the classic, which is a translation of a variety of research work of our people who really do help.
classic Pure Land, we chose this method to repair the school, in the many Famennian inside, we have chosen the Pure Land, why did he choose the Pure Land? that there are two factors: The first factor is the root of our own, and we are now living environment before, so that we can not afford studied under other sectarian cumbersome academic. any one sect, which have been on a lot of practice approach is not simple, we at this time, it hard to adapt to that. The Pure Land is simple, it is a classic by one of only three, but three of the weight by a very little, so very suitable for us. Although Gu Dade added the two, this is we want to know. So now the Pure Land of the Pentateuch, the Five Classics how come? is enshrined and worshiped Wei Lay, he will Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra willing goods Germany and India will be the old Master of light, two hundred and sixty words attached to the two hundred and forty four by four words, the Pure Land is called the Five Classics l ', the Pentateuch is it came from. these five things are not long, are short, five OECD and India together , is but one such thin, based upon our theory on the Pure Land so much, that for us is too convenient.
and Pure Land of the Buddhas of all praise, when we are not beginners know, to further clear by the possession before suddenly; initially did not think highly of the Dharma, Dharma is later discovered that this practice permits fruit, supreme Dharma, the real incredible, if not in depth by the possession of you, you do not know, ah, do not know this good methods of practicing, which is now before the living environment, we fit the Famennian. Another reason is to comply with the teachings of the Buddha. Buddha destroyed in the entry to tell you before, he said that his shipment of a twelve thousand years, ten thousand two thousand years later, this world is not Buddhism, Buddhism disappeared. Dhamma, he said a thousand, a thousand years as the law, the Dharma Ending a thousand years, then in accordance with Chinese historical records, this year is out after the three thousand and two years of the Buddha, other words words, we degenerated a million years, the beginning of the second millennium, there should be nine years later. all these years is very popular in the West the ancient prophecy that 1999 West is the end of the world, but from Buddhism is concerned, there are nine Buddha shipment of thousands of years, this is not the end, definitely not end, we are assured, but there may be a disaster, said that too severe a doom.
precepts of Buddha Dhamma time achievements in the During the Fa-rectification cultivation in accordance with the Buddha's precepts to be able to permit fruit, pure and honest heart. like law school during the repair according to the precepts can not be achieved, to repair meditation, meditation achievement; it seems we have been proven in China, Buddhism is in the image method time to spread to China, in China a thousand years, if it according to Chinese history, Buddhism is officially in the latter years of the Han Yongping spread to China, AD sixty years, a total of nineteen hundred years now, and this is image method for a thousand years later, a thousand years later degenerated. so very Zen Chinese sheng, because, like France during the meditation achievements, achievements of the Pure Land Dharma-Ending Period, which is Buddha in the modern look this passage, like the Buddha's prophecy, we lived in the degenerated time, in accordance with the guidance of the Buddha, we have built the Pure Land school, which is not contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.
because these two factors, we decided to choose this path to enlightenment, the Dharma is the most important of the classic The only repeat once again that all, but only We now see seven lost, leaving only five, and now close the It is great inside and out, it can be concluded is not an original version; an original translation, even though there are many different translations, but Buzhi Yu is very different, will be similar. These five book out too, concluded that not once that is preached many times, so have a different original Sanskrit, which we should pay special attention to this experience of Buddha enlightenment of our beings, his special care for the Dharma, Dharma in particular the Most Excellent of course, especially in the The hundred years later, read the sentence name, had a great interest. This is the Dharma in all inside, we understand that it's Most Excellent, the interests of its true merit.
version since so many, access is so big that further studies on the ancient difficult, because some meaning, this book has, that the book does not; some mean, that book there, which book did not, so should have read all five of the original version, which was complete by the righteous. Now easy, five book you can get, in ancient times than done, so think of the ancient collection of talent this. first time compiled a collection of the Song Dynasty, Wang Long Shu Jushi, this very position in our Buddhist community, and he also really very old practice achievements, he is standing Buddha died away, so has been in circulation now, it's called Korean translation, some important scriptures are the other four are not, so long Shu Jushi this translation by the lack of justice there, or not complete, it is regrettable. It can be seen together is necessary, that should be, if the collection of should not happen, the dragon reborn Shu Jushi how can it stand? His Holiness to give us proof of their own experiences, this collection should be, for the inheritance of Pure Land there is some contribution, this credit can not be buried. because he The book has gaps, so the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, Peng Shao-liter Lay, which is a very great man, is he, indeed is the Buddha to come back. to say now, he is of noble birth, the general talk among the children of l 'His father was Emperor Qianlong Bingbushangshu, is now secretary of defense, that means he is of noble birth.
this person very smart, twenties to the Scholars, twenties is two years old, as now passed the qualifying exam In that time, the highest degree Scholars, we are now the equivalent of a doctorate. He served a short time an official, an official of his family is not rich, and in Buddhism there is a remarkable achievement, he went to study Buddhism . He of to health to be a monk armor section of this book, the difficult to read, delete duplications, to do an abridged book, section very well, reading really is very smooth, very comfortable to read, teach people, and he gave it does A comment, , just introduced, he Long Wang Shu's book than to improve much more, this is a good collection. spread soon, and India for the old Master of light, and Long Wang Wei Yuan Shu's book has a criticism of you in the that there are quite a few articles critical of both the book, but you look carefully, not against his old Master collection, is opposed to his collection there are inappropriate.
anything wrong be? together and Translating different, Translation can use their own words the meaning of discretion; collection can not, brings together the most important thing is to take it to the original, it can not change a word, you change it to the word casually, of course, Long Wang Shu reform there is no problem, than to change original well; Wei was no problem to change, they really are asking the University family, ways of the world Buddhism are accessible, change is good, but old Master said, if you open the client, then the people can not read, he also casually change each individual change, to change to change to that later spread to Buddhist can stay to see it? can not open this case, the original looks like, you have to use the original word, sentence by sentence can not be changed, you can rearrange , five to the original version can be re-combination, but can not change a word, this is very important. Long Wang Shu's book which changed the word, Wei Yuan's book is also guilty of this fault, this situation, of you look at the pool this summer lotus in front of home Mei Guangyi old lay in a preface, the preface is very long, have said, the pool can not change a word.
because of this reason, the old home lay Xialian twenty years in the Republic of the heart and re-collection, this book is that we are now. He completed this book is a collection of three years, equal to three-year retreat, which the sixth product, that is, l Fat vows' Forty-eight willing, this section of scripture to use the three months, and There are two assistants, one Huiming old monk, it was the Chinese Buddhist monks, were pass through to teach in Taiwan Huiming old and still record the discovery, a thin booklet, it seems was also very wide circulation . There is also a light Xi Mei Buddhist, three cooperation, with three months, bringing together Forty-eight verse is willing to, you know their intentions, they caution.
so this book came out, first to boat should be the kind Master, Chi Zhou, great admiration for the Master to see this book to use this book in Jinan began to speak, but his subjects were sentenced. This Section sentence, I went to Beijing, Huang Nianzu there is an old scholar, which is among the survivors of the Cultural Revolution was not burned, so I put it to Taiwan, copy the Now the book is divided into Forty-eight items, which is one after another after another amendment, the amendment again and again, ten years into the current revision of this book before, it took years of effort before the final version, the book now in circulation, the old summer Lay a decade of work with, ah, is not easy.
this book came out, India passed away the old Master of light, so the old Indian did not see this book, if the old to see this book printed, may nod: l This book brings together quite well, can flow out. ', the ancient collection of those shortcomings came completely changed, to be sure every word is the original text did not change a word, and the choice is very appropriate, indeed the original version of five master of, when the monks were all that this book is The argument, preaching benefit students, he has two students in Taiwan, but we all respect, is still the old Master Repentance clouds, there is a source of the late Venerable Road; so I kindly bring back the old sub-families, If you had said this by a problem, channel sources the old monk, Repentance goes the old Master have recognized this by the Master says, and give it as a sub-families, which, what problem? is enough to let us play with this confidence by Bunsen , so this is the real magic, we can not face missing.
my own after this thirty years experience in Hong Among my own feelings to, and I have talked a lot through, probably, there are dozens of total more like big by half of the , have the power of Buddha blessing incredible, inconceivable merit to eliminate karma, which is my own deep feelings. I say, I have first-hand experience. all these years makes me confident that this classic deeper, further studies in accordance with this classic and eliminate a lot of karma, a lot of vested interests, passed away also a lot of practice in accordance with this classic, reborn in the Swiss-phase very good, These are proved by a full merit is indeed the Buddha Tathagata Weishen the blessing.
doubt it if we can not accept, but also to find another book, that is, Ford too few good roots, the less good roots in terms of l can not cause too Shengbi Ford country. ', good roots Ford rarely, this book you can not accept it. If it can not accept, there is a remedy, You must read five kinds of the original version, why? so you can get too many and too complex, then you read this collection of summer residence of the lotus, which are five master of the book, so it must make it clear by this understanding.
This book is now in overseas no obstacles, no barriers in the Chinese mainland, almost circulation of the country, so the continent a lot of people reading this book, recite a lot of people this is a very good sign, we see that Buddhism is very promising, really bright.
through thick Wuliangshoujing quite well, some have said the each.
second Revised Methodology only three generations passed away, a little more simple, not very detailed, but the program has had; > The Buddha taught us methods which have view to Buddha, a concept like the Buddha, a Buddha who were, in the method of speaking it in detail. Another point is not negligible, Nine causality, which in the Life after The The experience report, but which way he is derived from the Five read the law ', the first week, the second is the praise, the third is a vow, and the fourth is to observe, it is about is the , that means even more clear, more profound, l police 'is clearly, plainly, is back to fifth.
he old Buddha, meaning the five sentence Beige endowed, so he and successful method , and later spread to China, the Tanluan Master to take this law, Shandaodashi not only take the law, but also promote the law. So many of the Japanese Pure Land Buddhism five read the law with l ', they are learning with the Shandaotaishi .
this point, the Pure Land of the theory, method, learning is quite complete, the Buddha finally said, a The path to enlightenment, , listen to the words of the Buddha Dharma, and congratulate you ah, you're gifted with a Buddha, which is l to be born Buddha 'in Dharma, do not beat around the bush. Buddha Suiran so insistent that we do not Buddhists do not need it said, Buddhist, who, a few people accepted? few people believe it? Why is the Buddha so Quanqing, we can not accept it?
Really, awful fact that the Buddha also made it very clear that this is called Dharma l difficult letter of the law ', the Buddha of the advice, everyone accepted it hard to believe that l can call' it? how to persuade the Buddha, which beings still do not believe that this is difficult to be called the letter l 'ah. So we advise people recite , they do not believe that we should nod, normal, not strange, and why? hard to believe thing. as we advise, people accepted on the nod, it was strange Well, why did he believe, this is amazing.
so who can be persuaded to believe that man was not ordinary people, the Buddha in the by good roots in the infinite past lives, he could not accept, coinciding with the 'We do not know to what extent the number of good roots.
This Buddhist World has to support forty billion, this is not a small figure of a Buddha Buddha to three A Sengzhi robbery, forty billion Buddha, this is really limitless robbery ah. Over the past immeasurable support forty billion robbery of which the Buddha had such a profound good roots, experience persuade a person, he does not doubt the right to accept, we know his positive nature of goodness must be revised to support forty billion more than the Buddha, so this is really hard to believe, can not be forced. Do you believe in the Pure Land, but you dependents do not believe the home pro, you want to help him, you're that good heart, the truth is not helpful, the Buddha can not do anything, why? his immature nature of goodness, the things that can barely it? good roots mature, it Congratulations to him really, really incredible.
so that we can not understand the less good roots Crawford karma l 'is less to what extent, to what extent more, this has a concept, really not easy. When you're good roots mature, not only is willing to bless you in this Amitabha, the Buddha without Shifangzhufo not support you; we are here today for a while, we are here to listen, hear my heart zealous students, not me, speak well, you can hear the happy, thoughts on the error you are so, is Buddhist blessing in here with modern words, the magnetic field is the Buddha blessing us into this situation on the birth Huanxi Xin, even though birth to Huanxi Xin Bu audiometry, this is the Buddha force blessing, it is clear, there is talk in our l Guang Buddhist blessing ', so full of compassion Buddha light, we are born loving heart.
we can disclose this information out of you can hear clearly hear understand that this is not a human power, It is often said by the Western Paradise is solemn, and so feel the Buddha are confused, so feel Bodhisattva blessing if not Foli could not say that our ordinary person how to say Bo ? can say, to hear all Foli blessing, are robbed of our own infinite nature of goodness to find, it is very, very rare cause. we really are Congratulations, good roots, surpassingly Ford surpassingly situation right, , and if this opportunity missed, why miss? we are Bono, habits heavy, now afraid of this thing, worry habit will turn with the state, this is our biggest obstacle, if we will not be transferred outside the state, the decision of your life successful. This is state transferred to the modern mind for the words that you can not master, will be tempted by the outside environment, and what lure you in? wealth of food color lure you to sleep in, if you can not make any principal, and the love of money , greed name, Tanse, would be finished, although good roots Ford, your fate is not good, you still can not go.
heavy so we know their habits, how can we not out of temptation? that of Patriarch to hold advice, founder of the precepts us an in-depth, we carefully read the Wen Chao Yin Kuang, we were going to learn a teacher, so that it can grasp.
I used to study in Taichung, the teacher is very modest, He said: l I can only teach you the ability to five years. ', which he old modest kind, and he introduced me to a teacher, with the Indian School Kwong, Kwong India is his teacher is not around anymore, Kwong India , how to tell him? Reading The.
Yinzu teach people very seriously, and we see in the Wen Chao, a disciple of the Lingyan Temple to see him, are taught in the old refuge in front of the Master, the old Master called him home honest Buddhism. In Now people, the disciples see the master, the master must be very happy, Yinzu not the case, saw him and asked: l What are you doing? ', he said: l I see the Master.', l Master ago have seen, what is nice? you go to this place, the waste of spirit, a waste of money, not good at home chanting, hurry back. ', Yinzu is the way to teach people, and tell you to go home honest Buddhism. < br> you think about it, even the master of the road ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In order to commemorate the forgotten - written in the 79 Fifth Third anniversary of massacre

 See this topic, we'll be thinking of Lu Xun's article, want to say is caused by the death of several martyrs, and so when they are 17 public Cai die for his country's heroes.
79 years today, which is May 3, 1928, Japanese troops in Jinan manufacturing shocked the world But people will never forget them. people will always remember the great prosperity of the motherland, resisting foreign aggression, and even contribute to the people who sacrificed their lives.
1986, the commemoration of Jinan, the the southern section of the moat built the the under oath. It made me see the future and hope of the motherland, the motherland will be stronger day by day, and gradually standing in the world powers, by the powers Gone are the days of slavery.
the younger generation can do now and to do basically done. In this, calling fellow citizens to fight Japanese imperialist aggression, to commemorate the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their country, to pay the money, have the strength of the output. Thank you!
or Lu Xun to borrow them when they say the. hh
hit Japanese imperialism!
immortal martyrs!!
attached: Jinan Massacre, that occurred in 1928 in Jinan, Shandong, China Cai diplomats by the Japanese army killed when public events.
fifty-three tragedy occurred in the late Northern Expedition, the Kuomintang and Japan conflict. Japan to maintain its North China, Mongolia over the Shandong special interests to send troops: one might hope about the success of the Northern Expedition, the other is the unification of China to the KMT will soon show of force. is different from the Japanese after the invasion, in 1928, at the time, Japan is still a voice against the troops, British and American action is the Japanese government's main consideration. and the Japanese occupied by words, Jinan, and then the behavior of military and civilian massacres, just like a prelude to the Japanese model after the invasion of China. In China, the commemorate the , approaching Shandong. Japan Tanaka Cabinet in order to protect Japanese nationals on the grounds of Shandong, the first two thousand troops to Shandong, from Jinan, Qingdao, landing and ready to move into. Beijing Northern government, the Nanjing government also protested to the Japanese. Kuomintang China, people from all parts orders, for the protest movement against Japan, the economic Dear John. In the same year in August, the Japanese troops from China, the United Kingdom's decision to withdraw its troops from Shandong.
1928 年 1 month, Chiang Kai-shek back, the official continued .4 Northern Expedition, the Japanese troops again Shandong .5 1 March, the Northern Expeditionary Army arrived in Jinan. Japanese fortifications in the street setting, and conflict with the Northern Expedition and Expedition co-firing. According to the KMT's claim, the Japanese military attache military conflict is the deliberate creation of Takashi Sakai incidents.
5 3 May, the national army military administration committee, and Foreign Service Officer, Shandong negotiations with the members of the public Eighteen Cai suite to Jinan, the four Weiliulu established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office Special Chun member of representations. That evening, the Japanese force that invaded Corruption. Cai and his entourage were killed when the public.
Cai public was killed, the Chiang Kai-shek on the one hand to prevent the event expanded shilling against the military conflict, and then make out the Jinan Military , pass to the Northern Expedition. On the other hand from the diplomatic representations, respectively, to the Japanese commander, a serious protest against the Japanese Foreign Ministry and demanded the withdrawal of Japanese troops at the same time, Jinan, and asked for American help to mediate. But Japan did not have to stop operations, continue to Shandong, mainland Japan to send more troops to a thousand, and in May 10 at the Air Force, under cover of shelling throughout the occupation of Jinan. Japanese forces into the city after the massacre of civilians and wounded soldiers. According to a survey in China after the Chinese casualties in the event of more than million people. After several rounds of diplomatic negotiations by the Japanese army withdrew in March 1929 in Jinan.
1928 年 4 19, the Japanese aggressors in order to day after the Japanese invaded Jinan, Jinan inhuman massacre of civilians carried out. day later, when the military administration committee Ren Guomin Government and Foreign Service Officer with the dozen Cai public diplomats suffered a cut nose cut Japanese curette after the brutal killing of the eye .5 9 March, the Japanese began a massive attack inside the city, looting property, burning buildings, killing prisoners of war, killing people, heinous crimes. According to incomplete statistics, China Jinan killed in tragedy reached more than 6,000 soldiers and civilians.
in memory of the martyrs, education, future generations, Jinan City, started in May 2006, in the original site of the northwest side of building a park Baotu building area of 300 square meters, including the Jinan Massacre Memorial Park, Jinan Massacre Memorial minutes, Forest of Stone Tablets, the Church and so on. Memorial is completed, and the pretext of protecting Japanese imperialism overseas, sent troops to intervene .5 3, brutal killing of members of the National Government of Shandong Independent representations such as 17 Hours Cai diplomats, and then seize the city, and wanton killing ten thousand Chinese soldiers and the people who created the shock Jinan, China and foreign countries, that is built here.
River east bank, a monument erected, pyramid shape, engraved monument as is making. monument's south and north, surrounded by cypress, flower-matched. monument's east side, for the September 1995 World War commemorating the 50th anniversary of victory in the newly completed monument. The monument monument and relief from the horizontal wall of two parts, north-south direction, 4.25 meters high, 17 meters long, black granite on the puzzle. stele lying east, north and south East to iron chain fence around three sides. Monument body written by contemporary calligraphers Wu Zhongqi engraved documentary, a symbol, meaning a combination of techniques, reproduce Jinan more than planting cedar, bloom, bamboo. park, with boat in the stream, set the stone table and stone bench under the shade. In pondering apart, visitors can swim swing pulp to enjoy the beautiful scenery of both sides, can sit on stone bench rest.
; Fifth Third, ; Fifth Third production of building monuments. In the West Bank not far from the moat, has a 1998, at the present address as is reconstruction. pavilion round, double top eaves, from 8 Dan Zhucheng care .8 stone pillars for the preservation of the original, the columns are engraved with the threshold together. pavilion amount of embedded on the 3rd Springs trampled. three days, when the Commissioner of Shandong representations when the dance of death Caigong Gong mediation, also lost abuse killed. on the 11th, the fall of the city. Xunri Jinan between soldiers and civilians who killed six thousand one hundred and twenty three, injured one thousand seven hundred and seventy people, tens of millions of data loss. atrocity information transmission, world shocked indignation. Nanyang Chinese Chengong Jia Geng Cai fundraising cast bronze statue of a martyr when the public footer to the wind section of Jing; AD 二零零六年, Cai public statue to be the property of their martyr. Yuan People's Idea admiration many have suggested, particularly in the Baotu River Memorial Hall was built, the statue placed for public worship Cai Zhan; and cast the bell, to police my people, do not forget national humiliation. is the Ming said:
modern dynasties, the powers wild. the Chinese nation, repeatedly suffer curse. Japanese prisoner ambitions, especially arrogant. cut me in Taiwan, invaded my territorial seas.
kill me people, swept my treasure. Jinan Massacre shocked the Octagon. The fellow Lai, adhere to resistance. against the common enemy, exteriors make the country prosperous.
countless martyrs, Yong War. the dead are gone, high mountains. sound of sobbing sobbing Palace, the former do not forget. Huaxia accommodating, Jesus Christ Qichang.
AD May 3, 2007, Jinan Municipal People's Government would like to cast with the Jinan Public
Cai born in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, a scholarly family home. Qing Dynasty, he was generous in the affairs of state insurance crisis, economic hardship, and friends formed the revolutionary group organization > Later, kai, Albert Wong, Shiping Tan Chin Lian go to the Mainland to participate in the battle, had failed, and take the Annan, and later returned to Jiangxi for revolutionary propaganda. Revolution victory, Cai was appointed when the public transport Secretary of Jiangxi Province. Taoyuan failed, him to exile in Japan, into the Tokyo Imperial University. Yuan Cai catching when haste the public, his possessions are not copied. Cai public when the first wife Ms. Yao has died due to shock worry. Hours Cai Rong Tao sound screen participants, and because involved in factional disputes, out of danger after living in Shantou, and married Miss Guo Jingluan prominent families, was GUO Jing Luan twenty, thirty-year-old when the Cai public, having a son and a daughter.
a command of the Japanese public Cai, familiar with the situation at , and has excellent diplomatic skills, April 1928, the Nanjing government appointed him military administration committee and Foreign Office Director, and appointed him as member of Shandong representations, the main responsibility is to deal with the theater on behalf of foreign affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
1928 on April 9, United Feng Chiang Kai-shek, Yan Xishan, Li Tsung-jen military group composed of four Manchurian warlord Chang Tso-lin attack north. Japanese aggressor troops are to protect nationals abroad as a reason for thirty thousand troops, armed intervention in China. Cai Hours Members of Shandong negotiations at this time.
1928 年 5 月 1 日 dawn, the Northern Expeditionary Army Corps Fang Zhenwu first scored the fourth Jinan, Jinan, and was appointed garrison commander. When the Northern Expeditionary Army forces entered in Jinan, the Japanese the road already built fortifications in the city, laying power grid, at every step. Japanese ronin also formed a house with four company commanders and several unarmed soldiers, by the second line to the road, by the Japanese military and Japanese ronin no reason to arrest, kill all the spot with a bayonet, and burned his body dragged by truck. Expedition constantly being at the Jinan Army killed. Fangzhen Wu view of the serious fear of causing a military conflict in Japan, went to the Japanese Consulate in the afternoon, with the Japanese Consulate and Japanese leaders Nishida fast Teng negotiations. Japan Liquciqiong. apparently promised to set up on the streets temporary removal of fortifications, the Japanese returned to the barracks on the night stand 1 .5, the National Foreign Minister Huang Fu car arrived in Jinan. military administration committee and foreign correspondent Tsai arrived the following day when the public Jinan .5 2 March, at Head of the Sixth Army Division to help rate Futian Station Yan troops from Qingdao, Jinan. from the May 3 start of the bloody massacre of the Jinan military and civilian. the same day, Huang Fu representations to the Japanese consulate, he was detained and forced to sign a report . content of the report is a Japanese army sergeant killed somewhere. Huang Fu return to the hotel, the fear of conflict, had ordered his guards to disarm the Japanese. while rummaging Japanese, looting of property when the diplomats, Huang Fu Jinan escaped with his entourage escaped.
5 3 December, morning, led by Cai Hours Eighteen members arrived at the Department of Jinan City, Shandong by the four representations Department. He who receives an old text of volumes , then remove the portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the will and the national flag, correct on the wall. Foreign Office of the Commissioner to work soon, to hear the sound of the guns around the city after another. Japanese live ammunition, frequent activities. Commissioner's Office in front of there are soldiers and undercover team activities with the Japanese ronin, secretive. Foreign Office sent to the streets to buy food, messengers, the Japanese are not allowed to pass almost .10 o'clock, when the public Cai called to ask whether the Japanese Consulate, Japan party alleges that I do not know. the Japanese siege of the day the Commissioner, the Office staff not had a meal, drink some water, telephone lines have been cut off completely cut off contact with the outside world. the same day at 4 pm, with a squad of Japanese rushed into the Foreign Office of the Commissioner, crowded around the front and back doors. Japanese first in-house staff carry guns in self-defense under all the pay, then charge away several diplomatic officials coolie transport firearms and ammunition. 9 pm that night, from the outside and more than fifty Japanese soldiers broke into a door without any explanation, looting, the diplomatic documents, maps, and disposal of Montreal, and the flag of all tore up portraits of Sun Yat-sen. Cai public in Japanese with Japanese soldiers when the theory: China's Foreign agencies, non-military unit of the Imperial Army hh at good-neighborly friendship and diplomatic protocol should be respected hh individuals tied together, pulled the hospital site, all the clothes torn off, the first meal beaten, then poke with a bayonet chaos hack. when there was a Japanese soldier read out the massacre of diplomats to help Yan Fukuda orders. Cai, translated to us that the public : kill me, I like the ancient Japanese treatment of prisoners as slave society. tragedy Morohito most of them have ears but not the nose, a nose no ears, badly mutilated, its like a tragic, horrible. General Tsai was cut under the nose, cuts off ears, digging eyes, the entire head and chest were red with blood.
in extreme pain, he still shouted angrily enemy: See Watanabe, unleashed a torrent of curse when Cai public, it soon went up grinning, suddenly the public when the knife inserted into the mouth of Cai, Jin will spin two laps, when the public dishes out his tongue cut out. pull out all shot! Members burst into wailing, crying tragic. pursuit of revolutionary life, swear to defend the country and the nation's blood hero Cai public, in the new post less than a day to he died. That night, the Department of eighteen officials of negotiations, in addition to Zhang Hanru, but have been killed.
Chiang Kai-shek before the provocation of the Japanese aggressors, to take non-resistance policy, command the national army to retreat .5 8 March, the Japanese heavy artillery siege, the fall of Jinan City in November. According to the World Jinan Branch of the Red Cross survey: Jinan Chuang station south of the party meeting, finally agreed to bypass of Jinan, to continue the Northern Expedition, order the withdrawal of all troops stationed in Jinan, to avoid conflicts with the Japanese, and other issues, followed by the two governments in early diplomatic solution to .6, Foreign Minister Huang Fu for Foreign Affairs to Japan due to weak, to resign. Zhengting was appointed foreign minister. Wang worked near to Jinan Massacre with the Japanese side to begin informal negotiations dragged on until March 28, 1929, only to China and Japan economic issues in the case of the liberation of Nanjing, signed the agreement.
1929 年 5 10 May, the Japanese army in a strong anti-Japanese mass movements had to withdraw from the attack of Jinan.
Cai public and other martyrs of the time, their loyalty bone Where exactly buried, has been unclear. came from Chongqing's Ms. Cai Miss Guo Jingluan believe that seventeen dead bodies buried in the Jinan Foreign necessarily in the Office of the Commissioner. Thus mining workers, but due to the vast open space, dig into the seventh consecutive day , only to find the fire charred bodies beyond recognition, has been unable to identify. Ms. Cai bought a large suitcase, and then board nailed on the outside, the seventeen loyalty skeleton, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then stored in the basement . At that time internal and external trunk bones of the body within the Guicang loyal, then disappeared.
was raised overseas Chinese community with a donation of office when the high school, when the cast of the Cai public body bronze statue of a martyr. because there were domestic resistance to legislation in Singapore commemorate Sun Yat-sen Sun Yat Sen garden villas. Cai public the first time since the Republican anti-Japanese martyrs, diplomats Chijie is Killing, that had never!
Cai public when the poet. As early as his Ye Gang was written in yellow seventy-two Martyrs four Qilu, people Huichangdangqi, Patriotic and loneliness. poem Seeking the dead shirts and care, Tsai grew up in the school this term. He is the police on the Friends of the school, it has been in the police. infant daughter was still only one year old. Friends of Charles Chi adopt a child, father and unfortunately died prematurely in 1931, has suffered. liberation Cai next admitted to the Beijing Petroleum School, and later in the school doctor had been working at the university in 1987, schools and hospitals in Shandong .1992 retired years ago, Choi did not know their true heritage from the next. until May 1992, when the martyrs in the public Cai Sixty-five year anniversary of twists and turns, which is discrete since childhood, brother and sister after the war was met in April 1993 reunion in his hometown of Jiujiang . Cai next, said: , understand that I am at home in Jiujiang hh the end of April 1994, to Taiwan to visit relatives. mothers living in Taiwan. brother wife gave birth to the eldest son of Caiyuan Sheng Guo Ruifen couples, the second son of Caiyuan Cheng, daughter Caijing Ying, a total of four grandchildren, one granddaughter, two granddaughters , is a happy family, many children .1994 May I returned home with his brother, Jiujiang, Jiujiang repair the wall and the front of the monument when the Manuscripts Monument Cai public so that people from generation to generation not forget national humiliation! the prosperity of the Chinese nation always Endeavour !

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oster time to create a DIY home to maximize the beauty - beautiful Oster Wall -...

 When we talk about how to create a warm and comfortable home, and when we are busy to shop for a variety of favorite furniture and accessories, you can not forget, take home the largest area of . it whatever they want to create a different style and taste of home, I reflect the true personality, so that the overall effect has been unified. The liquid wallpaper is the new darling of the modern home decoration, beautiful, durable, rich artistic liquid wallpaper, give our lives bring not only comfortable, convenient, and it is home taste, style and a new feeling of life.
Auster - ARTIST opened up the interior decoration it is a way to enjoy life, so enjoy home decorating process become a part of life. free to produce the United States, free to show the United States, reveal personality, reflect personal taste. Oersted full play to their imagination, creativity, hands-on layout and beautify their lovely home. a beautiful home for everyone, the real your home do you call the shots. maybe just a flower, draw the outline on the wall, then carefully color, so not play the embellishment, you can bring harmony and peaceful feeling. Oersted beautiful wall, easily cleaned. Auster - ARTIST is designed to make home with DIY beauty in your hands to the limit
It is understood that, visibility and reputation, it is optimization of rope together the human living environment and healthy living space and ideal for all eager in the film, aerospace, construction, home can be widely used, and year after year high honor and international environmental organizations praise of users around the world .
your hands to build myself my lovely home, into their thoughts, life, inspiration, it no longer fits, but really belongs to you, on behalf of your home.

Monday, February 21, 2011


 Have been thinking about what kind of words used to describe the most recent state.
Study-holic, or I prefer the library-holic.
I have always been extremely trying to put everything to achieve the ultimate
is simple example or severely severely severely severely hungry or eat.
to play must have been to hell and tired of watching a landscape will never inadvertently forward.
will stay up until dawn to be resistant to happy to sad, we should laugh would burst into tears.
how intense life.
finally found that this is the Highlight of my life.
I like the strong feeling for.
I In my school age smoking, drinking, wearing bell-bottoms reluctant to get handsome friend play it cool fight with a teacher warning
have trouble with their father in addition to good grades to other students play nothing bad to the extreme.
it is a street full of rock and roll era of chaos.
I often use a different look on disbelief that people be treated as the age of gray.
but I have experienced is still lamenting the young and frivolous.
simple cute little narcissism was with sadness that only the young have no fear.
not thought about the future will be like at that time did not know what more in life planning.
but at that time a vigorous in a way thoroughly squandered the greatest degree of something called youth.
is the most memory and a rich ruby red light night of heavy metals emitted.
college two years short memory is blank.
cold and quiet, trying to use a narrow high-profile people to isolation.
are found all around with my general paranoia. use the most feeble attempt to take the greatest self-pretentious.
that is an eager crowd looking at the mediocrity of the age of exports.
try to bury themselves in the most hypocritical people in the low-key peace there.
darkest stage of life experience.
entrance accident betrayed alienated.
I own virtual planes out of the castle in the air last fall.
it is the most extreme of the narcissists from the fall to the most extreme stage of self-denial.
towers fell straight down into the abyss of that era.
with a self forced to sleep do not speak the way learning is not working.
delusion that time nothing was abandoned by all.
of life but also try to dim the most hopeless, but also learned to work with one of the most practical way to the most take life seriously.
finally found you is the most difficult times in the night that grew up.
That memory is the most rich black and dry the tears to smile and opened the window a blue sky.
this After all the ultimate
years after the peaceful smile.
This is a placid, wonderful.
fell in love with the world's most peaceful place immersed in one of the most vast world with one of the most peaceful way to miss some people.

abandon all the emptiness of this age to learn all the warm and bright delusion with the most simple way to maximize the love of life.
I have often thought that those who have always loved over the past love are empty is sad.
those who have always indulged in fiction films are the game is sadly empty.
now find I was wrong.
those enamored of those who study and work is not empty What is not sad?
Yes, all of them empty.
we are trying to find some material or non-material things to make up as much as possible the endless emptiness of human.
love-holic movie- holic alcoholichh
we are, we always going to focus on one or a few things to make yourself settle down.
no matter what it is.
is important that you're looking for real as part of your things.
who said it, since tired of looking, I started to learn to find.
I think I have found.
you do?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lee red armbands

 Lee even now
personal information
blog rating:
blog points: 1009
blog visit: 161,071
popular concern: 18
drunk Liu Yuen
Ome, such as beans, such as eyebrow,
length of day butterfly fly.
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Sina microblogging
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the real power of its own roaring.
beautiful Yeah, you let me panic.
Zhang Zilin to conquer the world beautiful.
New Oriental beauties such as the title. a gentle intensity of thought and watch.
great news to see things her eyes.
memory like amber
big boss has care of the trails, gray horizontal Chui-mei.
matchmaker even though West Wing without him, we have clear moonlight which eyebrow.
wheatgrass concentric words, the olfactory Georland. < br> her mom here.
Totoro third year at the same table
Ran sister called me beautiful sister of the boy.
Ah Man Yan Man my sister, rabbits party boss.
send small yan give me light tough smile.
apprentice Lu-lu can not describe the deep feelings.
sub-contract facilities.
roman2ryan and the king of Chu Xiangshi, ���ǹ���4.
love. Jia Jia Wei sister
beautiful sister, sister.
Ningning my kids, do not forget your water.
Things. fleeting
Ding Xiang that time, I back, you will see you smile.
have apprentice
ivory tower.
lovely scenic beauty.
University of Min Pig Way to keep me company.
the University at the same campus, walk a different way, but in their hearts to each other blessings.
Star Valley Orchids YK
water which benefits all things without struggle.
the Canadian landscape.

emotional reason people admire sexy Miss Bai Lande.
that hint of a smile that makes you the most in the world based on good reason, never give up, never!
mood on.
unfamiliar Purple Red Road
all the news that's fit to print.
girls are interesting animals, still life boys are boring.
music player
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recent obsession ; Red Dust Of course, no less, to a bustling scene was like a remote control in human eyes tracing.
Red What is it? ancients have said: the traveling dust, fly ash downtown.
by society on behalf of the bustling heyday, and indeed very image.
but I think that this view is suitable for private northern cities, especially in the Royal Park. like ours cold humid south, to dust, to under the golden sun, see the dusty beam, such as urchins, it is extremely unrealistic.
in here, there are green moss, muddy soil, there was wet after rain smell the dust overflow. These are slowly settling the traces left by turbidity.
day with Passage to Ciqikou, marching wet stone-faced climb the stairs. I have faint at heart the joy out of the camera according to the foot of the soil under the sculpture, according to lying on the roadside under the moss. Trail cold. live, came asked me: .
years you have not tried to Qinru cold water, cut open blue water with your fingers, leaving a Road waterlines?
this way, you see, however, water marks will disappear.
San strike ripples. I have to leave.
This is my first mentor in the project, are also considered as host forum.
Cui: child looked at > CHEN Han Yuan: face.
08 years look at her blog, she is loop of , MV in her smile does not prominent, that is too fleeting.
but I think that every sentence of the song are so nice. So it became my own loop.
It was a look turn and break the cocoon of the day, the atmosphere is like a big country and my state of mind the same. According to drink coffee, as usual tense days, intermittent anxiety, but is still remembered today mottled sunlight outside the window in the roof garden from next door and dropped the Green Rattan, graceful green like yesterday:
girl barefoot, carrying a pair of silver open-toed high heels with thin mirror in the bedroom before walking.
she felt it was very beautiful. < br> put on, off. and wear.
out for 15 minutes in advance, as is finding the second phase of Building 45 to teach.
dancing light through the orange dust yellow beam, marching the path of Inter subtilis, we entered the auspices of the Department of Broadcasting House. ask people, where is the second-order to teach, are silently shook his head. There is finally head down the old master said: outside of the small second floor. large bag, draped thick double-fold, it seems a little tired. he walked, stopped for a while, we like to look back, but turned his face to another is a casual air. she said Tuesday from the old Lei Qin our teacher told him to do, the result is none saying a word. people to do at this age are active disdain, as if accustomed to the silence, and even also the case for teachers.
lecturing the old mine, the dust was also gradually Servant servant to come. test counseling is a serious matter, in order to score, who have to fight it.
Redknapp talking style has always been love, thing.
a while ago to do comparative analysis of the two films is the documentary's Jingkeciqin clips and the movie , half back, but God, I thought this is what are you talking ah, what tragic sense. However, the gloves came off for the moment, music, and my tears, surprisingly, uncontrolled spewing out, a large stars big stars of the ... ...
I suddenly scared, and completely brought into the music.
However, I think it is excellent, the soundtrack is not, because my feelings may still did not go along with the film. good music can make people emotional climax, but the screen does not sound wins.
expression I want to talk about the sound of audience into the world of which the main characters go to the hearing. This is the main character the audience to hear the voice heard.
I feel very strongly about this.
or golf tournament held the movie as an example the United States. When players start competition, the film's release he heard his heart beating and breathing, suffocating the misty simulated chaos, some people feel nauseated and even some cramps, which I usually have a.
also Features:
First, expand the rhetoric. that prefer small events, small details up to what state.
Second, regardless of who plays. the old to the plot of the play sets to the body, empathy.
I sat cold sweat there.
to say so, this blog from the kindergarten child that is a literary woman.
holds many lessons I have just returned to the bedroom. from the finished audio-visual language to the present time, experienced a forgotten keys, go and look at long way to run a large roommate, rub the book Comrade Zhang Shao Gang exchange, and then crammed the Imperial Oprah Zhou Xiaozheng the auditorium, squeezed out after the child was also fooled by freshman some, depressed to come home and find the key thing is not resolved properly by Aunt dorm after a meal of education ... ... then ... then ... back to the bedroom.
the road twists and turns make the heart is .
Here I just want to stop and talk about things other than life, on the Dream (film) to do.
a long time do not write, is no way things are shelved it ruff, not to mention a lengthy article.
work week waiting in line, sometimes to see the drama, documentaries, exhibitions, lectures, an upsurge of emotion several times. also recorded, but no time to take series analysis.
instructors busy, doing projects, we also followed a meeting axle forward, then there may be biggest names in children to our forums. biggest names in children is not a question of my meaning, the key is in this team work, I have found the concept, have to master the technology. light then rushes to meet a group of people still in the discussion stage, execution very important. Although I can not do anything right, but after all, the sense of a particular technology or I are not good at Therefore, in efforts to study and master the.
misty natural or write the text, but not now. a small orange light in the shadow of light drinking hot tea, accompanied by the state of mist curl very good, but not now .
bedroom shoes that our supervisor if you exercise a > tag:
ago to participate in an activity, to hear the organizers said: The loss, something that fits, the beauty of love a dream life, cute is cute, but too Meijin Er was. that humility is the monotony that is so lost?
a heaven I like the teacher in the class.
she asked: br> she was not happy: lovely eyes did not experience a loss of face that says the authority of the little girl did not report news. the girl next door all over the street, I see you doing? video.
I like the guardian of desolate loneliness.
even if only a couple of students, professors talk about opera, still seems to revel in the spring.
middle class people come in She Longzhe Korean dish hair, carrying a pale blue cloth pastoral style, with the pearl effect paint lips rose lip gloss, pink and her cheeks that look very tender and beautiful. A lady is temperament appear rich people.
Then he was late for a knock on the door, the girl has a yellowish chestnut hair, swept up in a high pony tail on top of another one meter tail white satin bow, she has a huge black bag, the above hung with fine inlaid ivory diamond, walking to the Cubs cheerful blinking.
I thought to myself: This is the traditional art of learning and the successor to What?
looks like it does not how.
The teacher said: the 80 tapes. but it is really soft 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How can dream of you

 How can dream about you

how could it.

clearly not you, how you suddenly become.

how will follow hand in hand with me, through the bridge through the river.

how still feel I am most familiar, suddenly ten years.

is how I how I was.

you do after all my previous life made sin, forever Why not be able to bounce back.

I dare not write, I was too weak too timid .

Please do not let me in the corner of a street in a certain buses to see you.

I'm not sad for you on Spring Autumn is not worthy of pity.

you do not have enough plot were performed thousands of miles I stepped on the story.

Decade of the Spring and Autumn.

let the cold freeze all my courage. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A gentle turn

 My best friend in mind, also known as Su Yi pale: real estate broker, fragrant
2005  6 months, came across the forum I went into the Galaxy, an online test to the first issue of small text. Just in my heart uneasy when I post a post with someone behind. statement is true,, dearly, and encouraged me to stick well. In this way, I had you from the world. you start to take me to climb Xiluwenxue platform, and gave me a very poetic name - the evening light staining. looking to the sea like a fish, I began to happily swim! me and you, this is the occasional stranger, but in one that The emotion is not clear, have brought us together. things do not always eighty-nine, you always like a ray of sunshine, and resolve the haze of my empty heart, it seems, you are God sent you my messenger!
this a minute, my eyes stay quietly in your mind to create a small flat on the front of this is my favorite female figure Su Yi, the ear piece is a far-reaching long, gently tell. Ranyi flowers, which Man-quarter knot, let me come near you, listen to you.
a [love boring days], through the text, I can almost see you wore a white cotton dress clothes at home, only in the collar several flower ankle cuffs embroidered pale purple daisies, accompanied Chuijian hair, casually talked, like a repeated quiet moonlight falling on my heart. [home, I made you eat the rice] , and then a strong and who will therefore dimly through tears, you put the attachment on the love and care, all enjoy the reader's heart to penetrate, like your share of the sincere, good feelings peculiar to women.
you are the [Life the details of] the spirit, language fluency, comprehension fine distant, a heavy topic, be articulate your ease. In [do not want to leave], the account of the friends you care for you, but I do not know what these friends do not want to lose you, in our minds, you will always be a zealous messenger angels full of humor, fun, and we are willing to be you [led mood walk], with you to touch the wonders of the spiritual world.
you [the stars are sleeping] in the text showing a trace of worry, the world is wondering what more is difficult, but we understand that the sun can not always kiss us, the same night, the stars bring us boundless imagination. you chase, but a surface towards the sea, with spring. who gather there after all, is scattered, but I find the attachment in the parting.
you left us a [solid], do not request, we are willing to give you your solid color . I appreciate you like the stars of the water of Lethe blurred, and I indulge in the state of your set without War Ching Lin; I would like to say in the Song of the plan long love of the true mind and taste; in the past in order to feel your ginkgo warm friendship , that part in your most intimate love, the children a better life in the interpretation of the cheerful expression, and made no secret of your happiness.
short summer passed, and life mission to make you temporarily have to leave us real estate broker looking at the map goes, I naturally think of thing I read [to hold you and then turn around], Tingting euphemism figure that is your true portrayal of the daisy fields only brilliant, but you have accompanied us had a brilliant summer I look forward to the coming of winter, to the next vacation, we can still relive past joy, whether you are a real estate broker, fragrant, pale or Su Yi, you will always be happy in my mind the angel, beautiful angel.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Talent Network jobs in Lhasa - Lhasa, part-time network - Lhasa recruitment network

 Hotel entertainment club recruitment: gender relations; hotel waiter Paul KTV Entertainment Co., Ltd. 【Tel】 This is a large leisure and entertainment business club; under a number of entertainment: star business hotel and leisure resorts; located in the downtown area, traffic convenience, we seriously promise you to join my hotel from the moment this change in your life. opportunity to always cherish and be prepared for active people! plus our entertainment industry! here will make your life first bucket of gold! !! (do not You!) solemnly declare: All recruitment posts are of straight strokes, declined any intermediary contact. For details, please click on the following Baidu Snapshot
Chair is busy due to business the following positions (following positions available part-time welcomed the students.):
Contact: Miss Yang Zheng Jingli
Address: Four Points by Sheraton Lhasa Lasa Fu Lin Kuo East Road, Lane 05 =
1. Late Kong 1-2 hours a part-time, male 18 - 35 years of age, women 18 - 28 years of age. handsome. studious, a strong sense of service. responsible for the company's VIP reception to meet the objective of stable consumer for consumption.
2. Waiter: men and women of the two, requiring outgoing, gentle and generous. communication skills. the work is mainly responsible for the content of customer VOD package room. fruit and so on. best to use the amplifier / DVD and so on. with or without experience are to job training.
treatment: a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan. + tips + consumer commission.
3. Entertainment Reception: male / female image of the good, good temperament, strong communication skills, able to accept challenging work. ideological avant-garde , with or without experience can be, free training, a monthly salary of 3 million yuan, paid day-end tip (800m3500 million). accommodation.
(the work of the Select grade: to accompany the guests to drink, chat, sing, and guide guests happy consumer to drive the atmosphere. requires eloquent, good image, public relations language ability nightclub)
4. VIP access paternity: Male / Female: Requirements: a good image of young beautiful women Height: 163cm meters, 173cm tall men above, strong communication skills and interpersonal skills. m8000 treatment daily 2,000 yuan RMB. guaranteed monthly income of 50,000 yuan. basic needs of the whole package.
5. hotel reception; male / female, aged 16-28 years old without wine server, height 158CM above, good image quality, stylish, service means strong, healthy, like the hotel workers, a monthly income of 3 million yuan.
6. Marketing Director: women, have strong communication ability, good image and good eloquence, to accept the challenging work, with or without experience can be. passing the interview, free hand training, salary 1,500 +30% commission + tips. Baochizhu.
7. Rooms DJ_ Male / Female 10, young beautiful, lively and generous, tip 300, the monthly income of 8,000 yuan
8. Escort - Male / Female excellent image quality, understanding, communication ability, to understand communication, lively and generous, forward-thinking, students Confirmed entrants may be a personal guide, tips + commission (monthly income of more than 20,000).
9. escort the driver: male, healthy, handsome, responsible, business customers, accompanied by Hong Kong and Macao tour, shuttle guests, a recruiting and well-paid.
10. singer / model; Male / Female 18: 6,000 basic salary + tips, requested :18-28-year-old, fashion, beautiful, generous, mainly in the interpretation of the hall, which serves the guests as well as interaction, communication, exchange, without training, working experience in night games.
11. sauna Technician - Male / Female, age 16-28 years old, with or without experience can be, above the height 155CM, handsome, service means strong, healthy, like the hotel workers,
12. the company to engage: the boss wants to be female, or male boss, of all men and women {Package} 5: Male Requirements: good image. personality open, powerful body, the age of 46 years of age preferred. Female asked: image. temperament. and good humor. an open mind. for and the customer often, nightclubs, places to play. the age of 28 years of age preferred. (more energy and customers living with for the good) salary: 1.5m2.8 million per range.
Interview Notes:
(1), carry an ID card original and copy of photo and interview two companies hired to come to work.
(2), to interview the former must be Zhengjing Li, Miss Yang with a view to prior arrangement.
Human Resources: Zheng Jingli
Miss Yang Tel: []
1, male and female senior waiter: beautiful people, vibrant, strong communication skills, strong sense of service, courage to challenge themselves and paying jobs, free training, food and accommodation (which can be part-time)
2 KTV Senior Clerk: male / female image of the good eloquence good. Strong communication skills, lively and cheerful, strong sense of service.
3. Driver / Front Driver: C according to the above, handsome, more than two years driving experience, the salary of 3000 + tip, a monthly salary of more than 5,000
4. business, accompanied by: [male or female] good communication, lively and outgoing, work experience is preferred (basic salary + commission)
5. 5 Assistant Manager Male / Female 18-29 years old high school education, handsome monthly salary of 2200-3000 RMB 6. drinks promotion: male / female image good, young beautiful, aged 18 to 28 years of age, eloquence good, strong communication skills. engaged in operations preferred. have special training, salary 3000 + commission.
7. General Manager Assistant: Male 1, female 2. Age 20m30 years old, required image quality, with strong communication skills and interpersonal skills, treatment liberally.
work: more than part-time positions available, passing the interview, you can go to work that day, well-paid. above posts part of the accommodation. For details, please click on the following Baidu Snapshot
Recruitment Hotline: Contact: Miss Yang Zheng Jingli
Zhengjing Li: cough, cold world. employees lose their jobs. employment plans shrink it? how the Government to resolve the financial crisis impact on employment? this series of problems made the job prospects in 2009 has become complicated and confusing so many people now want to choose public relations, business escort, etc. can be said to the money fast Easy! you can play! so many people want to do part-time. Some people experience no entertainment, they want to apply for PR to go there directly asked; >! the answer must be unified > Second: Because we have come here if the applicant provides, unified answer is NO!
Third: do not you ask the staff with public relations, nature of the work ah! this particular hotel industry jobs are high-level decisions, they do not need to know.>
Zhengjing Li quote: Under the employment should put themselves in a state of mind. the financial sector of the outstanding figures Russell. Sage said: Second, the treasure first job; third, to develop a loyal and dedicated habits; Fourth, careful observation and study; fifth, to become irreplaceable; Sixth, develop into a polite, civilized person. ; referred to these excellent quality, is nothing but attitude problem, attitude is everything!
Hong Kong, Macao and other customers because of the high-level entertainment needs, hereby recruit the following staff:
1: Tourism, accompanied by: male or female, high school ,18-32 years old or above, mainly to accompany guests tourism, leisure, entertainment, fitness, shopping and other services. (may be part-time salaries can settlement, 800 --- 1,200 yuan per day)
2: Business Public Relations: Male or female, high school education ,18-38 years old, mainly in the hotel casino offers guests entertainment, drinking, singing, recreation, chat and other special public relations services. (may be part-time salaries can settlement, 600 yuan per day - - 1200 yuan)
3: Public Relations Director: male or female, college education ,18-36 years old, is mainly responsible for the management of the hotel entertainment. (wages ---- interview)
4: Amateur model : female, high school education ,18-28 years old, requires modeling industry have a certain understanding of the modeling industry of particular interest to those college students better. (may be part-time - salaries can settlement)
5 : actor (advertising, performance, MTV, nightclubs): high school education ,18-30 years old, have a certain understanding of the performance and passion, do not require too much expertise, only requires that you have desire to show off their own, we provide training . (may be part-time - salaries can settlement)
6: PS: unlimited number, junior high school education ,18-32 years old, mainly VIP Member / Senior Business guests / private business owners to provide all-day, full- star years old, asked (in school / working youth) is mainly to provide entertainment for the guests in the hotel, drinking, singing, recreation, chat and other special public relations services, gratuities may be the day of settlement. (tip 800 per day --- the day the balance sheet - 1,200 yuan - less than 20 days of month basic salary)
8: Student Position: male or female, is responsible for hotel services can be part-time wages may be the date of settlement. (in different jobs with different salaries - 400 yuan per day - - 1200 yuan)
9: Internal High Security: Hotel KTV is mainly responsible for security, veterans or have expertise preferred. (basic salary Gatti into - 4000 per month minimum guarantee)
10: Singer: primarily responsible for KTV Romance of the condition is not limited. (may be part-time salaries can settlement) monthly salary = salary + commission + tips + bonus = 20000-50000 yuan
Requirements: requires forward-thinking, dare to challenge the paid, five concept correct, have a certain ability to adapt, either sex, academic level, age 18-38 years old, healthy and pleasant personality; the hotel is absolutely confidential, absolute security, food, accommodation, welcome talented students and part-time, part-time tips to the day of settlement, employment interview monthly salary after the guaranteed 2 --- 3 million. endless holidays interested, please direct telephone contact. more special position compared interested, please make an appointment.
funded the hotel, is a five-star national chain, especially given the financial period employment opportunities for some young people:
Zhengjing Li ---- The Hotel is built 〖〗 class standards, a comprehensive hotel. The hotel is located in the center, located in the golden area of the bustling city center and strategic location, traffic convenient. hotel facilities, luxurious and elegant decoration, into the European classical style and modern design style garden as a whole, not both a grid. The hotel has a variety of types of rooms, large banquet hall, catering boxes and function rooms, large meeting rooms, etc. . To meet the needs of multi-level guests, but also has a shopping center, business center, dance hall, KTV, sauna and massage health center, chess and other services and recreational facilities, supporting the project is complete. hotel A , leisure, entertainment, is the ideal choice.
is a result of business development, before the whole of society following positions:
1: male or female, no experience, 18 - 35, 2: full of vitality, the courage to challenge yourself!
4: working hours: 20:00 - 13:00 or so, to part-time or full time! can arrange shared!
5: Wage Day Results 300 - 500 from / day 6: no experience will be paid induction training
II: KTV waiter
1: daily 300 - 500 yuan or more, male or female ,18-28 / years old, no experience training!
2: image, have some sense of service, friendly.
3: Main tasks: to accompany the guests drink and chat, sing, shake stopper, chat and other services.
4: working hours: 20:00 - 13:00 or so. can be part-time, arrangements can be shared!
III: Internal Security
1: generous salary + tips ,18-30 years old, no experience training!
2: there is a good instrument image, responsive, insightful,
3: a strong sense of responsibility, priority veterans, some hotels have relevant work experience preferred!
4: working hours: 20:00 - 13:00 or so. requires full-time, arrangements can be shared.
Four: Night drinks Promoters
1: Age 18-28 years old, male or female!! can accept the work of the night games
2: Language organizational ability, there Strong communication skills, pleasant personality, good attitude, serious and responsible.
3: daily 100m300 yuan! (basic salary + commission)
4: Working Hours: 8 pm to 1 o'clock
Recruitment Hotline: Contact: Miss Yang
mm Zhengjing Li-situ direct employ of the Company [disintermediation], were not appointed any recruitment agency. Please take my ID card applicants at our interview date of appointment of qualified, available accommodation. wages are settled the same day, security and confidentiality. Due to the staff busy, and sometimes can not access to your resume, do not send e-mail and SMS, interested, please contact us. [disheveled were no reception] For details, please click on the following Baidu Snapshot
Contact: Zheng Jingli Miss Yang Tel:

Monday, February 14, 2011

For people in their fearless spirit will be truly independent

 I now feel that no one wants to fear, only in the spirit of true independent. Or That makes a lot of fear, take your heart. Such a person is afraid of old, but if it's the heart of a new layer something more noble than the old time, then it can stand up inside and see the height will be very different. I like all the crazy things that can be exempted from the restrictions of any kind of emotional thing, because That is a very real self, free from any restraint and compromise. even beaten. have to explain their young. So why go to such a young and refused it?-year-old child cry as you like Laugh, that is how the innocence? why are so many people to a pure hard repression? Why human nature can not release all? have to wear a mask is not so true to torture yourself? only that the person is too hypocritical too Ayutthaya? I would like to see a face of innocence do not want to see a hidden suffering of the people to see through in the end too much to write what the people of the face. it only shows old and utilitarian.
concern is not too much drama side of things. Only yesterday, when reminded of the occasional emergence of the people who sing opera, perhaps simply because they are the kind of dress and screen infected people have a sense of art. So to think of it to understand some. Shaoxing opera and listened to two kinds of results, there are other factions, Sichuan and Henan Opera. but he is still such a prolonged decline prefer something Yue After all, belongs to the National Pastime. Amoy heard some arias spear Wei Zhao Zhigang also some singing. really made me feel an infection of the layman. is far more comparable to those currently not on the popular song. of course, far more than not on the previous level as the master Mei Lanfang as the characters. watched a interview on the spear and performance Wei Amoy. the kind of passion for the arts and the Peking Opera is able to infect and move people. I now find out how something can envy may always be an enthusiastic person. It was always a kind of young. when she said something very profound impression on me. that is, she mentions that he has can not be a lot like the original as the works of. almost five years have not had a CD. all their energy on the small flowers on the drama troupe. but when she found one day she finally tired and tired and finally the will of their own lax moments on the stage, she found out that they old. Yes ah, wait for no man around. She said: , but look at her now and then, when Hao will start thinking about this, how her life is meaningful ah. . But the meaning of my life Where is it? whether the same mediocrity as many people have been to life? or vitality did not suppress his desire to pursue desperately been a relatively calm day and that is the so-called meaning?
online see some of Phoenix TV program, Wavelet boom. even under the door with Wang Xiaobo's lackeys of a book published. be remembered and some of his memorial. In fact, for the king I have not had a very deep understanding, the only impressed me is the high school at night to listen to Radio, the results overheard a presenter read a paper on the article, when I thought the article was so impressed, very impressed, so they can remember. I think this is The only thing I can remember his article. As for the Bronze Age to the Bronze he is not seen how. Only thing I read Lvmao monsters, which is very thin shape that quirky girl I remember Yao Yao still new. As little is known of his essays more. listening to sinus and discussion of two other guests before letting me re-think of such a figure. There is a shadow of female guests, the worship of Wang Xiaobo is said to be crazy who is the king had a love letter addressed to Li Yinhe of thing I read . In fact, I thing I read a love letter to the king is not much interested to see. to a person for such a focus can be so put their feelings into people feel very interesting. Indeed, she was very personality. very emotional. In some is also very self-respect as a person. But I find myself could be so invested around the same things people do too little. to the very soul to have something to adhere too little. I do not know the king Wavelet be regarded as very meaningful way of life, but I know he died, leaving behind many of his very soul to be able to worship him, his lifetime work in the death of those affected a lot of people. Maybe this is called for value.
Phoenix TV has a show called is hosted by Chen Xiaonan, is said to have been received very good ratings. I've seen a few of the impression has been also all came good. inside devoted to the world between an ordinary story but not so extraordinary. recent one is about to see a transsexual Meng Qi, she was a man before the two-year-old students, as has been felt from the heart to be a Nver Shen and painful, then do the surgery, turned into a very beautiful woman, her purpose is very simple, it is hoped to be a woman. to a very simple like other girls can be a simple as a small woman . as a woman that looks at a human eye to how the normal thing, but ah. but she has to endure the unbearable pain and pressure of the end they want to end their lives end. In her interview, Her smiles are so girls, even more than the girls of her sensitive and delicate., but she repeated the most is my hope that we can admit that I was a woman. is the word. because I really was a woman. Yes, God does from beginning to give her a Nver Shen, gave him a man named. Finally, such a burden and pain of torture. Sometimes I think people are very funny. The look in our own very easy to do simple things like the blink of an eye on such people who are extremely difficult to achieve and dreams to achieve the kind of thing. I really appreciate and admire such a person, can for their own ideals and a strong desire to achieve self selfless person. In fact, when I read an interview with the program when, in my mind has never been produced on such a person is not a woman she thought. even think so I think she is a man or something else were very difficult thing. Because she did in my mind is a courageous woman clinging. secular too ridiculous, too humble.
own experience through a number of things including some of the things, I also was thinking What constitutes a life worth it? what a self is happy? Dou Wei Tao said such a sentence, Russell was in the throes of self in him, when suddenly a gardener discovered the day In chasing a rabbit, think this is a very interesting thing. because the gardener all day for that of the rabbit in trouble. because he had just ruined a rabbit to make things right for the plants, so he had to catch it. so he find it very interesting. He felt very happy living gardener. So when we focus on the inner self when other more things but there will be more happy. but later refuted the shadow of his words, said that in fact the real self on a line of people is the most happy person, because he does not see the world in all those numerous chores and was disturbed by the things that upset. In fact, both from different angles to produce different ideas. The key is to look for conditioning and the existence of their own position in the world. but this is difficult to do and.
my life in the process of walking aimlessly, then, do you?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Eight large inventory of 06 events

 As for this thing just feel funny turn, more claws a little crazy to say whether Kazakhstan
talent show is the praise everyone is demoted, at least elected by the people who claim to be the fashion. And Reds comparison , we usually call it none other than the six groups.
six bad guys more afraid
text / Mission Hills
selected characters: Zude
arena nickname: buck teeth Song Nanhai one p.m.
list reason: you do not mess with me, but you disgusting rotten egg I
physiognomy book says: eyes with the mouth side of the large, non-rape or theft. It was so long with a Fu Zuilian, but saw in the mirror that the meaning of Jia. Recently, Zude the name of it.
Zude a fortune, if that, then he better have a beautiful Jordan were both naked than mm. This is definitely acting style has always been, playing deaf, dumb curse must account Pa grave, on the very foot of the mountain was a sea of fire knife Rebel hell. Song of the curse the list, saying it much longer than the bolt of cloth ah! Li, Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Jizhong, Faye Wong, Andy Lau, Liu Yifei hh almost all popular entertainment figures have escaped the French Song mouth. true Song Zude is a day does not of Health, vancomycin, such as night!
dug out the aging Song Laodi, we can see, a person must name has been with the people do not want to dig Shimo tongue when a person must be wearing insoles. The inventor has ten patents in the small, the spirit of the invention into the entertainment industry. Song of the wild notion, including ;, what a song! straight Tell me what they looked at each other sweating Education, brother, bizarre Zi bu yu ah!
According to information, to participate in a recent blog Assembly Song brother, the move to the N-unidentified brawny pain flat. This is like the Americans, placed the good days, however, looking forward to an alien invasion of earth every day, the results looked forward ten times the bin Laden ruthless aliens.
selected person: Meng Guangmei
arena Nickname: mouth beauty
list reason: to eat other people's also fooling
rotten egg Index:
Some people say, Dou Wentao Meng Guangmei hailed as the intellectual beauty, life and pull into the like a downright conspiracy. these lakes is not surprising that trick down, strange that is Bangladesh beautiful play deep into their own. often see her on TV in pretending to be thinking like waving arm, and we are convinced that the legendary Liu Bei arms and knees is a real thing.
fact, sat quietly beautiful Meng, Yang Yang of the National People's eyes even. She did not know enough not enough, delusional to the National People's Yang Yang out to God. day Meng directed at the mainland compatriots beauty ass for no reason freak, bricks thrown into the latrines, the dung of the Lord stirred up the people. there are some indigenous Taiwanese, mainland people find boring step superiority staged such things every day. In particular, it reform that would be the most popular child. As early as 1992, the famous musician just for the variety show X tight like a pair of pliers. not difficult to find, the mainland is not only bread, more stronger yuan. alone make people on the mainland nascent, slash and burn, the gas had long been a point of view, the subject of excessive speculation. Miss Meng Tai also be informed, Please point out the new meaning of it!
Bangladesh Beauty mouth map is good and the board to pay buttocks, thereby missing five million advertising orders, we have reason to believe that her sister must be very rich and Bangladesh.
selected characters: Yapeng
arena nickname: Female m kill m hand
list reason: each piece unfortunately become a A prophet can not live at home on. always miraculous, as the turning point of the crisis, poke random phase blaze a new trail, so that small problems become big reason for the wishful thinking of the next step.
envisaged in the Endpose is full of grievances Yapeng sadly away. more than just now, ever since one foot into the entertainment world, these many years, thousands of style can all understand. Ministry of works being misinterpreted, to showcase the great who Xia Guo Jing, but also honest and mentally flying, just insult the word acting. for a few girlfriends that any small garlic skin types, it seems that the monk is not doing him alone. After a frustrating, Li Miao Miao students into a bare tree, fell one place withering heart.
black, Nan also black than black.
such and such, then let him marry his wife have children exit the arena, it would be too bully people. Critics of the Standards and then Baby, have too much meddling. presumably often at night, Lee students stepping leather riding boots, leaning on their own fireplace , the hand-engine Remy Martin lamented: at least five years can be immortal, do not know in the students to live five hundred years, can, etc. to the word.
selected person: Chen couples
arena Nickname: Black Shuangsha
list Reason: a conspiracy of the money to spend 100 to read into the 100 home-made large theater.
rotten egg Index:
Chen K song on bread ruthless, people have lost his last respects. < br> state old saying: jin of the crossbow, not for the Mole hair dryer. Anyone who can see at a glance, Professor Chen's board is not saving lives, but to punish the former Mi, the warning to others. Poor Hugo Elementary School, even the chickens out of the question, However, shivering in the rain only quail. In fact, the Chinese people since ancient times sympathy for the weak, despised King. President Chen better educated, nicknamed distributed around I do not care, it were me, I will be with the public. founder Charles Zhang. Looking back, hey, pad foot brick, is still unknown miles!
Chen also exceedingly strange sister, husband gave birth to a radical Houhou temper, his wife, such as 119 when my son. Chen sister hand, around the fire, taking it every breathing vixen Sike, sipping was made a mold of the aging Laocu, horizontal vertical look to see entertainment like Big Sister, but rather is a Q only had several coins, flowers everywhere to raise the little girl clothes. And, believe it spends a great a!
two tigers, two tigers, strange, weird hh
selected characters: Flower Band
arena nickname: copy the class list boys
reason: with the ; the people ears raped a hundred times! a hundred times!
rotten egg Index:
where people fall to mmA. in the place get back up again; B. in situ healing; C. alarms in place; D. fall in place again; you will choose which one is it?
director of the Beijing traffic Guaner are very depressed recently, sitting in the office, hey, actually outside the gang war one way or another myself. a child is called stupid or melon children's choir, spoke to the media, said: Korean singer Park Ji Yoon's Bottom
like golf practice, in fact, exercise is hearing composer. shopping malls, parks, and those familiar with the song to his house to go drill Erduoyan hh bite the bullet then?
fact, do celebrities do with God, like every other time out to be significant manifestation. from time to time to have new work published, as the rise of the Chinese entertainment industry composition, but also really difficult for these 80 children. audible listening to > too, as a singer wronged them. another day, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs missing, will be forgiven! years? 40 million compatriots, her response actually is: situation of the Wu are scared face livid, covered with Shaikang. sister, can you eat rice, if not Luangai the yo!
Rainie immediately attracted condemning words and deeds of incredible waves, online tile one, can collect renewed two count, do not, that time under eighteen years of age Young sister, still can not be responsible for their actions. stop stop stop, even if the MM Yang killed a man, that is three years weaving sweater and put out.
In fact, Taiwan has long been a chaotic phase the entertainment is more than just young people, even in old age also do not know Qin, let alone Wei. For example: in May 2005, CoCo hear the song asked the head of Sony Records soon find Mr. He: : > text / devil Orange
entertainment arena is rife, where capable, refresh rate of confusing, it was just mixed a Lianshu was kicked to step down, was able to Xiao Ao With Yizhaobanshi forest, Under the seven base Tianshan, martial arts all have unique offerings.
many followers of the seven base, has an extremely wide range of very large fan base did not say, even some famous rivers and lakes on their predecessors but also stole Cheats. Unfortunately, this characteristics, not to say that replication can be replicated, rotation. He speaks with a salty sentence, every word related to public toilets and lower body, is satyr such a temperament of both men rogue and a bubble MM pretended to be married to the exposure, was beaten into a foul mouth full of national treasures animals, men, presided over the program ratings have been staggering. In fact, the reasons for his popularity is not hard to understand, cheap to make people want to smoke one of his men, tend to turn his mind to fly, his wit is full, he can save the market, he can driven atmosphere, has its own unique style as a moderator, he can make a show of his mind with the rhythm of dancing, so watch his show every time, is enjoying a sophistication, cunning man's personal show.
Eric Tsang: will sell poor image of some wretched, Banqi underworld boss, the more so than the big three into a mighty force. physiognomy and his eloquence as slick, engaging Koubuzeyan favorite trick. to see his five short stature coupled with fancy dress, let you want to laugh even before they ask, that the skill acquired in addition to trained, have unique natural conditions. He's playing hurt has cheap is often the wounding of 92 years to publicly accused Liza Wang and Law Ka Ying is adultery, Gounan Nv, the results had to kneel down to apologize to Liza Wang, The full meal because the foul mouth attracted to play is common. is that regardless of life and death because of his workaholic attitude Bo audience laugh, he can leave the program hosted by a very deep impression.
small S: anthomaniac was popular indignation! do not know the guy is not seen, anything on her show guy, will she hit the chest, gestures , pulling chest hair, big hand little hand in these things is not uncommon, we often show while watching her lambasted. she was arrogant to death, since that he is Taiwan's first beauty, sexy body and hot dress complacent. Fanjian her, not only to take another poke fun, but also poke fun at himself. to each of the male guests in her gestures, for female guests to move students to death, we found that her unique, it really is Taiwan The first female base.
Liu Yiwei: his complete metamorphosis cheap is loquacious, with Sichuan, Mandarin sounds refreshing taste, the distinctive looks more likely to impress the audience. from the half-baked went completely personal talk show way , how to send cheap customer called a behavior it?
Xie Na: She seems to be a the crazy, crazy hair disheveled, and you run into the road in Malaysia rather abruptly so individuals have to take the whites of her not to. She's mad King pendulum to the program, became a distinctive personal characteristics, speaking of crazy and stupid, they think of Xie Na. of Xie Na's popular, often feel incredible, always felt she was red, puzzling. until you see one of the The General Assembly, The true performance. We hate artificial hosting style, and real Xie Na, everyone will not refuse.
Ya: the ability to partner and host Jacky Wu, skill can be used to describe the unfathomable. Zhaode Zhu Xian Ge only she can, she will only say that the saliva in Xiange scattered when the block Xiange mouth with a KISS, and only she can cast aside to join the program begins the period of Dance Macabre. see Xie Na's performance, sometimes think of Aya, their straightforward, direct and total devotion are the same, but Aya's Funny and self-deprecating, but also make people feel very comfortable, not produce artificial sense.
CCTV: He looks very ordinary people, listen to him chatter is like homemade. biting his hookah were removed to a group of rural elderly man group, his microphone would not be too conspicuous. because the kind so kind, as pro-and so close to the people, plain and simple and honest hosting style personal image, called a killer uncle. He can wisdom, self-righteous, shameless and brazen was the perfect combination of burn out a lively tomato scrambled eggs, simple, good-looking, bad nutrition.
, of course, in addition to nutrient-rich We see eye bulge, eight have to muck; others let us angry, indignant inexplicable. through the appearance to the essence, we look at these events is also hidden behind what?
eight He Goethe guess
Xu Jinglei and the Han, there is speculation scandal stop? text / Xiang, such as Fifi
the mainland this year, the entertainment out of the first pile the whole dynamic of the Xu Jinglei is none other than that of the golden couple. from the Recently updated blog on the sofa, close to Beijing until the Han Xu Jinglei, will be caught so far, this was regarded as an end boiling lakes Jiedi Lian. someone laugh, they have been flirting with each other in words. Xu talented woman to this remark, said: ; not say flirting, then it is also stressed friendship. This situation will be a transfer of control, eventually come up in a web blog, TOP1 and TOP2 be considered a break, can truly be said: the newspapers to create a situation Jiedi Lian, Bo, we would like to do flirting ducks. However, the public is needed entertainment and is entertainment. want to come Xu talented woman will lead the film, fully able to 90 beautiful patterns after the writer. Thus, not only to support the new, trained personnel for the entertainment industry, but also to satisfy the public's entertainment needs, but also to fit the individual willingness to speculation, the number of U.S. sets a mile why not? more Moreover, the Earth people know, looks like a in the end love who?
text / gray
Reeds seven years ago, a become a friend.
Gigi Surf, tough love for seven years, the masses were abusive and Fufei finally become a blessing to her true feelings and admiration of probation, but the male lead suddenly extricate yourself, such as falling in love with her Like when you pull off. It is said, is go back to old love side. the masses is still very good, since a good lover or old, forgotten corners of the earth, then go bed admit, is also reasonable. look to eliminate the Iraqi people were emaciated Love to the beating of GIGI, they have to sigh, alas, seven aggressive, arrived in an itch.
Since then, this is still a drama about the truth.
But now, the Iraqi side has Green Hope again, and wrapped together into, what the students did not Xiaoshao. dramatic turnaround! because of this transition, the whole incident has changed the quality of the original he was just a grass is always greener in love fox only! and decreasing the rate of Yanjiu , which indicated that he and a small Mongolian students, escape the robbery three years.
again, grass is always greener is only human, people, entertainment and even the good citizens, not-for-life who love object of several ah. likely to so high-profile hate the old interpretation of moving, languishing unrepentant man, I am afraid not much. As the saying goes, the pit, wisdom, love one, know one, know that pigs are the new and exciting love not by heart but by the truth of the business.
I would like to guess from the male point of view of this man's psychological, so I asked: a man, fall in love with A ten year later, abandoned in love with A B, and B with seven after he abandoned the C, B on the bed. you say, this man what kind of psychology?
I do not understand entertainment fifty elderly father thought, replied slowly, the brain is not good. and is nephew of the third year, with very confident and positive tone to determine that the cheap.
Huang, attached to your soul where to go?
text / Hu Liniang
always thought that A yellow, very refined, very dignified, very serious, Kudachoushen nonsense to speak of dynamic football madness. until A yellow shouted at the World Cup a great and long live commentary, I found A yellow actually quite humorous, quite connotation. and even I began to speculate A Huangxin Han education, Gein Wong Ah shouted sentence souls.
Ah Wong did not know when the call their souls, their souls and found it did not. the World Cup before the divorce was heard A yellow , the World Cup after a court heard that Wong Ah. On divorce, Ah Wong said, there is no common language, she does not like his favorite; on the case, Ah Wong said he wanted to keep her child can see. < br> In this regard, I concluded, was the soul of A yellow cat carry it away. You think, ah, since there is no common language, why get married ah; Now married, why not look for a common language ah; now have to divorce , take no common language to reason, it is quite child-inch of the bar. Ah said Ah Wong Wong's daughter to marry had never been seen, Ah Wong's career is a guide; and is said to marry a wife had never been seen Ah Wong and his wife is beautiful and A thoughtful mm Wong this point would have to admit their own, not thinking of the girls, was so beautiful, to marry A yellow it? Unfortunately, fine yu Union, and later there is no common language. I think the failure of Arab Huang Ting , the obsession to dump his wife has lost wanderers. Ah Wong this case do not know how well played, win lose does not matter, anyway, the spirit out of skin Ah Wong.
child Catwoman, your humanity is How many left?
text / Hu Liniang
a video the first half of Internet rumors, a shrew cat abuse. lively to very dependent to V in the Way We kitten around, already an instant into a pool of flesh and blood, blurred all consternation.
I see incomprehensible metamorphosis, the animal is human cruelty mm Man is an animal, but who is a senior animal, animals fight to survive, shrew you Killing for what? Give me a reason First, do not grab your cat bowl for your man? that you really really bad that even animals are not as awkward.
this cat does not take the initiative to rely on people living dogs, cats, dogs'd robbed the space . to see the disaster of foreign horror films that I always think, if that really unholy in this world, it is one of the evildoer. people less than human nature unpredictable, the more powerful the power of people, the more grave disaster in the world. Look that a variation of duck legs, six feet snake right whales also committed suicide in droves.
for cats dogs, the shrew's heels like a disaster film an alien weapon, but for the people , the care it, shrew high heels, variable day to Chuoxiang your belly, your eyes, your body. When the cat is a dog , the target for only a servant.
Come on, man to monster in the process of development, try to keep some cats dogs, please try to leave humanity.
Shang Wenjie, why not so red?
text / Mission Hills
2006 closing of the Super Girl, Shang Wenjie Li kicked off a PK.
Obviously, people like Li Yuchun is not one-night stand. Love is blind, love is blind was originally, and now, more become deaf and mute. Shang Wenjie Youyuan that deep voice, in the end how much help to her, it remains to be seen. that process, hopefully not a small turtle marathon.
the broken pieces of Li compared to a red, Shang Wenjie unhurried, still shy of the roses quietly opened. Even Shang Wenjie Korean plastic surgery, face changing into Li, Fans still could not guess that conclusion. Now people are accustomed to economic point of view, the two girls This post on the market, said a pound on the pounds, is easy to see Jingwei black and white.
analogy, Shang Wenjie, Shanghai is a steadily Dangdang chair, site very heavy, can passerby pulled from A to B Department. and Li is that a lion's Harley-Davidson motorcycle, driven not only useful function, more high ornamental value, and even meet the people drink the wind, pull the wind, ventilation, and so demand for high added value. to typhoon , the Li is wild, such as eight-foot spider, Shang Wenjie is subtle, such as small Kocho pupae. Zhuhua what the teacher anxious with that like: Shang-mei, to red over !
However, nature is still sister Lady, something like this off, animal husbandry and the village elder sister, stood before the microphone to sing a humble life, people still love her, respect her, or fix the collective memory of a whole generation of people do!
The sun sets the still stars, and then Soke is an ugly duckling swan. still sister to maintaining the status quo, to deep against impetuous, although the slow growth period, in the future grow into a noble red sandalwood, is also unknown.
cursed his feet on the Internet, keeps saying: the hat on his head, has become a dark green.
story is very old-fashioned, a Husband Wife actually stumbled with his both are very similar coincidence. Unfortunately, the man is a , wipe with a variety of ways. hype. Event Actress where the cultural influence of the foreign devils know, the Chinese people has always been fall, was his wife closed the lights, on the market to buy potatoes was Quejinshaoliang pounds, in short, those who jump up virtual fire, all he found the boundary of a brake fire.
the entire incident, Plato.
is followed by blind people throughout the country to worry about, even if the people's war started, check all over the country hotel hotel bills, a pseudonym can be private if people would, incognito adultery, and Chennai Ruohe??? Furthermore, like Grandpa, How long can the fire? This is an open question. Frankly speaking, is everyone blind Huoer for others to worry about, watching as people like Super Girl to hoist the popular Lara calls the flag, make the money, save the popular media following, to think in the next Yin Cece: demo, see how long you can fire.
could not jealous? now cross talk, short sector, are more Waner, not easily go out, be on the CCTV, to play to play New Year Party, praised the party and the motherland, as well as our beautiful rivers and mountains, model operas like, no wonder people who do not like to watch. those daily necessities, family gossip and trivia, 365 days occur every day, are not typical, Well, those on the Spring Festival comic sketches, all as a Kudachoushen like, made clear the basis of life is not divorced from the masses.
郭德纲 not the same. people obscure a decade, can be known, by are the power of the masses. His comic, is into the masses by the masses, those scripts, Black, a dead end. be people who like to watch, ah, we did not pay, can the family, how to have to Canoeing the higher one at the lower one? 郭德纲 can fire long? according to my obscure little people think, as long as I still want to hear about the burden of scripts he lost the day, he can go all the way.'d those
text / Mission Hills
entertainment industry, there are two doubts: First, Dou Wei silly or not silly; Second, Wong Kar-wai's small glasses.
Dou Wei just know when Faye Wong, Faye Wong thought that love is a day. At the time Dou Wei, dangling from the laughing wind, Dou Wei waves in a sea of jealousy, the cop going full king. Douwei rushing obliquely from the side of the stage, kissed the hand to seize the dawn of another pro, shouting: ! Today I finally meet you, give I have your autograph! Dou Wei is probably
comrades carried away the victory, after a series of moves was some burning package. is particularly remarkable is that since I met Yoko Ono-style plateau rather the students, the sinus students felt he was the reincarnation of Lennon, the material World no nostalgia. Dou Wei is also a money Faye Wong, Faye Wong is also a building, but also the key to the recording studio, when I saw from the newspaper Dou Wei has lost Faye Wong as he bought the hearts are bleeding for him.
Throughout the process, people see Dou Wei's self-esteem and self-arrogant. Some people say: Dou Wei's great achievements in this life, rejection of the Faye Wong.
after leaving Faye Wong, I go alone Dou Wei Road, but sad to find: the theory into gray, evergreen tree of life is no longer his own creation for many years not move. We can not help but worry for his rest of his life together. Now, even the monks of the temple has a CEO, pure land on earth where, for many years got a little older suffered from sinus moral teacher, died in the where? Fortunately, the recent rumors, sinus teachers as Burning the Camps, lawsuits, was the domestic Press Fengqiang money, and only seeking to sinus teacher autobiography. Perhaps another day the teacher to write a sinus tell you, I am also against their conscience in broadcast these ads, you read that disgusting can change channels, I have to stare at what they broadcast cycle. Do you think I make extra money is for what, more save points is not good to go see a psychiatrist.
nine are still in our advertising
nausea text / Spider

Want a series of ads this ad is not an ordinary evil, will be on TV every New Year is called Want. probably meaning that, eat make a big, new year will be prosperous, it is quite stupid laughed mm takes a whole of all TV viewers like children. depriving the advertising department of a large busy students very seriously told us: ; future, do not call me Want Want! that agile enough to be called Fearless. in particular the three fine blue bottle, the ad is not that woman a look on the blue bottle thrown into the tank, with the text of Sen Kate like, how we state basketball coach no fancy her then?
Fu Yan Jie
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