Thursday, February 24, 2011

Venerable Master Buddha's merit

 The next day Master
of you, gentlemen, fellow practitioners:
yesterday Buddhist teaching we will target the nature of the content, brief introduction to come out, because we know Foshui Fa teaching machine, and everyone is limitless, root is limitless Therefore, we must lease Fo Yuefa beings of the machine; in other words, we must make all beings are the interests of the former to be Most Excellent.
world we also observe a principle of teaching, learning process. If we have learned in their daily lives do not have access, this academic is not true. dharma in fact, also more realistic than this, that is, Buddhism to us, we must we can now benefit from, now get the benefits of, otherwise, we learned to do it What?
root not the same each and every being, wisdom is not the same, different habits, in other words, our needs are different, so Foyue Fa had also limitless. All in all, the Buddha to all living beings full of desire, which point is very great, really impressive. so there is the key to limitless, which means if there is a school, the school which opened many departments, in order to suit different students, different desires and let him choose Such further studies will be able to be happy, so further studies is a very happy thing, we study music in China Gu Renjiang l ', there is joy in learning them.
not like we are, we now feel bitter when the students , and even with their interests, hobbies are not the same, seems to have been forced to learn, not willing, reluctantly, the learning is painful, and this is the problem system, and now the school is based on test scores to be distributed to your department's , not according to your wishes. we do not follow the Dharma score is based on desire, learn what you like Dharma, Buddha Dharma give what you say, this is our infinite wisdom and see the Buddha's infinite compassion.
So we know, all the Dharma Buddha says not to teach us all to learn, just as the same school, the school opened by the department, not to teach a student's completion of all of it, did not mean it is in which you choose. Shizundangnian alive Jiaoxue that is no problem, any one of his students to see the Buddha to ask for help, have the ability to view the Buddha machine, his ability to observe what you are root, you are not only his situation before understand your past lives, life after life situation, he knew, so great opportunity to say a few words enlighten, enlightenment of students, and understand, this is where we see many, many classic. Buddha Miedu after Buddha was teaching the students for living beings, for human beings, there are great benefits to society, if this teaching was to a great pity if the lost, so many students reached a consensus, the Buddha taught that year, the assembly to be transmitted to future generations. < br> This is a very heavy workload, the Blessed One year of teaching and not writing books, there is no quiz for student notes, is particularly so in the build-up, please Ananda, Buddhist disciples which he is the longest follow the Buddha, Ananda was the Buddha's servant, lord lifetime, every time he preached to the present, not even a monk Ananda years ago when the Buddha says of the classics, the Buddha of the Ananda said that one person can repeat it again, so A Venerable difficult teaching in the Buddha among the forty-nine, he heard what is the most complete, of course, Buddha gave him a mission, you build the future they must take the classic.
memory of his strengths is very good will never forget listening to it again, he has the ability to repeat the Buddha repeat once again talking about at the time, made it very complete, speak no mistake, this is among his disciples, he has the talent. so in the build-up through Tibet, everyone re about to push Ananda, please tell Ananda Shengzuo complex, a complex of a talk by, and elect some people to record, and another five hundred Arhat, are students at Blessed One, ask them to listen, ask them to testify, see Ananda talked about, we do not agree with, if there is one comment, that this sentence should be deleted, everyone must agree that everyone in favor of, which can be recorded. So today, we see the first sentence of l Rushiwowen classic ', this l I' is the Ananda himself, is personally listen to Buddha Ananda, the Buddha how to say, how he would say, to record the call so that l Classic ', the classic is so popular in India down. and build a total of four times as much, the first Ananda assembly, which impress. After a long time to the Buddha, the last off the assembly in the Buddha degree of four hundred years, the duration of time passed, and who then good memory? then handed down some of the classic problems inevitably, this is all we have to know.
so good school, people will learn to grasp the principle, the total control program, it will not be much wrong. who will not learn it very troubled, and persistent in the scriptures, perseverance in the text, which is very distressed. Buddha, the case can be said for the later is very clear, very clear, so the Buddha said that his shipment of three stages, the Fa-rectification, such as law, degenerated. Dhamma a thousand, a thousand years after Buddha Miedu been transmitted to educate the public practice of the principle, generally there will not be wrong ; Although many sub-sects, but there is no problem, learning can be Duanfan Nao, able to wisdom, to permit fruit bits. But after a thousand years, the second method a thousand times as called l ', which l like' is l like ', and gradually degenerate, the more mass the more correct method, there is something wrong inside inclusions.
Buddhism spread to China, just a thousand Buddha Mieduo, that Buddhism is the end of the Dhamma, such as law came to China early Fortunately, the law is like the beginning. The Chinese translation by the work in the past whether it is transportation, personnel, material, printing and distribution have all the inconvenience and many of the restrictions, the founder of ancient times Dade, the spirit of perseverance that they deserve our respect, to overcome the many difficulties, the Sanskrit classics translated into Chinese, this work from the Later Han Dynasty, has been to the Song Dynasty, the time lasted eight years.
Song after the turn the by, that very little volume to the eight hundred years, in other words, Chinese is the classic era of Buddha's image to be completed, like the law started early in the work of scriptures. After the Chinese classics translated into our future generations have a question when I had to keep a Buddhist this question, then spread to China, India, the number of classical Sanskrit many, though transportation is very developed, is still a lot coming from one part of the India's senior monks came to China as a missionary, the other part is the Chinese monks came to the West to study, there is the most excellent achievements, of you know that this monk.
they return home from India with a large number of Sanskrit classics, brought it back, not fully translated, but in which the choice, of course, is to choose the best, most suitable for further studies on the Chinese people, so there are not many of the classic translation. Therefore, we in China > the original it? the original classic that have gone? Why not save passed down? leaving only the Chinese translation of the original lost. I am Mr. Fang Dongmei Buddhism was introduced, and he introduced me to Buddhism I once asked him this question, we Sanskrit classics have gone? side first say a word, to put at least makes sense, his remark has no basis, I do not know, must have l Naturally ', not necessarily according to him. He told me: l we are turning classical Chinese and Sanskrit for the compare if the words of our translation more than the original, the first meaning was the correct turn, the second text, the text than the Sanskrit word presentation skills but also beautiful. very ancient Chinese self-confidence, reading Buddhist scriptures read our translation can be, and do not need to read Sanskrit. ', how you look at the tone, think about was full of sense. former Chinese self-confidence heart is strong, unlike the Chinese now, for the complete loss of national self-confidence lost, think they will not work, all foreigners line, this is a big mistake, so be sure to restore confidence in the nation, this nation will have a future. Therefore, the first of these parties, I think the right is full justified, although he did not say based on, but very good and always answered our question.
So for the Chinese must have confidence in the translation, translations, of course there are better or worse, turned by the dojo talents to many, especially the attack on the literary attainments, and it turned out, the text on the beautiful, if less talent, the book may be translated in the text Comparing almost, it is that we now start to see that the Buddhist scriptures. Again there are many translations of the translation also appeared, as we know the familiar. translation was only one. different translations of the content we have to observe carefully, very similar, so any book is good, are very rare. if we do research, and not to do further studies, we mainly a book Other translations of a reference, so that we reach a full understanding of the classic, which is a translation of a variety of research work of our people who really do help.
classic Pure Land, we chose this method to repair the school, in the many Famennian inside, we have chosen the Pure Land, why did he choose the Pure Land? that there are two factors: The first factor is the root of our own, and we are now living environment before, so that we can not afford studied under other sectarian cumbersome academic. any one sect, which have been on a lot of practice approach is not simple, we at this time, it hard to adapt to that. The Pure Land is simple, it is a classic by one of only three, but three of the weight by a very little, so very suitable for us. Although Gu Dade added the two, this is we want to know. So now the Pure Land of the Pentateuch, the Five Classics how come? is enshrined and worshiped Wei Lay, he will Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra willing goods Germany and India will be the old Master of light, two hundred and sixty words attached to the two hundred and forty four by four words, the Pure Land is called the Five Classics l ', the Pentateuch is it came from. these five things are not long, are short, five OECD and India together , is but one such thin, based upon our theory on the Pure Land so much, that for us is too convenient.
and Pure Land of the Buddhas of all praise, when we are not beginners know, to further clear by the possession before suddenly; initially did not think highly of the Dharma, Dharma is later discovered that this practice permits fruit, supreme Dharma, the real incredible, if not in depth by the possession of you, you do not know, ah, do not know this good methods of practicing, which is now before the living environment, we fit the Famennian. Another reason is to comply with the teachings of the Buddha. Buddha destroyed in the entry to tell you before, he said that his shipment of a twelve thousand years, ten thousand two thousand years later, this world is not Buddhism, Buddhism disappeared. Dhamma, he said a thousand, a thousand years as the law, the Dharma Ending a thousand years, then in accordance with Chinese historical records, this year is out after the three thousand and two years of the Buddha, other words words, we degenerated a million years, the beginning of the second millennium, there should be nine years later. all these years is very popular in the West the ancient prophecy that 1999 West is the end of the world, but from Buddhism is concerned, there are nine Buddha shipment of thousands of years, this is not the end, definitely not end, we are assured, but there may be a disaster, said that too severe a doom.
precepts of Buddha Dhamma time achievements in the During the Fa-rectification cultivation in accordance with the Buddha's precepts to be able to permit fruit, pure and honest heart. like law school during the repair according to the precepts can not be achieved, to repair meditation, meditation achievement; it seems we have been proven in China, Buddhism is in the image method time to spread to China, in China a thousand years, if it according to Chinese history, Buddhism is officially in the latter years of the Han Yongping spread to China, AD sixty years, a total of nineteen hundred years now, and this is image method for a thousand years later, a thousand years later degenerated. so very Zen Chinese sheng, because, like France during the meditation achievements, achievements of the Pure Land Dharma-Ending Period, which is Buddha in the modern look this passage, like the Buddha's prophecy, we lived in the degenerated time, in accordance with the guidance of the Buddha, we have built the Pure Land school, which is not contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.
because these two factors, we decided to choose this path to enlightenment, the Dharma is the most important of the classic The only repeat once again that all, but only We now see seven lost, leaving only five, and now close the It is great inside and out, it can be concluded is not an original version; an original translation, even though there are many different translations, but Buzhi Yu is very different, will be similar. These five book out too, concluded that not once that is preached many times, so have a different original Sanskrit, which we should pay special attention to this experience of Buddha enlightenment of our beings, his special care for the Dharma, Dharma in particular the Most Excellent of course, especially in the The hundred years later, read the sentence name, had a great interest. This is the Dharma in all inside, we understand that it's Most Excellent, the interests of its true merit.
version since so many, access is so big that further studies on the ancient difficult, because some meaning, this book has, that the book does not; some mean, that book there, which book did not, so should have read all five of the original version, which was complete by the righteous. Now easy, five book you can get, in ancient times than done, so think of the ancient collection of talent this. first time compiled a collection of the Song Dynasty, Wang Long Shu Jushi, this very position in our Buddhist community, and he also really very old practice achievements, he is standing Buddha died away, so has been in circulation now, it's called Korean translation, some important scriptures are the other four are not, so long Shu Jushi this translation by the lack of justice there, or not complete, it is regrettable. It can be seen together is necessary, that should be, if the collection of should not happen, the dragon reborn Shu Jushi how can it stand? His Holiness to give us proof of their own experiences, this collection should be, for the inheritance of Pure Land there is some contribution, this credit can not be buried. because he The book has gaps, so the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, Peng Shao-liter Lay, which is a very great man, is he, indeed is the Buddha to come back. to say now, he is of noble birth, the general talk among the children of l 'His father was Emperor Qianlong Bingbushangshu, is now secretary of defense, that means he is of noble birth.
this person very smart, twenties to the Scholars, twenties is two years old, as now passed the qualifying exam In that time, the highest degree Scholars, we are now the equivalent of a doctorate. He served a short time an official, an official of his family is not rich, and in Buddhism there is a remarkable achievement, he went to study Buddhism . He of to health to be a monk armor section of this book, the difficult to read, delete duplications, to do an abridged book, section very well, reading really is very smooth, very comfortable to read, teach people, and he gave it does A comment, , just introduced, he Long Wang Shu's book than to improve much more, this is a good collection. spread soon, and India for the old Master of light, and Long Wang Wei Yuan Shu's book has a criticism of you in the that there are quite a few articles critical of both the book, but you look carefully, not against his old Master collection, is opposed to his collection there are inappropriate.
anything wrong be? together and Translating different, Translation can use their own words the meaning of discretion; collection can not, brings together the most important thing is to take it to the original, it can not change a word, you change it to the word casually, of course, Long Wang Shu reform there is no problem, than to change original well; Wei was no problem to change, they really are asking the University family, ways of the world Buddhism are accessible, change is good, but old Master said, if you open the client, then the people can not read, he also casually change each individual change, to change to change to that later spread to Buddhist can stay to see it? can not open this case, the original looks like, you have to use the original word, sentence by sentence can not be changed, you can rearrange , five to the original version can be re-combination, but can not change a word, this is very important. Long Wang Shu's book which changed the word, Wei Yuan's book is also guilty of this fault, this situation, of you look at the pool this summer lotus in front of home Mei Guangyi old lay in a preface, the preface is very long, have said, the pool can not change a word.
because of this reason, the old home lay Xialian twenty years in the Republic of the heart and re-collection, this book is that we are now. He completed this book is a collection of three years, equal to three-year retreat, which the sixth product, that is, l Fat vows' Forty-eight willing, this section of scripture to use the three months, and There are two assistants, one Huiming old monk, it was the Chinese Buddhist monks, were pass through to teach in Taiwan Huiming old and still record the discovery, a thin booklet, it seems was also very wide circulation . There is also a light Xi Mei Buddhist, three cooperation, with three months, bringing together Forty-eight verse is willing to, you know their intentions, they caution.
so this book came out, first to boat should be the kind Master, Chi Zhou, great admiration for the Master to see this book to use this book in Jinan began to speak, but his subjects were sentenced. This Section sentence, I went to Beijing, Huang Nianzu there is an old scholar, which is among the survivors of the Cultural Revolution was not burned, so I put it to Taiwan, copy the Now the book is divided into Forty-eight items, which is one after another after another amendment, the amendment again and again, ten years into the current revision of this book before, it took years of effort before the final version, the book now in circulation, the old summer Lay a decade of work with, ah, is not easy.
this book came out, India passed away the old Master of light, so the old Indian did not see this book, if the old to see this book printed, may nod: l This book brings together quite well, can flow out. ', the ancient collection of those shortcomings came completely changed, to be sure every word is the original text did not change a word, and the choice is very appropriate, indeed the original version of five master of, when the monks were all that this book is The argument, preaching benefit students, he has two students in Taiwan, but we all respect, is still the old Master Repentance clouds, there is a source of the late Venerable Road; so I kindly bring back the old sub-families, If you had said this by a problem, channel sources the old monk, Repentance goes the old Master have recognized this by the Master says, and give it as a sub-families, which, what problem? is enough to let us play with this confidence by Bunsen , so this is the real magic, we can not face missing.
my own after this thirty years experience in Hong Among my own feelings to, and I have talked a lot through, probably, there are dozens of total more like big by half of the , have the power of Buddha blessing incredible, inconceivable merit to eliminate karma, which is my own deep feelings. I say, I have first-hand experience. all these years makes me confident that this classic deeper, further studies in accordance with this classic and eliminate a lot of karma, a lot of vested interests, passed away also a lot of practice in accordance with this classic, reborn in the Swiss-phase very good, These are proved by a full merit is indeed the Buddha Tathagata Weishen the blessing.
doubt it if we can not accept, but also to find another book, that is, Ford too few good roots, the less good roots in terms of l can not cause too Shengbi Ford country. ', good roots Ford rarely, this book you can not accept it. If it can not accept, there is a remedy, You must read five kinds of the original version, why? so you can get too many and too complex, then you read this collection of summer residence of the lotus, which are five master of the book, so it must make it clear by this understanding.
This book is now in overseas no obstacles, no barriers in the Chinese mainland, almost circulation of the country, so the continent a lot of people reading this book, recite a lot of people this is a very good sign, we see that Buddhism is very promising, really bright.
through thick Wuliangshoujing quite well, some have said the each.
second Revised Methodology only three generations passed away, a little more simple, not very detailed, but the program has had; > The Buddha taught us methods which have view to Buddha, a concept like the Buddha, a Buddha who were, in the method of speaking it in detail. Another point is not negligible, Nine causality, which in the Life after The The experience report, but which way he is derived from the Five read the law ', the first week, the second is the praise, the third is a vow, and the fourth is to observe, it is about is the , that means even more clear, more profound, l police 'is clearly, plainly, is back to fifth.
he old Buddha, meaning the five sentence Beige endowed, so he and successful method , and later spread to China, the Tanluan Master to take this law, Shandaodashi not only take the law, but also promote the law. So many of the Japanese Pure Land Buddhism five read the law with l ', they are learning with the Shandaotaishi .
this point, the Pure Land of the theory, method, learning is quite complete, the Buddha finally said, a The path to enlightenment, , listen to the words of the Buddha Dharma, and congratulate you ah, you're gifted with a Buddha, which is l to be born Buddha 'in Dharma, do not beat around the bush. Buddha Suiran so insistent that we do not Buddhists do not need it said, Buddhist, who, a few people accepted? few people believe it? Why is the Buddha so Quanqing, we can not accept it?
Really, awful fact that the Buddha also made it very clear that this is called Dharma l difficult letter of the law ', the Buddha of the advice, everyone accepted it hard to believe that l can call' it? how to persuade the Buddha, which beings still do not believe that this is difficult to be called the letter l 'ah. So we advise people recite , they do not believe that we should nod, normal, not strange, and why? hard to believe thing. as we advise, people accepted on the nod, it was strange Well, why did he believe, this is amazing.
so who can be persuaded to believe that man was not ordinary people, the Buddha in the by good roots in the infinite past lives, he could not accept, coinciding with the 'We do not know to what extent the number of good roots.
This Buddhist World has to support forty billion, this is not a small figure of a Buddha Buddha to three A Sengzhi robbery, forty billion Buddha, this is really limitless robbery ah. Over the past immeasurable support forty billion robbery of which the Buddha had such a profound good roots, experience persuade a person, he does not doubt the right to accept, we know his positive nature of goodness must be revised to support forty billion more than the Buddha, so this is really hard to believe, can not be forced. Do you believe in the Pure Land, but you dependents do not believe the home pro, you want to help him, you're that good heart, the truth is not helpful, the Buddha can not do anything, why? his immature nature of goodness, the things that can barely it? good roots mature, it Congratulations to him really, really incredible.
so that we can not understand the less good roots Crawford karma l 'is less to what extent, to what extent more, this has a concept, really not easy. When you're good roots mature, not only is willing to bless you in this Amitabha, the Buddha without Shifangzhufo not support you; we are here today for a while, we are here to listen, hear my heart zealous students, not me, speak well, you can hear the happy, thoughts on the error you are so, is Buddhist blessing in here with modern words, the magnetic field is the Buddha blessing us into this situation on the birth Huanxi Xin, even though birth to Huanxi Xin Bu audiometry, this is the Buddha force blessing, it is clear, there is talk in our l Guang Buddhist blessing ', so full of compassion Buddha light, we are born loving heart.
we can disclose this information out of you can hear clearly hear understand that this is not a human power, It is often said by the Western Paradise is solemn, and so feel the Buddha are confused, so feel Bodhisattva blessing if not Foli could not say that our ordinary person how to say Bo ? can say, to hear all Foli blessing, are robbed of our own infinite nature of goodness to find, it is very, very rare cause. we really are Congratulations, good roots, surpassingly Ford surpassingly situation right, , and if this opportunity missed, why miss? we are Bono, habits heavy, now afraid of this thing, worry habit will turn with the state, this is our biggest obstacle, if we will not be transferred outside the state, the decision of your life successful. This is state transferred to the modern mind for the words that you can not master, will be tempted by the outside environment, and what lure you in? wealth of food color lure you to sleep in, if you can not make any principal, and the love of money , greed name, Tanse, would be finished, although good roots Ford, your fate is not good, you still can not go.
heavy so we know their habits, how can we not out of temptation? that of Patriarch to hold advice, founder of the precepts us an in-depth, we carefully read the Wen Chao Yin Kuang, we were going to learn a teacher, so that it can grasp.
I used to study in Taichung, the teacher is very modest, He said: l I can only teach you the ability to five years. ', which he old modest kind, and he introduced me to a teacher, with the Indian School Kwong, Kwong India is his teacher is not around anymore, Kwong India , how to tell him? Reading The.
Yinzu teach people very seriously, and we see in the Wen Chao, a disciple of the Lingyan Temple to see him, are taught in the old refuge in front of the Master, the old Master called him home honest Buddhism. In Now people, the disciples see the master, the master must be very happy, Yinzu not the case, saw him and asked: l What are you doing? ', he said: l I see the Master.', l Master ago have seen, what is nice? you go to this place, the waste of spirit, a waste of money, not good at home chanting, hurry back. ', Yinzu is the way to teach people, and tell you to go home honest Buddhism. < br> you think about it, even the master of the road ...

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