Sunday, February 27, 2011

Yang Zhuo Yong Nano measures and measures

 Must go to Tibet to travel Zhuo Yong Nano measures and initiatives to see the sheep, as the two lakes, the three holy lakes in Tibet which was listed as Nano measures is the day the meaning of the lake, because it is 4718 meters above sea level.
Namtso in Damxung and Nagqu county, far away from La Sabi is the second largest saltwater lake in China, is the world's highest large lakes, it is the rectangular area, looking like a river, the water depth of 33 meters, the lake is the third pole of the Himalayas formed depression movement, south of the lake is the Nyainqentanglha mountain snow, because clouds too more, sometimes can not see, the lake surrounded by grassland and hills surrounded by lush, rich in animal resources.
changing climate on the plateau, west of the east sunrise rain, while black skies, see the sun for a while to disperse the clouds . I went to Tibet in 1993, is one such time, sitting on a car flew in the road, underground heavy rain splashed the sky, not far from the sun in front of that blue sky days, the soon to open to the sky car, the blink of an eye Also open to the clouds below, is a burst of heavy rain. to open when passed a dry river bed, came back full of river water, had to detour, but now the road has been very good repair, this situation is rare .
Yang Zhuo Yong measures referred to as the Sheep Lake, the feeling is the most beautiful lakes in Tibet, and it is located in Shannan Prefecture, is only 100 kilometers away from Lhasa, and its height is 4441 meters, to see many photos are taken back beautiful, of course, if the sky goes to feel more momentum out.

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