Monday, February 21, 2011


 Have been thinking about what kind of words used to describe the most recent state.
Study-holic, or I prefer the library-holic.
I have always been extremely trying to put everything to achieve the ultimate
is simple example or severely severely severely severely hungry or eat.
to play must have been to hell and tired of watching a landscape will never inadvertently forward.
will stay up until dawn to be resistant to happy to sad, we should laugh would burst into tears.
how intense life.
finally found that this is the Highlight of my life.
I like the strong feeling for.
I In my school age smoking, drinking, wearing bell-bottoms reluctant to get handsome friend play it cool fight with a teacher warning
have trouble with their father in addition to good grades to other students play nothing bad to the extreme.
it is a street full of rock and roll era of chaos.
I often use a different look on disbelief that people be treated as the age of gray.
but I have experienced is still lamenting the young and frivolous.
simple cute little narcissism was with sadness that only the young have no fear.
not thought about the future will be like at that time did not know what more in life planning.
but at that time a vigorous in a way thoroughly squandered the greatest degree of something called youth.
is the most memory and a rich ruby red light night of heavy metals emitted.
college two years short memory is blank.
cold and quiet, trying to use a narrow high-profile people to isolation.
are found all around with my general paranoia. use the most feeble attempt to take the greatest self-pretentious.
that is an eager crowd looking at the mediocrity of the age of exports.
try to bury themselves in the most hypocritical people in the low-key peace there.
darkest stage of life experience.
entrance accident betrayed alienated.
I own virtual planes out of the castle in the air last fall.
it is the most extreme of the narcissists from the fall to the most extreme stage of self-denial.
towers fell straight down into the abyss of that era.
with a self forced to sleep do not speak the way learning is not working.
delusion that time nothing was abandoned by all.
of life but also try to dim the most hopeless, but also learned to work with one of the most practical way to the most take life seriously.
finally found you is the most difficult times in the night that grew up.
That memory is the most rich black and dry the tears to smile and opened the window a blue sky.
this After all the ultimate
years after the peaceful smile.
This is a placid, wonderful.
fell in love with the world's most peaceful place immersed in one of the most vast world with one of the most peaceful way to miss some people.

abandon all the emptiness of this age to learn all the warm and bright delusion with the most simple way to maximize the love of life.
I have often thought that those who have always loved over the past love are empty is sad.
those who have always indulged in fiction films are the game is sadly empty.
now find I was wrong.
those enamored of those who study and work is not empty What is not sad?
Yes, all of them empty.
we are trying to find some material or non-material things to make up as much as possible the endless emptiness of human.
love-holic movie- holic alcoholichh
we are, we always going to focus on one or a few things to make yourself settle down.
no matter what it is.
is important that you're looking for real as part of your things.
who said it, since tired of looking, I started to learn to find.
I think I have found.
you do?

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