Thursday, December 30, 2010

Travel the world because the United States are proud of China because the Chinese are proud of our

 August 8, 2008 on every Chinese people, is special and memorable day. Many overseas compatriots even more so, tonight at the Beijing Olympics, will reveal the mystery of the opening ceremony to prove our world of prosperity and wealth in China!
organize a celebration, and Chinese compatriots to share the joy.
me and the pride of Chinese - Sunland
that this time we are to celebrate the Olympic Games, and to the United States held this music Council, the local Chinese and overseas Chinese friends is their kind invitation to attend the party organized by a Chinese.
enthusiastic hospitality to host an early start to a busy as we prepare sumptuous cuisine, look at which plates of color, flavor and taste food, I will leave a read camera, ha ha!
when the last group photo, everyone wants the camera to reveal gorgeous smile, shouting: Oh, many, right?
Olympics Come on!
The United States also took place in such an episode hh
me and my friends in San Francisco, a luxury goods store in a busy deceive, met a foreign couple, they look at us and wonder what in whispered. After a few minutes, the girls came to the initiative, with a smile asked us:
; No! embarrassed explained: or on behalf of the South Korean people are a symbol of the rich in Asia.
I laughed and said to them: tourism, we see the rivers, mountains and experience the culture of five thousand years, this year's Olympic Games in Beijing, if given the opportunity, you can go to the scene to see, I believe will leave a profound impression for you!
Come on, China!
China welcomes you, Beijing welcomes you!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How much rebate of dreams

 Kickbacks, commissions, red envelopes, commission,,, these phenomena, in today's society, not just a new thing. Kickbacks in various areas of their fight the phenomenon of war Yan. Particularly in the field of commodity circulation, and to you a little bit right, not right much, just a little and procurement, point of sale to catch the relationship, then there will be a rebate.
problem for other industries Leaving aside the rebate, what the factory purchasing the matter, and the hotel and the waiter what wine rebates between you, and so on. Let me talk about the issue under the commission on the medicine because of medical problems, off suddenly in his life of ordinary people.
medicine a rebate, which is already well known to do. When a drug to enter the hospital, then, first of all Council through drug research, pharmacy chief and by the drug dealers into the drug through the negotiated price.
so dealers have to get through is the first member of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Chief of Department of Pharmacy, who Score one, a commission of others is indispensable. percentage Well, look at the situation in that myself. This was not enough, doctors bring the bulk of the, people worked hard to sell you in the front of the drug in patients, not to the people rebates ah? and doctors do not have to sell drugs to sell so hard, like other commodities, to write on the prescription would be finished, which were afraid to ask the East asked the West? not difficult to see, from the management responsible for drug procurement to the right of doctors have prescribed, are Some people get a rebate on different levels and benefits.
it is not hard to imagine that the national drug prices issued repeated orders of the notice, but when the actual fall but little. people get great benefits, not simply drugs price-cutting solution.
a drug distributor by the manufacturer to the hands of the country is to increase, in the national distributor to the provincial agency or to increase, in the provincial to the municipal agent or agents to the fare increase. municipal agent into practice, he should be given to hospitals, pharmacies rebates related personnel.
Some may wonder why the same time is a medicine factory is 1 million, to their own hands to change became 30. Well, then, under our analysis. the factory to become a national distributor 1 per 2 per change in the provincial 4 yuan, changes in the 8 yuan to the city, in the 20-27 dollars to hospitals and pharmacies, In the patient into the hands of 30 yuan this phenomenon! to the hospital from the process of pharmaceutical companies, through layers of exploitation and, finally, doctors and pharmacies through a ruthless knife salesperson - commission, which prices will how can down it?
in the process of drug sales has too many loopholes, so many people can drill. Drug abuse in itself there, who knows how much drugs cost? who knows the real factory of the drug price is how much? drugs itself is a special commodity, but it is such a special commodity, the actual sales process, there are too many intermediate links. layers of exploitation, layers increases. eventually, fall heavily rebate. many doctors fill out prescriptions for people given the right to compromise because of the temptation of money. The money should be pure angels in white in front of a qualitative Fading, by the angels into Satan the devil.
the long run health will not to cure. illness for patients, the face of rehabilitation medicine is good for patients and rebates for more drugs, more doctors will choose a high drug rebates. These problems if not handled the case, rebate issue is not resolved, then reduce drug prices can not be fundamentally resolved, drug prices can only really talk about it ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Latin Literature Name: Canis lupus
English name: Wolf, Gray wolf
named person and the age of species: Linnaeus, 1758
Canis chanco Gray, 1863, < br> Canis coreanus Abe, 1923,
Canis ekloni Przewalski, 1883,
Canis filchren Matschie, 1907 or 1908,
Canis laniger Hodgson, 1847,
Canis tschilienius Matschie, 1907 or 1908,
Lupus filcheri Matschie, 1907,
Lupus karanorensis Matschie, 1907,
Lupus laniger Hodgson, Calcutta Jour. 1847,
Lupus tschiliensis Matschie, 1907
Chinese Synonyms: gray wolf, wolves, regardless of Sri Lanka to open , Randa, Qianuo, Niulu Qi, Mao dog, Joe Smith
families are classified:
Carnivora Carnivora,
Canidae Canidae
subfamily Caninae
dog is a dog Canis < br> Endangered rating:
Wolf lived a solitary life, typically a group of seven, each one must be for the groups of responsibility for the prosperity and development. wolf and the wolf with a tacit understanding between the decisive factor in the success of the wolf. Whatever they do, they are always depend on the group to accomplish it. wolf patience is always amazing, they can cost a goal for a long time and not feel tired. keen observation, specific goals, harmonious cooperation, curiosity, attention to detail and perseverance and patience so that wolves will be successful. wolf's attitude is very simple, that is, persistent yearning for success. In the wolf's life, there is no substitute for perseverance, because it makes the wolf to thousand million hard to survive heart. wolves cohesion, teamwork and training to become a decisive factor determining their survival. Because they are rarely threatened by other animals. wolf's ability to manage change so that they become the vitality of the Earth One of the toughest animals.
�� cooperation:
wolves live solitary lives, usually as a group of seven, each one must be for the groups of responsibility for the prosperity and development. West, but each employee homes, can cause West is West, pleasant every common cause.
�� unity:
tacit understanding between the wolf and the wolf as a wolf with a decisive success factor. Whatever they do, they can always depend on the group the power to accomplish.
�� Endurance:
keen observation, specific goals, harmonious cooperation, curiosity, patience, attention to detail and perseverance to the success of the wolf always.
�� attachment:
wolf's attitude is very simple, that is, persistent yearning for success.
�� struggle:
in the wolf's life, there is no substitute for perseverance, because it makes the wolf to thousands of Heart hardships to survive changes in the ability of controlling the wolf makes them the toughest on the planet one of the animals.
�� harmony:
order to survive, the wolf has maintained harmony with the natural environment, a symbiotic relationship, not involved in unnecessary disputes and conflicts. West can maintain domestic unity and mutual assistance, and stress cooperation and harmonious coexistence.
�� Loyalty:
wolves for bounty on the animals they have been very emotional, can be ordered to repay .
Wolves in religion and folklore
species traits:
greatest canine in size, shape like shepherds, body length 1500-2050 mm, 50 to 70 cm tall at the shoulder and weighs 26-79 kg. supple limbs, for the run; snout slightly pointed; ear on end; fluffy tail and long hair. upper body is generally pale yellow, yellowish, gray-brown and light gray, but mostly after the two coat, while black and white persons. abdomen and limbs inside the white, but the inner surface of the limbs and abdomen lighter coat color, coat color often due to different habitats and seasons are different. front foot 5 toes, hind toe 4. shoulders and black hair more tail diverse habitats, such as Carex, ice, grasslands, forests and deserts, etc. has its footprint. the north in winter, the wolf often cluster activities, and community structure; summer camp smaller families. field range up to 160-350 square feet km. temperament cruelty, the main prey rabbits, large rodents, deer, all kinds of wild goats and birds and fish .2-3 month mating, pregnancy, 60-63 days, an average of 7 per child, Aberdeen.
widely distributed worldwide, but the current wolf distribution area has been greatly reduced, particularly in North America and Western Europe. wolves distributed in the country except Taiwan, Hainan Island and other islands, the various provinces, but mainly in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and the Tibetan population is less dense areas. wolf habitat and habits of adaptability. may include habitat for tundra, grassland, forest, desert, farmland and other habitats. altitudes does not limit its distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is widely distributed wolf density is higher. in temperate grassland areas such as Mongolia (including Mongolia's Eastern Province, Kent Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China and Ximeng Hulunbeier league) is widely distributed wolf. wolf like less interference in the human food rich in certain hidden conditions to survive. in North China, central and southern provinces of the wolf's activities are limited to the mountain environment is not suitable for the development of small human environment. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces The distribution of the wolf is limited to mountainous areas.
mainly provinces:
Beijing Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui Jiangxi, Henan and Hubei Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia ����
distributed in the following Conservation Area:
Tiantangzhai Xinglongshan Whitewater River (Gansu) Boolean spruce root beaver Setsurei Xishui Tuomuer Dongzhai bird Fanjingshan Jigongshan Macaque Baotianman (the Township) Honghe Xingkai directions after the River Lake Jiugongshan Shennongjia Lake Poyang Momoge Wuyi Mountain (Jiangxi) Taohongling EXECUTIVE Laotudingzi Liupanshan Laotudingzi Roshan (Ningxia) Qinghai Lake Foping Wolong Pangquangou Jinfo Taibaishan Yunnan snub-nosed monkey Everest Tarim Populus Mangkang Ganjiahu Nu Haloxylon forest Gaoligongshan Daweishan Tongbiguan Qingliangfeng Mount Gaoligongshan (Zhejiang) Gutianshan Sanjiang (Heilongjiang) Saihanwula Baxianshan subtropical rain forest of Populus euphratica Linnanjingnan
mountain lakes located in the following:
Altun Altun Altun Mountains in the Dabie Guandi Article Helan Mountain Karakorum Mountains Kunlun Mountains - the western part of Kunlun Mountains - east Kunlun Mountains - the middle of Lu Xiangshan Mountain teeth Liupanshan Taihang Mountain Taiyue Jieshan Qingliangfeng Qinling Junggar and Tianshan mountains and the Pamirs Valley Lake Kunlun Mountains
Funiushan habits:
wolf clusters or individual activities. small group of integration during the breeding season, the winter in North America taiga zone composed of a larger group of wolves often eat ungulate prey. In Alaska, the largest up to 36 wolves, but generally not more than 20. up to a group of up to 21. wolves vary greatly in size, often depending on the season and predation of the situation is different and change. wolf food ingredients are mixed, all animals are able to catch their food, including birds, amphibians and insects and other small animals. wolf occasionally eat plant food. wolves like to eat wild and domesticated ungulates. wolf phenomenon of eating at home and abroad have been reported, but this is only happen in exceptional circumstances.
Population Status:
China is the largest wolf population in the world. But of the wolf population has never been systematically investigated, it is difficult to make a ballpark figure. Hulunbeier recently on the Inner Mongolia Grassland accurate survey of the wolf; wolf population does not exceed 2,000 head. in the Northwest region of the wolf population is no report .
To risk factors:
wolf populations in some countries, less has been listed as endangered species. However, in many countries not included in the protection of animals. In some countries, including the distribution of wolf habitat destruction due and smaller. of a long time, the wolf as vermin to be eliminated, and to encourage the capture and killing of animals shall be rewarded. with their habitats shrinking habitat in recent decades, the wolf population is clearly smaller, and many distribution over the last wolf has not seen its tracks. wolf fur of good quality and some of its organs are used as medicine, is also a factor that led to being hunted.
rearing conditions:
wolf is widely distributed, common species domestic and foreign small zoo as a watch. Lafayette, Indiana Wolf Park City had 150 wolves have been raised, which is feeding the world, where most wolves. of keeping wolf numbers is not clear.
Existing conservation measures:
international will now extinct Mexican wolf as a wild (EW), the wolf will be Portugal and Spain as low risk (LR / cd), the Italian wolf as Vulnerable ( VU) (IUCN, 1996). International Convention on Endangered Species (CITES) will wolf this one as Appendix II species, and the Bhutan, Nepal, India and Pakistan as the wolf population in Appendix I species. can be seen on the wolf the importance of protection. by the idea of a long time, China is currently no existing laws to protect the wolf. On the contrary, the general continues to believe that the wolf is vermin should be eliminated.
protection measures proposed:
1) carrying out scientific study, the wolf population response to the national, sub-species differentiation of a full investigation to identify the distribution of the wolf population status and its scientific assessment of benefit and harm, so as to formulate a series of protection and control measures.
2) strengthening the legal system Management should consider the prohibition of arbitrary killing of wolves. there wolves cause serious harm in the area, take the necessary measures to control the wolf population, it must be based on expert evaluation, leadership organized manner.
3 ) to strengthen international cooperation, in particular strengthening of the adjacent CIS, Mongolia, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries of the collaboration.
Canis lupus alces (Kenai Peninsula Wolf) Kenai Mountain Wolf ( extinction)
Canis lupus arctos (Melville Island Wolf, Arctic wolf) wolves
Canis lupus baileyi (Mexican Wolf) Mexican wolves
Canis lupus beothucus (Newfoundland Wolf) Newfoundland wolf (extinct)
Canis lupus bernardi (Banks Island Tundra Wolf) Banks Island Tundra Wolf
Canis lupus columbianus (British Columbian Wolf) British Columbia wolves
Canis lupus crassodon (Vancouver Island Wolf) Vancouver Wolf
Canis lupus fuscus ( Cascade Mountains Wolf) Little Falls Mountain Wolf
Canis lupus hudsonicus (Hudson Bay Wolf) Hudson Bay Wolf
Canis lupus griseoalbus (Manitoba Wolf) Manitoba wolf
Canis lupus irremotus (Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf ) Northern Rocky Mountain wolf
Canis lupus labradorius (Labrador Wolf) Labrador wolf
Canis lupus ligoni (Alexander Archipelago Wolf) Alexander Archipelago wolf
Canis lupus lycaon (Eastern timber wolf) in eastern Minnesota
Canis lupus mackenzii (Mackenzie Tundra Wolf) Michigan tundra wolf
Canis lupus manningi (Baffin Island Tundra Wolf) Baffin Island Tundra Wolf
Canis lupus mogollonensis (Mogollon Mountain Wolf) extinction
Canis lupus monstrabilis (Texas Gray Wolf ) Texas gray wolf (extinct)
Canis lupus nubilus (Great Plains Wolf, Buffalo Wolf) Great Plains wolf, buffalo wolf
Canis lupus occidentalis (Mackenzie Valley Wolf) Wolf
Canis Michigan Valley lupus orion (Greenland Wolf) Greenland wolf
Canis lupus pambasileus (Interior Alaskan Wolf) interior Alaska wolf
Canis lupus tundrarum (Alaska Tundra Wolf) Alaska tundra wolf
Canis lupus youngi (Southern Rocky Mountain Wolf) South Rocky Mountain wolf (extinct)
Canis lupus albus (Tundra Wolf) Tundra Wolf (Europe)
Canis lupus arabs (Arabian wolf) Arab wolf
Canis lupus campestris (Steppe Wolf) Wolf
Canis Siberian Plain lupus communis (Central Russian Wolf) Russian wolf
Canis lupus cubanensis (Caspian Sea Wolf) Caspian Sea Wolf
Canis lupus deitanus (Spanish wolf) Spanish wolf (extinct)
Canis lupus hattai (Japanese wolf) Japanese wolf ( extinction)
Canis lupus hodophilax (Hondo Japanese wolf) Wolf of the Island (extinct)
Canis lupus italicus (Italian Wolf) Italian wolf
Canis lupus laniger (Tibetan Wolf) Chinese wolf
Canis lupus lupaster ( Egyptian Wolf) Egypt wolf
Canis lupus lupus (Common Wolf) ordinary wolf subspecies (Europe and Russia)
Canis lupus minor (Austro-Hungary Wolf) Austria-Hungary wolf
Canis lupus pallipes (Indian, Iranian , Asiatic wolf) Asian wolf
Canis lupus signatus (Iberian Wolf) Iberian wolf
information: the global status of the wolf
United States: distribution of the wolf is the largest state, Alaska, investigating the eighties, the highest 5,000 ~ 6,500 head; have a new population growth since the nineties, up to 7,000 head. Minnesota, about 2,000 head, Wisconsin 40, Michigan 30. In Alaska, wolves are still covering a total area of the state 85% had almost equal to the distribution history. In the past few decades, Alaska has suspended the state government within the scope of the wolf control program. It strengthens the restrictions on the hunting behavior of wolves, is strictly prohibited and air poisoning hunting the abolition of hunting wolves from the government to pay money, and control the activities of fight wolves and wolf trapping. the state legislature also set aside a large area of the state's National Park, where wolves were fully protected. wolves increase in the number it also brings drawbacks, ADF & G Organization (theAlaskaDepartmentofFishandGame) warned that many important areas the number of animals available for hunting increase the wolf population has decreased significantly. For example, the number of Delta caribou head from 10,700 in 1989 down to 5,000 in 1992 to 6,000 head. studies show that wolves and grizzly bears is causing this decline in the margin. Therefore, ADF & G organization in 1992 established a series of steps to prepare the wolf population down to an appropriate level. However, due to the resistance of public opinion, public opinion opposed to this plan and more, they can not believe the implementation of the Plan, the wolf population will remain stable or increase, rather than being extinct So, originally scheduled for implementation in 1993, the wolf management plan had to let the matter rest.
Canada: Canada is the world's wolf population has one of the largest. the country by scientists as Wolf savings bank. the wolf's survival, leading to the wolf distribution range in both the number and greatly reduced. Although no precise statistics on the number of wolves decreased, but the settlers and the farm near the wilderness of people believe this decline is real, official wildlife management agencies have confirmed this report. In the past, people shot, as the main way to trap a large number of hunting wolves. In this century, 50's and 60's, some regional and provincial government departments within their jurisdiction has also conducted a large-scale killing wolves. the government to allow any hunters to set traps to capture the wolf, the Institute also directs the Canadian fur trapping were to use the appropriate method to capture the wolf, so that the skins are exported to the EC member states successfully. Today This trend has been reversed, and all are suitable wolf habitat for the wolf's trail, which covers an area of about 86% over the past range. from all jurisdictions relevant departments and research scientists engaged in wolf density made Wolves distribution statistics and view the current wolf population in Canada is about 50,000 to 60,000 head. wildlife managers reported that in most regions and provinces, the number of wolves remained stable or in a growth state.
to in the past decade, the number of wolf hunting in Canada had dropped dramatically, and this trend continued .1983 An estimated 3,738 wolves were hunted in 1990 estimated that 2,285 head hunters, a drop of 40%. The reason is with the northern region the transformation of socio-economic means, people who make a living by hunting the wolf has been greatly reduced. hunting down the number of the most obvious area is Ontario, Manitoba, Sa tear Kache temperature, Alberta and Colombia. in which the total decline in Ontario accounted for 70%, from 1,300 in 1983 to head down to 350 in 1990. In addition, the management of wolves in Canada brought to the hunting is no longer just means that the government wolf management has begun to educate the public understanding of wolves in nature status, protection of wolf habitat and the significance of the number of wolves, and minimize conflicts between wolves and humans. in the minds of the people the wolf is no longer a legend centuries of allegorical story of the On the contrary, now the people of Canada that the wolf is a symbol of wilderness, a very respected. At present, at least in some areas, wolves have a degree of protection, the total area of these regions there are about 218,000 square kilometers, about the Canadian territory of 2.5% of the total area .
Mexico: the Mexican wolf is the best in North America, a subspecies of the southern, mainly in the narrow range in northwestern Mexico, about the number 50.
Romania: about 2,500 wolves, mainly In the middle of the Carpathian mountains; In addition, 50 wolves living in the lowland forest south-east. In winter, the wolf by the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains or migrate to the lowlands in southern Romania. the local main prey of the wolf is a wild boar (susscrofalinneaus) and roe deer (copreoluscapredus). there is no legal protection for wolves in Romania. As the local valuable skins, which allows hunting at any time throughout the year, but did not take poison measures. according to official records, each estimated to kill 250 wolves (Note: for the total number of 1 / 10). to kill a wolf, the government gave the hunter $ 5 bonus. Recently, the Government has begun to study to determine exactly how many wolves would only be appropriate to stay in the local ungulates (mainly red deer (cervusnippontemminck)) always survive. there is a region, the wolf was shot and killed or captured, the lower the density of wolves to livestock benefit from the rapid doubling the number of red deer head.
Hungary: Hungary, the history of the northern parts of the wolf, 907 to 1908, the wolf was shot. At present in Hungary can be seen only in the eastern wolf. According to hunt and observations, 1920 to 1930, the largest number of wolves .1940 to 1950, the minimum number of wolf .960 ~ 1980, wolf population has increased. In recent years, central and southern regions in Hungary re-established through the breeding of small populations of a wolf. The area is mainly larch (pinusgmelini) forest, a dense young forest grow, in order to provide a good habitat for the wolf and hidden conditions. Hungary established the small wolf populations with the surrounding countries such as Slovakia's population, improvement of population quality of each other. In Hungary, the wolf hunt deer, wild goats and livestock, they are so protected. but once the cause greater hazard, priority is still allowed to be hunted.
Slovakia: World War II, almost all regions of the wolf extinct in Slovakia, but World War II increased the number of wolves. After the war, a hunter by control of hunting and killing large number of wolves .1975 established the national park, wolves are protected in Slovakia for the first time, and provides for an annual March 1 to September 15, up to 6 months are not allowed to hunt wolves. now Slovakia has become the wolf population of about 300 or so is nearly 200 years, the largest population. protection of the wolf is the most difficult concept of the wolf people still need to change. wolf prey in Slovakia is the red deer, roe deer, wild boar and wild goats. pastoral areas in the Alps, there is a hunted wolf. In western Slovakia, not the forest, the wolf population in areas difficult to survive. non-protected areas and hunting wolves bonus, a wolf hunting, wolf hunting by the Government wages equivalent to about three weeks. Every year about 120 wolves in the hunt, (up to 40% of the total), does not killing too many. other wolves attack people infected with rabies have occurred from time, they have been a lot of killing . At present, there is no official management of a program.
Yugoslavia: in the central mountainous area of about 2,000 wolves live in the southwestern part of Slovenia to Yugoslavia, has rabies, but the wolves have been brought under control. In a study program in Bosnia near Sarajevo, but years of civil war in recent years, plans can only be postponed. wolf had a higher mortality rate, however, interrupt the research work on the wolf population here is almost no understanding of the dynamics.
Russia: Siberian Chukchi Peninsula, the most northeastern found a stable number of 400 to 500 wolf population. peninsula in Ta Muer increase in the number of wolves, but wolves in the Kamchatka Peninsula has reduced the number of .1980, the wolf, the wolf badger (gulogulolinnaeus) and snow sheep (ovisnivicolaeschscholtz) were being illegally used helicopters conducted a lot of hunting, the discovery has been stopped. Chukchi Peninsula wolf is due to increase in the number of government and economic changes, the region is not engaged in hunting activities; helicopter poaching has been stopped; a clear result of climate change, about 12,000 reindeer (rangifertaranduslinnaeus) to provide sufficient food for the wolf from October In 1991, the number of reindeer in the U.S. Wrangell Island too much, by the introduction of three wolf Chukchi Peninsula, and two male wolves to control the number of reindeer.
Middle East countries: the wolf population is as follows: Egypt (Sinai) 30 or so, the Arabian Peninsula 300 ~ 600 head around, Jordan 200, Israel 100 ~ 150, Lebanon 10, Syria 200 to 500, not more than 1,000 head of Iran, Afghanistan, about 1,000 head of Iraq and Turkey, an unknown quantity.
the former Soviet Union had a vast territory , the wolf population than any country in the world. With the economic development of this century, the wolf distribution area has expanded. After World War II, the maximum number of wolves more than 150,000 head in 1946 was 62,600 head killed the Soviet Union, only Russia 40,000 head to kill the late .60 ~ 70,000 population dropped to 60,000 head. With the economy changes, population increase in 80 years. current population status is not clear, because there is no investigation.
India: India's wolves two subspecies: Minnesota (canislupuschanco) and the Indian wolf (canislupuspallipes). the former is only distributed in the northern Indian Himalayas high altitude regions, the latter located in the arid and semi-arid steppe. India's wolf population is estimated at 1,000 to 2,000 head . This number fewer than the tiger in India [8]. but the wolf as the main predators of India m shrub and grassland areas of the main species, and not been given due attention and protection. Although the Indian wolf is listed as endangered species protected by law, but because of the wolf in most parts of India to small livestock such as goats, sheep for food, the wolf eats a sheep each, for the local poor pastoralists are a huge economic losses, so the legal constraints very difficult to play the desired effect. It nests and kill the wolf with the smoke of their cubs, as wolves were shot and poisoned. At present, western India Vera Vada National Park is the only Wolf Conservation Area.
China: China was once the largest wolf population in the world. but the wolf population has never been systematically investigated, it is difficult to propose a precise figure. Hulunbeier recent coyote on the Inner Mongolia The population survey showed that: the number of wolves does not exceed 2,000 head. At present, most areas are still producing the wolf in the northwest, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China and parts of Xinjiang. but from habitat destruction and hunting has long been a large number of people, making the wolf in our distribution area is much narrower distribution of the national past, and now only found in the area north of latitude 30 degrees, basically was massive distribution, has been largely extinct in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Even in the north forest, grasslands, wolves are only occasionally seen. There is no established specifically to protect the wolf's protected areas.
IUCN-SSC Wolf Group in September 1993 5 to 7 days held in Stockholm, Sweden, the first international Wolf Protection Conference, adopted the Declaration of wolf protection: the wolf as a species is proposed, with highly developed social behavior, in natural ecosystems have an important role and status should be protected. The European Association for the establishment of a research collaboration Wolf, to participate in 27 countries. developed a wolf research and conservation programs, regular meetings, publish the wolf population dynamics of the material, the full cooperation of the wolf.
wolf originated in the New World, dating back some five hundred years - - flourished before the human, the wolf was the world's most widely distributed wild animals. widely distributed in Europe, Asia, the Americas, the wolf in North America alone has the record of 23 species, subspecies as many wins enumeration hh
Wolves are canines, wolves alert, suspicious, very similar morphology and dogs, but more oblique eyes, mouth slightly wider, the tail is shorter and has never rolled up and down between the hind legs, erect ears, not music, have sharp canine teeth, Wolf's vision, a very sensitive sense of smell and hearing, the wolf's fur with white, black, variegated hh specifically different, wolves generally have more than 40 kg body weight, together with the 40 cm-long tail, the average length 154 cm, shoulder height There is a meter, the female wolf wolf's body smaller than the male of about 20%.
wolf is basically carnivores, the wolf ate too much, one can devour more than ten kilograms of meat, in summer occasionally eat grass, buds or berries, but often the food is rabbits, rodents, beavers, but also catch birds sometimes.
cohabitation of male and female wolves, hunting in groups. wolf is the largest group of skills is the use of the role of hunting than they are large enough number of herbivorous animals. Each has a certain level of wolves in the system, each member of the very clear understanding of their identity, so each other, very few acts of hatred and fighting. On the contrary, in rounding up prey and co-Nurture aspects, but also show a spirit of friendship and cooperation. It seems from the historical data, although in Europe against a large number of livestock on the wolf, attack the human record, but the North American continent in the wolves together, but almost no one wolf attack records.
ancient people painted the image of the wolf stone walls, the heart filled with wonder; Eskimos and Indians have long recognized the outstanding characteristics of the wolf, and many Indian tribes also Wolves selected for their totem, they respect the wolf of courage, wisdom and amazing skills, they value the existence of wolves, and even that on Earth, in addition to shotguns, poison and traps, and almost all the rival wolf.
back ancient times, our ancestors full respect for the wolf, ancient times, people believe that a living mammal predators are some other race, there are people who worship their magic power, the human no doubt as to his own tribe is this or that Animal Magic is a member of race, something between them to be revered their ancestors, to put this ...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Literature of the Sixth National Forum on wage come to an end

 Wage literature to today, has experienced decades of suffering, has been toward a rational and mature. can be said that work of literature is gradually formed a literary genre, a style. This genre and style, but also day by day, is gradually being accepted by the people and the Chinese literary world.

the existence of literary work, not just the function record, it will urge the Government to take measures for the foundation of the pyramid to do protection. prompted the Government to improve the social security system functions, but also for those who despise this group of people over introspection, and even repent. to promote the dignity of Chinese society that everyone has.

all times, no country has such a huge number of groups of North-South migration; not a single country's economic development, is such a huge number of groups to complete; more No country on such a large a group, take to squeeze the cost of such cheap labor, to complete economic growth and the growth of GDP. The price is heavy, the cost of the consequences will be ten, twenty, thirty years later emerged, it will be a heavy burden on the Chinese people, China's economy will also be development of a heavy burden. two decades, three decades later, the first pinch of workers, which is severely squeezed to a generation that will appear pensions or other social problems, social insurance system will be a bottleneck. But this groups of people who the bottom of society, that is, is the most easily forgotten by society people. This is a major issue worthy of society. Writing this subject, but also work literature and continue to expand, expand outreach, continuing Celebrex There is an important factor in youthful vigor.

Literature Forum has been successfully working in Shenzhen held for six, I had the honor to be invited to participate in the fourth, thanks to the Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Yang Honghai teacher. my speech today is entitled Ladies and Gentlemen, criticized the correction.

work The development of literature, is in contempt, doubt, and struggle in the fight against the growth.

work of literature exists, will will make a significant contribution to human civilization.

work of literature has been able to have a lasting living space, because, for the development of China's social system, the working groups will always exist. work groups will always exist, there will always work literature.

if one accounts for about one-fifteenth of the total number of human groups have no history, it would be a human tragedy.

MSN Spaces perfect move to the Sina blog!

some people the right to speak, thinking that people who hold the truth, do not admit that we are working people, do not recognize the work of our literature is literature, and called us migrant workers, migrant workers, the workers of our literature is called into literature, the underlying literature, the edge of literature, literary roots, which is in fact in violation of our dignity.

can become a literary genre

literary work of the Sixth National Forum come to an end

work of literature

Thank you!

2010 年 11 月 25 again on change

If there is no work of literature, I can guarantee, Hu Xiaoyan not when the National People's Congress.

With the social development and progress of the big family of Chinese literature, this literature must ultimately work force.

wage workers who can not do without literature, literary work needs of the times; work of literature advocating the working spirit is an asset of society, is part of a harmonious society. working people's living condition, is to build a harmonious society can not be avoided practical problems, only to solve the problem, social stability and unity is guaranteed. the emergence of literary work, spend a lot of factors not conducive to social stability, the positive side of the community was on display before us.

over two decades ago, Guangdong Aberdeen fishing our fishing girl called North Aberdeen North Girl; girls from outside was also known as migrant workers, wage workers sister, migrant workers; previous years, migrant workers began to call changed to one until now. But these titles are not what we want, which are all incompatible with our identity, an outsider imposed on us, is with the discriminatory nature of the call. Honestly, is that today the Government did not give us call to find a proper, in government documents, in Party newspapers and journals, they now regard we call workers, but very irregular the same nature with discrimination. The Government think we are migrant workers, said plainly, is neither to us as farmers, did not treat us as workers, in a very awkward position. Some local governments even as we just the tools to earn GDP only.

Therefore, the work of literature there is a strong vitality. the vitality of literary work was strong, there is a guarantee for the development of the natural development of a guarantee, it will have the formation of climate, the formation of a climate, it is bound to form a school.

is that I am prepared for this Forum the speech:

work of literature reflects the social reality, is a specific social context, a large living conditions of specific groups, values, spirit, morality, spiritual path, such as sense of and so on. This particular group is the increasingly large working groups. an integral part of this group, most are low social status, economic low income, low cultural structure, lack of social insight, no geographical advantage, the social bottom of humble birth workers. That is our working people. us from home to a foreign land, and from a foreign land to a foreign land, in the constant drifting, can not find spiritual homes, forced to send the soul calling, which produced a work of literature. < / p>

as the ruling principle of the upper area, a growing trend in the civilian sense; as the spring building a harmonious society, gradually been taking root; as people in cultural consumer psychology, adjustment and transformation of aesthetic ideology , working status of literature has shown an upward trend, more and more people will be accepted, and thus will lead to the production of more good works.

wage growth of literature, not only conform to the trend of the times , but also enriched the literary hall, meet the cultural needs of hundreds of millions of working people. From the overall perspective, although the works of varying quality, but also followed the the spirit of the Chinese community has made great contributions to civilization.

in the moment, the Chinese literary world of literature the most active groups, This is a work of literature.

Yan Wenjiang

our work of literature, that is, to those dignitaries declaration of war, that is, to express our feelings, it can be said that in the complaint, that is, to return supposed to be part of our dignity.

2010 年 11 27-29, the Sixth National Forum to work in Shenzhen Bao An Hengfeng literary star Serene the successful holding of the International Hotel and end! I had the honor as and posters promote writers poets, most people are our p>

Wenyuan Hui Xie Youshun

speech teacher teacher teacher speech speech

Zhou Guoping, secretary

Zhang Honghua Dai Youbin President

speech speech

hall wall posters

I am at the venue

A North to accept the award with Professor Zhou Hang

group photo at the scene

side of the table leaders, experts, writers and key working dinner

as long as the work well in the future development of literature as a literary genre that come our way. Therefore, I believe that literature is working to become a literary genre.

after three decades in order to prevent the Chinese people forget this lovely respectable generation of cheap labor, to prevent the Chinese people will forget such a huge group for China's economic take-off made great contributions to the survival of this group only if the state record, good memorandum for future documented. who do this job, it is incumbent upon our shoulder to working writers from this task. Now these are not recorded, or how long, no one would remember such a group, such a revival of the Chinese nation have made great contributions, composed by the little group. pyramid foundation, bearing the weight of the entire pyramid, but it is always buried deep in the ground, did not see the light of day.

If there is no work of literature, I'm sure, do not know how many of Sun Zhigang was beaten to death.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Questions focused on five hundred ninety-nine

 1, free tree holes: Select a letter publicly respond, please be careful not involving personal privacy. You just sent me, I will to will not modify, and delete. Please consider in advance the consequences of good media, or by the adverse impact of the writers own.
2, all the contents of this blog belongs to a smooth and all. For the convenience of reading, some of the words were letters appropriate excision, but the key elements of the basic reservations. free holes in trees and do not require separate responses received letters.
3, charges tree holes: charges for your letter and your reply tree holes are not public. addressed to charges tree holes in reply to 100 yuan / letter. unrelated to the exchange of advice and emotional, are not included. serial number of your pay automatically by consulting more than .500 long letter word you stuffed charges tree holes, more than double by 5000 words of the letter payment.
4, no matter which tree holes sent a letter, do not use attachments, and do not endlessly always ask, do have their own, and asked me tired, but determined not to a smooth Manager you. who is not a cure-all of Dali Wan.
1, my husband and two after giving birth in March from time to decline early this year, now, eight months but I never succeeded once. He seems to have no major problems, he said, because most of the time he was tired, but also because I am cold. I do not do because of the total, feel familiar. and more sensitive and depression, on my life and work of great. and talked to him, no effect, we seem to have almost given up, but could not bear children. Now I'm growing impatient children, because the good or bad temper, and sometimes very impatient, and he did not seem to other women, very good to me.
I do not know how a less than forty men to go on can be asexual, but are not affected? his work well, I had the very good job, parents families are good, but I really do not want to go on the. want to consult the cis, asexual man who can do no other woman out? I want to live a normal life, I do not want to derail, if he really out there other woman, I will divorce, I did not find evidence of other women he has it. how to do? He always said that I vexatious, life can be so excited, how could I? I go out learn musical instruments, learning to play his heart is not really happy.
raise children, if only because sex was delayed, and now the child is getting, it should be no excuse to continue to refuse sex with a. so you can take proactive stance, actively and conscientiously to be with him. If he did not want to, but not a, not an erection, it would have to consider the possibility of the ED. Some people are psychogenic ED, and some people are caused by organic disease, but you young men, generally do not What disease, or psychological factors should be the sex drive, or directly is the only obstacles you. cure, no heart disease should talk with him about your long-term consequences of no sex, do not let Therefore, decomposition of the family. If he equivocated, you can seek professional advice: you do not give me, I can find someone else to do?
2, L even her husband and the husband of a divorced female students, the total and similar to male students drink, calling class reunion. These boys also went for a name, a herd pays the bills, even her husband is the one paying the bill. Another frequently pay the boys a wife, this thing with her husband wedding day . even watch the original or in the next, never thought that one day coaching his daughter even repeatedly, even her husband having an affair with that female students, they are still gathering again to even tipped off. Sure enough, even with the closing of her husband time to go home time is not on, they do not come out to explain why. even a scene in their students in the whole of the movement getting bigger, the students came out to testify, saying they have nothing, are even suspicious. now even let her husband have reason , the total dual threat: Even if the bar. you Zainao, I might really what happened to her. you thick-skinned man. this should be we must remember. without trouble, to find that female students directly, heart to heart talk with her: sell to you, but two women and a man fight the trick, I do not like to play, are happy point, to give you. After your self-respect. bracket, which is not recognized in the three when their is three measures, please no evidence to the big three is a three woman who do not take this as motivation to look for suspected three afterwards, brackets finished.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh < br> 3, while her husband in the know me know my friend M. All told more than a decade now. this time I also participated in M together he often seems that they also have a friend look at. But in recent years and M each party, he appears to be very excited, a little wine is unusually warm, almost to stick to her. sometimes in January, he proposed to at least 5 M at play, sometimes even when I and M are not linked, he would take the initiative to call the M handed the phone to me (I and M, according to frequency of meeting should be 2,3 months time, he seems to think that too few times). secretly, they also had many SMS contact. I do not know how much her husband sent her, but I have seen several M send text messages to her husband, although no mention of the meaning of the expression of love, but expressed a deep affection and care. similar to the message she has never to me.
M is my good friend and grew to large, but sometimes when our family to play her when the activities become mmmm strange I took my children to bed at night, she and her husband together ( There is another man) drinking late into the night. Now, when I face the years of good friends, often felt very strange and distant. I have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction, her husband said he just put her as a man. I can believe him? I can keep this the chat? you man your heart is notoriously friends, take you as a shield, but unfortunately you do not match. Believe it or not he also said, you now need to consider is: if you have a man really and what she What can you do, and made a small break off diplomatic relations? divorce? if not a man made small, as ah, and received her Zuoqie mm do not think I got a joke, not as dark to clear it out, at least you still bullish.
4, to ask whether marriage must have a conventional wedding process? My mother said if you do not do, would be considered dirty laundry. But I really do not want to do, marriage is two things, why have to get some contrived scene for others to see it.
marriage is also a lot of factors, ah, will have to receive a certificate, the law recognizes that you are husband and wife become, how others think of others. Moreover, red tape are toss people do not say. divorce may feel the grand opening in front, very funny.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kangxi and Nalan II

 Chapter IV
time, the Pearl has been given the rank of Bingbushangshu.
Pearl is very smart man, he knew that his rank is high and then quickly re-liter, can not be guaranteed. He noted that Emperor Kangxi began recruiting in recent years, senior officials of the court in getting younger, guess the emperor's mind, Pearl to understand, to make themselves Gaoguanhoulu, focused only way is to let his son mm Nalan into Germany to become the emperor's confidant.
That day, the Pearl house to a strange young man.
Pearl just did not go out parlor, butler had no option but to work hard to prepare successful candidates are within the Church of the Nalan you out.
Nalan to the living room See also a little older than their children, and asked:
Master up into Germany? > the boy did not answer, just took out a thing from her and handed Nalan, Nalan took a look, his face became pale and asked: bow and said: something in their hands, and looked up at Xiao Guizi clothing.
Xiao Guizi smiles: ? on out the door with Xiao Guizi.
see the Master face dignified butler, does not dare to ask the reason, only to send a young master out, back on the table to see what the young master, hides in his arms, just in case.
Nalan followed Xiao Guizi into the magnificent, majestic, sublime, terror of the Forbidden City.
Xiao Guizi shrewd clever man, the way the name only, and Nalan Haha, not to the point. but also with Nalan from behind the corner gate into the palace.
to the Royal library, Nalan immediately head down knees and said: > > Xuan Ye micro sense of displeasure, he wanted to see Nalan one is attracted to his talent and hope to win over the people, on the one hand but also because the article disclosed Xiandan he detached temperament make him the favorite authors of the Kangxi Emperor was kind of Confucianism , Nalan actually did not expect the performance of such pedantry.
is absolutely can not understand the reason to say, but I do not know if I answer, may also be wrong.
man Xiandan Nalan though, but the father of this pearl, but also in the Imperial College for 2 years of life, how could free of dust ! not to mention at this time Nalan, also has a cavity vision.
Nalan Xuan Ye looked After much thought, not out loud.
Nalan see Kangxi not say anything, and my heart there is the bottom line, so head down, replied: poor article. I really want to see this good article in Pearl's son what! ordered: so young. Kangxi although he knew his only large-year-old, but I still see the young is shocked. Also, the emperor is not only young, and also hh is also very handsome. better educated and intelligent eyes seemed After years of physical exercise and become strong, wise and deep but with a frank expression of eyes, face extravagance has a child who was innocent smile. Nalan really did not expect, the management of a country turned out to be such a young person The pressing of the young British Gas. However, he exudes a whole people have courage.
Nalan at that moment was just this impressed his peers, Nalan believe that he will certainly be a good king. But why did he so foolishly hh?
Nalan Xuan Ye looked a long time can not be a word, Eqing, Xuan Ye lips Micro, said: strange, quickly back out, with door, the door was Hou.
Nalan strange look Kangxi, Donger? Who? is me?
Xuan Ye know that they panicked, busy: ; Do not kneel, and I give you seat. Ye, like self-deprecating smile and said: simple. This is a great yearning for times past I, but I do not know the real event or a dream. And all these years, I have not seen the little girl, want a dream it hh expression of Kangxi, it is no sense of distance, with a smile replied: .
silence for a moment between two people, Xuan Ye restore the spirit and hearty before laughing: the young. Nalan article to glimpse your son a tip of the iceberg, I do not know whether the son of all the articles that I listen to it? explanations of. Xuan Ye have heard of ecstasy, from time to time raised questions and expressed their appreciation.
knew, the day passed just before dawn.
Nalan hear better sound, said: days, His Majesty should Anqin the. Note dragons ah. Zaozhao clothes and breakfast in, Xuan Ye said: character, he is not like other people, and he too distance, do not like people too much hypocrisy and bureaucratic. Therefore Nalan did not polite, sitting in the Kangxi imperial footstool under the table eating.
Chibi breakfast, and the gossip pages of Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi prepared in court, Nalan still Xiao Guizi led to the eviction. Xiaogui Zi attitude at this time is very different from yesterday, came to the palace gates to pass a jade ring with sodium Landau:
. eunuchs out before a small child holding a token show of things give lost, the fight is called a tragedy! son be careful! feeling, with a smile said thanks.
Xiao Guizi smiled and said: Long Live Ye Yue, since for an understanding friend who can die, the plaything of a treasure what they considered the only son of this other character Nalan only with the purifying effects on the Liangyu. jade texture, beauty does not matter, it can ward off evil is the important thing. This jade psychic nature have brought emperors over several generations, but also saved the late emperor, regarded as relics of it! Xiao Guizi venture to hope the son will cherish this thing. accident. But since it is a keepsake, and can not be returned, had trouble Xiaogui Zi Xie Xie another before closing up and leave.
the way home, walking slowly Nalan. He upsurge of emotion, careful thought and back to Kangxi Each one verbal exchanges, the more that human ambition to Emperor Kangxi, who also experience comparable conversation.
to the house, accidents, out of Pearl actually welcome.
Pearl Nalan brought a smile to the Church, Hei Road : What is this?! called yesterday for a general officer to me I know. In addition to His Majesty, who put out exam paper! Nalan and the emperor asked the dialogue, Nalan briefly answered, and said: Since the victory, knowing there by the official way.
Nalan lying in bed, this time with the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the dialogue has all thought, and you can not help think of another thing, once a rude awakening, Xiuer!! Nalan head drill into the quilt, and the hearts of meditation: Xiuer!!
see Xiuer the best opportunity missed! sometimes missed doomed.
second day of the Pearl family said the man came again to see the classic Nalan. Nalan thought Xiaogui Zi, and came out a stranger to humanity: go.
Yu Xuan Ye have to wait for the study. Xuan Ye do not know how, could be so eager to see the Nalan. Xuan Ye said to myself: may have been impressed by his talent and grace it! < br> Nalan met Xuan Ye, Xuan Ye also understand their own mind that what is just around the corner, not to ignore, and asked Nalan said: A: br> Xuan Ye see blooming like spring flowers Nalan this little smile, inexplicable feeling relaxed. said: should not be necessary to hear the soft words, and suddenly remembered the divergent beam to write a tie drinking words to read, Lang Lang:
Wu Yi Mun. have poured wine but Zhao Island soil, who would produce this effect. without faith, then into friends. blue eyes does not sing all the old, to respect the former, wipe the tears to make a hero. Do not you see, on water.
this night were to be intoxicated monarch. and by him, crescent rumors complain, ancient and modern with bogey. life experience lengthy mention the question, sneer home of it. wondering, the fear of students in the guitar. Rannuo weight, Jun shall be recorded. br> read before can not help but surprise! how can such a word read to the emperor to listen to it! Nalan head down, know what to do.
Xuan Ye natural meaning, he heard the words, do not care. just look at Nalan head down with a lovely expression of embarrassment, enjoy for a while, laughed: If the drunk is the capacity for it! The rugged section will not do such as. I have non-monarch. I had a good talk with you, also hope to pay you as a friend, you, Can not so distant? monarch much more.
Xuan Ye degrees step to his side, sighed: similar friends. But in this imperial family, similar age, only eunuchs, and all the brothers are enemies. I ascended the throne, Maner bureaucratic, not to talk to the people. capacity if you have longer than Hou door One taste of you well know, I even more than you. fear every day. when he does not know what is fear and lack, to be known, you is not the child.
So get glory, they lost the simple pleasures.
Nalan looked up and saw the sad eyes of Emperor Kangxi.
Nalan feel startled. Kangxi Emperor, though young, but his talents Wineur, perseverance, and the person may have been unusual. In Nalan mind, Kangxi was a strong introverted person, but this look, feel make him feel afraid.
sad eyes fleeting. Nalan Xuan Ye see the look at their own fear, laughed, and said: like what? the strange gap, do not know when to eliminate hh the attitude, said: academics can be the voice of the study.
a time, a strong voice sounded: Han Chinese friends held in contempt of Sangui son. so listen carefully.
fact, the Beijing Wu-Xiong and nothing else, the most important is to get an Emperor Kangxi of the tone. Nalan heard everywhere Wu Ying Xiong, although respectful of the Emperor, but did disobedience. Kangxi light than Wu Ying Xiong Lue, Wu-Xiong also holds the name of the Father, for it is very casual attitude of Emperor Kangxi.
the other hand, Emperor Kangxi of the Wu-Xiong'd respectful exception of Wu to talk about things never refuted. admittance Lan secretly surprised that he knew Kangxi was a strong opinion of the taste even with a little bit arbitrary.
Wu Ying Xiong said: there is the matter? ? removed? Geng adults also have this effect. Minister before making a conclusion grateful to negotiate, how are? , Nalan out from the penthouse, Xuan Ye asked him: larger capital rumors! the reign of Emperor Kangxi, see Kangxi bearing very, extraordinary majesty, bow and said: Kangxi blue and on the TV, the hearts of the expansive, said: . As for the issue of His Majesty, Zoe Caomin view, the only practical treatment of the strong terms as branch, that is, mm cut! say it is deep and has meaning, heart cherished exception. stay at him without a word.
Nalan see Kangxi did not look at their own language, his eyes can not tell the taste of watching, thinking that he was not happy. After for a while, Kangxi was no movement of looking at myself, Nalan to feel a little uneasy. so softly cried: words deep and Zhen Yi. but I have concerns, San Francisco for many years holding a military power, if the cutting it, complete resistance was intense, when, I am afraid that loss of life, suffering is the common people. Kangxi's remarks on the deep admiration for the monarchy has always been self-preservation, not meaning to the lives of civilians, while the Emperor was Lebanon's concerns so that they are trapped in jeopardy. Kangxi's image in the Nalan, upgraded from a lonely childhood as a name of monarch, Emperor Kangxi had to make a good impression on Nalan more.
night, Nalan cut fan issues discussed with the Emperor, Xiao Guizi lookout at the door and wait. unconsciously, day and just before dawn.
Xuan Ye that day and dawn, and on to the Nalan laughed: open the door called Xiao Guizi serve meals Kangxi toilet.
Nalan Kangxi see for yourself around, very happy heart.
meal complete, Kangxi belt she neat and ready to go, suddenly saw also preparing to go back home satisfied Lan secretly from time to time, yawning, cuddly looks to Ju, laughing: it. fully clothed's clothes, and soon to sound a dream.
a good sleep sleep Shen, Nalan open my eyes, Japan has been west. busy to sit up, suddenly feel like a voice, to see when scared the hop. Kangxi also had clothes at his side was going to sleep.
Kangxi Nalan afraid of waking, did not dare move. lying on his side watching him. Kangxi and Nalan the same age, but it seems Bina Lan more mature, although still not off the face childish, but far better than the body has a strapping strong Nalan. fell asleep in the reign of Emperor Kangxi also frowned, seemed preoccupied.
look like Kangxi Nalan , full of mercy and made me feel strange. He just bent his hand, heal the Kangxi brow.
are slowly hand, Kangxi suddenly opened his eyes, Nalan is immediately embarrassed. think he is and the Emperor with the couch, staring at the wearer's face to see people that still do not reach out. Nalan's face slowly turn red.
Kang Xi did not mind, I suddenly saw Nalan to blush, heart immediately, However, there Hsing most noble. king though not hi child molestation, but have few close Sydney. However, there patronize only knew.
Kangxi not this good. not advocates.
However, I do not know how the Emperor himself was at this time. Nalan although it can not be called stunning and beautiful, gentle character, not weakness, though weak, but because of years of physical training in martial arts can be considered physically strong, not like the general Hsing, however, perhaps because he did not like the general Hsing, Emperor fishes so beautiful and talented young people that have special feelings.
Nalan blushing refused to lift, Xuan Ye laughed: Lai has been in bed I do? large, the station at a little distance in the Nalan said: go, Kangxi slightly sideways, to hide the past. his mouth and said: He met Pearl, Pearl said a lot of things about Nalan into Germany, including his studies. Nalan Xuan Ye know actually have to learn martial arts well, so in order to test the body phase.
Nalan See Kangxi easily escape their Bi moves, sometimes forget the human body is in front of dragons to get serious.
dozen rounds down, Nalan and Xuan Ye have not actually met each other's clothes and two great spirits, the suddenly a sharp voice sounded: words, shocked, realized that what they are doing, they were asked to kneel down, confessing his sin. Kangxi busy hold on, does not permit him to kneel. always people looking, but it is Liugong Gong.
Liu Gonggong original Xuan Ye do is close the eunuchs when Prince can Xuan Ye throne after the one Liu Gonggong old, second to his high position in the palace, three to Kangxi also the case of anti-Wei Zhongxian repeat, do not wait on him Liugong Gong bedroom, but let him charge of all the harem eunuchs. Liugong Gong has not seen in a long time in his chambers, but to do it by the Xiaogui Zi. Now he appears, there must be something different.
Sure, Liu Gonggong be Nalan Dress finishing is completed, and he said: The so clearly, is not good to stay Nalan Kangxi, it would be for Nalan said: Kangxi and said: .
Liu Gonggong narrowed his eyes watched Nalan Palace, and sent out around a small eunuch went.
time is still fast forward.
this day, Emperor Kangxi sent a long time ago Nalan eunuch to call a small, Nalan wonder, because the Emperor said yesterday, too busy today, do not he went.
to the Royal library, Kangxi is changing. Nalan saw the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the clothes, on the Road:
. If you go hunting ah! us over the most popular form of entertainment is hunting. I had heard a number of years if that is good content riding and shooting, you had better eye-opener was today. offer clothing for Nalan replaced.
to the stables, Kangxi said: match the whole body as black as ink, and only a little white horse forehead, called the Black Star, is very striking, but Nalan will know this horse will be His Majesty. look at the horse next to a horse contrary, whole body white horse, called snow. although not as black horse may also know that is a rare horse.
Nalan who held the horse.
Kangxi laughed: too careful. if you like Black Star, I also willing to part with. If the remark so that I Yung extremely comfortable. Shanggei you put it snow. of Nalan said: .
moment to the paddock, Kangxi said: said: did not see traces of elk, both have received, but can not help but regret.
to a high ground, Kangxi suddenly stopped, Jimu afar. Nalan also stopped on the side, together with the Emperor Yuan Wang .
Emperor: > Kangxi turned to look at Nalan, deep, distant, and then said: Kangxi is still ahead in the distance, said: like, why the world's people can not everyone live in peace? why the serene beauty of the land can not always stable? I live and work in front of people though, but far in the south, north, west, and south of it? world wealth, half-consumption in San Francisco ah! admiration, said:
His Majesty do not hesitate! Caomin though no contribution, I hope to do for the pleasures of His Majesty Chefan setting effort of labor! bosom friend.
Nalan suddenly looked puzzled tenderness of the Emperor Kangxi, a bit frightened by his eyes, said: ;
Emperor sighed: He questioned the find, the room can be arrived in Pearl, Pearl to be called off. This is the meaning and Nalan, Nalan immediately back into the house today than a careful consideration.
night without words Nalan get up early, ready to go to the palace.
to the dining room, was found in Pearl. Nalan asked the busy, asked: for a while, said: Council said: even gave a long sigh, his face grief. Nalan it even more puzzled, asked: in a low voice murmured: eat, go early accompany His Majesty! about to.
to be the palace gate, the door seems kind eunuch exception. Nalan study was to wait in the Kangxi Yu.
was almost noon, Emperor came back, met with Nalan, seemed very happy, but the brow conceal his fatigue.
Nalan asked the following question: ; capacity because of anything for trouble if I guess it? : Nalan nodded: ! Nalan seems to be a good way to close Mangming Xiao Guizi leaked. himself and sat with Nalan, said: His Majesty may have occurred to the power of San Francisco is not the same. But as long to find a thread, then the thread is also not to mention difficult to rationalize. Xie Lan smile, Kangxi and said: , then go into the details with the Kangxi cut fan of the law. for several days in bed at the Royal den penthouse.
politics can actually contact feelings?!! just that, because of political and maintaining feelings or emotions do hh
Back to the palace, Kangxi see Nalan have several pheasant prey to: Caomin to see the queen, and may not be appropriate now. channel: Queen Mother is the spiritual pillar of young Emperor, in the long struggle for power, the Kangxi large degree of confidence from the Queen Mother.
Kangxi go in, not a moment, a maid to Nalan into the room.
satisfied Lan invited Ann, the Queen Mother with her soft voice gave the seat. Nalan steal to see her, stunned. Empress so beautiful and dignified, pampered life gave her and Elegant with noble qualities, but no matter how quiet manners, can not hide her eyes, a pair of very smart.
Queen Mother looked at the young Junya the Nalan, laughing: ;
Nalan modest double, queen and said: Nalan smile, the Queen Mother's voice was soft, his tone is also friendly, but her eyes always looked at Nalan a blink. Nalan know, the Queen Mother in the evaluation of his own way. well a smart woman!!
Kangxi said: Kangxi, then, facing the Nalan smiles: the end of the court can force a son, dare to ask can have a preferred position? common people for the world. As for duties, officials are not Caomin pace, and even less generous to Caomin the teeth. Caomin only hope that the benefit for the people, to help His Majesty into the world of Lebanon's sincere love for the King. ; Oh, Family is not your ordinary courtiers son. is I most intimate friends .... hh

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cejiao An eighth-grade history

 Lesson 11 Expedition
teaching objectives

understand the basics of the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, the Northern Expedition and the failure into success, the failure of the national revolutionary movement and the establishment of the Nanjing Government to grasp the Northern Expedition
the object, the Communist Party's role in the Northern Expedition in the Training Process Approach
Picture stories
scenario analysis
Figure reproduced from the text and illustrations or images to imagine the Northern Expedition scene information, contact the Northern Expedition was to understand the historical background The purpose of the war, the Communists understood the process of war, the indomitable spirit of the whole teaching of integrated

Revolution Sun Yat-sen create the Whampoa Military Academy defect r r r work closely with the Northern Expedition Communist victory into r Chen r of the National Revolutionary Right betrayed the revolution failed
into the discussion to explore the reasons for the victory
Northern Expedition, the National Revolutionary failure
emotion emotional attitude and values love
Communists always put the party state, the nation's interests as their own struggle goals, they have shed blood and sacrifice in the Northern Expedition, and establish a monument for future generations

Expedition is the ideology of the revolutionary classes to participate in a just war against imperialism and feudalism, its history proves true Communist focus on teaching the importance of cooperation
victory of the Northern Expedition Northern Expedition into
teaching difficult because the victory march into new courses

teaching process: organizing students to review lessons learned in the first few clues, discuss the answer the question:
1, Why Revolution have not been successful? (fruits of the victory of the revolution was stolen by Yuan)
2, what is the historical role of the May Fourth Movement? (May Fourth Movement to Communist China laid the ideological foundation and the establishment of organizational basis, it is an important reason for the establishment of the CPC, the Chinese New Democratic Revolution)
3, the birth of the Chinese Communist Party What is the significance? (CCP was established epoch-making event in modern Chinese history, from the face of the Chinese revolution a new look.)
nexus, teachers taught: Revolution by Yuan Shikai, the fruits of victory, the Sun Yat-sen in order to save the revolution, with the Communist Party, to continue the fight against the northern warlords. it finally formed the climax of the National Revolutionary mm States Northern Expedition . (page layout of the whole class of students to read 50mm54 content, important age, place names, etc. read the tags to make eye-catching, exchange of personal views by the Panel to require everyone to pass.)
organize students to learn and explore new courses < br> The establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy
1, under 50 Army to save China's peril.)
2, the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Northern Army which is the difference? (inspire students to use the thinking.)
Summary teachers, transition: Yuan Shikai, who use the Northern army as a tool for their own dictatorship continue to disaster. Therefore, in order to save the country from peril, to be diametrically opposed, the use of guns to solve problems.
Northern Expedition Victory march
1, the Northern Expedition what is the purpose? (overthrow the rule of the Northern warlords, unified the country.)
2, the Northern Expedition of the objects have to? (to guide students in the 51 found in Chang Tso-lin, Wu Peifu, Sun Chuan-fang position, the circle marking.)
3, Expedition on the offensive line, What are the important names? guide the students in the 51 names, to tag:
A. r Yueyang, Changsha, Guangzhou r r r Ting Si He wins Wuchang bridge r r Jiujiang Bridge, Nanchang, Nanjing
B. Guangzhou r r r Nanchang, Nanjing, Guangzhou, r Shanghai

C. 4 Why can the Northern Expedition in less than six months, hit the Yangtze River from the Pearl River Basin? (with the following four reasons: A. the right operational policy; B. KMT closely; C. [Ye Ting Independent Regiment] Communist Party members played a vanguard and exemplary role, the majority of officers and soldiers fought a bloody war; D. workers and peasants under the leadership of the Communist Party of active support and close co-ordination.)
5, the ultimate failure of the national revolution What is the reason? (in the textbook to answer student basis according to , the additional information on the party Communist Party leader Chen made the interests of the bourgeoisie)
2, Chiang Kai-shek established the Nationalist government in Nanjing, China where the land side by side with three against the regime? (Northern warlord government in Beijing, Wuhan National Government, National Government)
teachers have pointed out : Later, Wuhan and Shanghai pooling the reactionary forces of the Communist Party in early childhood repression crazy. in the face of powerful enemies, many communists and revolutionary activists were massacred. However, the heroic communists do not be intimidated, but get up from the ground and wiped off the blood, buried the bodies of comrades to rejoin the fight. Expedition history shows us: when the two parties cooperate in good faith, for the state, nation and the revolutionary cause of great benefit; parties cooperation is destroyed, the state, nation and the revolutionary cause will have a negative effect.

Summary guide students to consolidate the class to complete the textbook on page 54 multiple choice questions: to be elected D (Chang Tso-lin, Sun Chuan-fang, Unite Wu). < br> Lesson 12 A single spark can start a prairie fire
teaching objectives

understand the basics of the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the knowledge of rendezvous points Jinggangshan
master Xinghuoliaoyuan Hard Work revolutionary predecessors invaluable
evaluation of events from the history of the Nanchang Uprising
independent leadership of the Chinese Communist Party began armed struggle and take br> Explore
discussion into the ranks of the Autumn Harvest Uprising reasons for its historical role in Jinggangshan
emotional attitude and values revered revolutionary predecessors performance
the Chinese revolution from the Soviet Union take the road to go its own way, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai and other revolutionary predecessors made a great contribution to this end, their performance is always worthy of respect
ideological descendants
different historical periods must be based on the specific circumstances of the struggle of different strategies must be with the Marxist theory of revolution in China concrete practice of teaching points
Nanchang Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising
difficulty of teaching the Autumn Harvest Uprising led by Mao Zedong's forces into the Jinggangshan reason (reason)

into new courses teaching process: organizing students to review the previous lesson studied the clues, discuss the answer:
1, KMT-CPC cooperation during the first time why the leadership of the failure of the national revolution? (A. right-wing Nationalist Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Jingwei, who betrayed the revolution; B. Chen guilty of Communist Party leaders Later, the reactionary forces in Wuhan and Shanghai pooling of childhood madness continued repression of the Communist Party. In the face of powerful enemies, many communists and revolutionary activists were massacred. However, the heroic communists do not be intimidated, but climb from the ground up, wiped dry off the blood, buried the bodies of comrades to rejoin the fight. (read the full course layout of the content of the students on important age, place names, etc. read the tags to make eye-catching, exchange of personal views by the Panel .)
organize students to learn and explore new courses
Nanchang Uprising
1, the profile of the Nanchang Uprising What? (ask students to tell time, place, leaders, the result:
A.: 1927 on August 1, the PLA Army to be in the Aug. 1.
B. Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. [require students to mark the location on the map page 56]
C. Leaders: Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, He Long, Chen Yi
D. Results: once occupied Nanchang, the withdrawal of frustration on his way south.)
2, )
4, Nanchang Uprising of the Chinese revolution in the history of any significant meaning? (started the armed struggle against the Kuomintang reactionary rule of the first shot, independent leadership of the Chinese Communist Party beginning of armed struggle.)
Summary teachers, transition: when Mao Zedong the CPC Central Committee also accepted the assignment, returned home to lead the Autumn Harvest Uprising in Hunan.
Jinggangshan Autumn Harvest Uprising, and joined forces
1, Mao Zedong launched the Autumn Harvest Uprising how, into the Jinggangshan? (complete br> A. Workers and Peasants Revolutionary Army three-way attack From: Xiushui, drums, Anyuan.
B. frustrated after the meeting place: Man City home.
C. Adapted forces Venue: Three Bay.
D. finally settled on the place: Jinggangshan.
2, Mao Zedong to establish revolutionary base areas to the countryside? (remind students to analysis of the enemy forces, to observe the 57 , 59 : Autumn Harvest Uprising in the national revolution and the continuous setbacks, the loss is heavy, but can work hard to adapt to rural life.)
3, observe the color images, where Mao Zedong and Zhu De meet, : Red Army Fourth Army [referred to as statement: Autumn Harvest Uprising, the worker-peasant revolutionary army established revolutionary base Jinggangshan Why go? (inspired guide to help students understand the idea of the answer. Then, layers of lead:
A. comparison of two forces: against a stronger enemy, the enemy power concentrated in the cities, the uprising in the city impossible victory.
B. Jinggangshan conditions: in Hunan, Jiangxi border, difficult terrain, easily defensible; near the rich agricultural products, is conducive to the mobilization of military supplies; away from the big city far, the enemy is weak rule; mass base, and ease the establishment of rural revolutionary base.)
consolidate Summary
combing for clues in accordance with this course outline knowledge of the signal:
struggle against the Kuomintang reactionary rule r {
Nanchang Uprising
} Jinggangshan south to rendezvous
r r
Autumn Harvest Uprising against a stronger enemy
Lesson 13 Red
teaching objectives are not afraid of difficult expedition
Basics < br> Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army was forced to understand the strategic reasons for the transfer of control of the Long March route
, Zunyi Meeting and the historical significance of the training process approach

ability to understand the historical
reading maps and illustrations from the text After the Long March in the understanding of the major provinces, rivers, form a clear concept of time and space, where the right to repeat the major events in analysis and comparison of

from the Red Army was forced to explore the reasons for the transfer to the Red Army achieved a strategic victory in the Long March, the different leadership decision-making led to different results
emotional attitude and values to guide students to learn the Red Army victory over hardship and courage of revolutionary heroism
patriotic feelings
party Aijun total Chinese Communist Party in struggle is gritty, and the total correction of errors through its own efforts. We should love the Communist Party, love the people's army, love the motherland and cherish today's happy life
the Central Red Army's Long March teaching points, teaching
Difficulties of Zunyi Meeting Red Army was forced to transfer to the Red Army made a strategic victory in the causes of the Long March contrast

into new courses teaching: organizing students to review lessons learned in the first few clues, discuss the answer:
1, National After the failure of the revolution, the Communists to struggle against the Kuomintang's massacre, which launched an armed uprising (Nanchang Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising, etc..)
2, the purpose of these uprisings have not fully achieved? (did not direct occupation of large cities, has been to serious setbacks. However, the uprising of the troops turned to the relatively weak enemy forces in rural areas, the establishment of the revolutionary armed forces and the revolutionary base areas, the formation of a spark Liaoyuanzhishi.)
nexus, teachers taught: Later, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Army strategic shift from Jiangxi, Fujian, at the junction of the central revolutionary base of departure, the expedition over twenty-five thousand in the northern reaches. This is the famous Long March. (arranged student group to read into the situation, the whole class to read 60mm64 page content, to the important era of place names, etc. read the tags to make eye-catching, by exchange of personal views on the Panel to require all pass.)
organize students to learn and explore new courses
Long March and the beginning of the Zunyi Meeting
1, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Army strategic shift why? (Spark Liaoyuanzhishi formed, the KMT launched the revolutionary base areas right under the command of the Red Army crushed the enemy of the first four . Zunyi Meeting was held in what year? (1935) How to remember this year? (the birth of the party from 1921 to 1935, after 14 years, from 1935 to the birth of new China in 1949, also after 14 years.)
B. Comparison of the 14 years before and after the 14-year history of the party, what is important changes? (the first 14 years, the party's main office for a few leaders, has experienced a significant failure, endured the failure of the National Revolution and the fifth against > C. This shows what the historical significance of the Zunyi Meeting? (this conference as the core of Mao Zedong established the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee to save the party, the Red Army and the revolution, the history of the party turning point in life and death.)
Long March victory
1, guide students to complete the 63 marked out.)
A. After the provinces in which the Red Army? (Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, West, Gansu, and Shaanxi)
B. Please condemnation to say that three points on the blackboard names. (Ruijin, Zunyi, Wu Qi town)
2, under the auspices of the teachers, Red River Army diversion Siduchishui River, disrupt the enemy's hunt for programs.
D. Red Army through the Jinsha River Jinsha River, from out of the enemy's encirclement.
E. Dadu Dadu Red Army force a crossing, flying won the Luding Bridge.)
3, grassland; also a lack of food supplies, etc..)
layout activities, and consolidate new courses
1, according to activity class pages 65mm67 three words, through the website, Chinese Anti-Japanese War Mukden
Lesson 14 memorable goals

teaching the basics of understanding of Mukden Incident After
; People in the Northeast Anti-Japanese struggle;
grasp the background of the Xi'an Incident Mukden Incident of the results; the Xi'an Incident of the background and significance of the peaceful settlement of the training process approach

ability to read the text repeat the facts
Mukden Incident in chronological order and repeat after the Xi'an Incident, pay attention to stroke the importance of the time, place, characters and other research materials of historical knowledge to understand the reasons point

Northeast because the rapid degeneration of Japanese imperialism deliberate, premeditated plan, Chiang Kai-shek the implementation of arrogance of the Japanese invasion of the discussion to explore the dialectical analysis

CPC urged the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident interest from the whole nation, while also based on the prevailing circumstances, to promote the KMT to end the civil war, together against the Japanese in the direction of transformation
values of patriotism and national feeling emotional attitude
Manchurian Incident to the Chinese nation into a serious crisis, the Japanese imperialist aggression against the historical responsibility of the Chinese nation. For the barbaric aggression of the Japanese imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek Manchurian Incident and the Difficulties of the Xi'an Incident Xi'an Incident
teaching the nature and history of the peaceful settlement of the teaching process

into new courses: a group of news organizations, students understand:
1, change the outbreak 70th anniversary of the Liaoning Province and Shenyang city will have a series of commemorative activities. Mukden, Liaoning Province Research Association, Professor Zhang Yibo war that this day will live in infamy, all the Chinese people should remember this painful lessons of history. ; in such days, and then opened out like weddings and celebrations, it should not be Vice-Chairman Lin Sheng at the time that the Red Army, World War II veterans and victims of workers to participate in the forum, also issued the same call, he said: festive event, which is inappropriate. 18 Shenyang opened a hotel to commemorate the national humiliation day, deliberately delayed the opening date. Some had intended to tie the knot this day young people has also changed the wedding date.
4, this year's br> 5, in recent years, whenever the September 18 Incident erupted, Shenyang, should sound an alarm to remind the public not to forget national humiliation.
6,2003 of Sept. 18, is the war of aggression against China launched by Japan 72 anniversary of National Humiliation Day. And these days, Zhuhai, it happened enough to make the Chinese angry scene mm composed of hundreds of Japanese men and a tour guests in a five-star hotel in wantonly said, important to the suspects in prostitution case Liaomou .14 days, Ezhou Zhuhai police handed over the police will Liaomou.
nexus, asked the question whether the transition: how to deal with the anniversary of this national disgrace? believe students learn this lesson will come to the right answer. (68mm72 page layout of the whole class of students to read the contents of an important era, names, names, etc. to make eye-catching book to read tags exchange of personal views by the Panel to require everyone to pass. When the students to read, play the song > 1 Why do the Japanese invasion forces to create Manchurian Incident? (immediate goal is an excuse to attack the resident Beidaying Northeast Army, the shelling of Shenyang. The ultimate goal is to occupy the entire northeast, and then exclusively in China.)
2,69 page million square kilometers of beautiful country occupied.)
4, northeast after the fall of the Chinese people how to expand the local resistance? (Northeast people and not the withdrawal of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army formed to resist Japanese invasion; Communist faction such as Yang Jingyu Foundation of the Northeast Anti-Japanese guerrillas, carrying out guerrilla war against Japan.)
Summary teachers, transition: People in the Northeast Anti-Japanese war struggle is the beginning of the local Chinese people. their courage under extremely difficult conditions against the enemy, to defeat the Japanese imperialists to a significant contribution, but also inspired anti-Japanese patriotic Kuomintang determination.
Xi'an Incident
1, in the Chinese life and death, the CPC put forward any ideas and requirements? (advocated the establishment of anti-Japanese national united front to stop the civil war , consistent with the anti-Japanese.)
2, Kuomintang patriots why Zhang and Yang Hu-cheng Chiang Kai-shek launched the seizure of the Xi'an Incident? (inspired students to summarize texts:
A, the root cause: the Japanese further violations of the north, so that the Chinese nation at a critical moment of national subjugation and genocide, ethnic conflicts and Japan intensified. This makes the patriotic traditions of the descendants of a common enemy, to stand together. CCP's anti-Japanese advocates for Zhang Xueliang and Yang and patriotic appeal played a role.
B direct causes: anti-communist Chiang Kai-shek stubborn, bent, and stirred the patriotic officers and men students and strong dissatisfaction.)
3, how to evaluate the Xi'an Incident? (this Justice of the event.)
4, after the outbreak of the Xi'an Incident teachers with the complex situation:
A. Japan: tacit support of the KMT's pro-Japanese in the attack to Xi'an to extend it to invade China.
B . American: fear of pro-Japanese took the opportunity to power, the Japanese invasion of China to expand, push American influence in China, hope for a peaceful solution to keep Chiang Kai-shek's ruling.
C. pro-Japanese faction claims attack KMT Xi'an, ready Chengluan seize power.
D. pro-KMT advocates peaceful settlement of the Anglo-American School, Soong, Kai-shek, who personally went to Xian and Zhang and Yang negotiations.)
5, address the reasons for the Xi'an Incident and the peaceful settlement of the historical role played by.
After the Xi'an Incident, the situation is extremely volatile. executed Chiang Kai-shek, may lead to pro-Japanese faction in power, the state caught in disputes everywhere, warlords have carved out the situation. In this way, Japan will take advantage of, and then dominate China. If you leave a way out to the Chiang Kai-shek, the KMT is likely to pro-American faction agreed to end the civil war, as quickly as possible anti-Japanese national united front. to national interests, the CPC decided to let go, put forward the peaceful settlement of Xi'an Incident proposition, and Zhou Enlai and others sent to Xi'an to mediation, and finally led to the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. From then on, basically ended decades of civil war, the anti-Japanese national united front formed.
consolidate Summary
1, in accordance with the following This course outline signal combing knowledge:

stabbing outside massacre must first destroy the peace within
1927 年 cooperation r1931
the Xi'an Incident in

Japan Communist contradiction contradictions mainly increased
Communist agrarian revolution

establish the anti-Japanese national united front
armed resistance
2, when the Church to guide students to complete textbook page 71 question fill in a form:
Incident Name
simple results after

Mukden Incident
Japanese manufacturing wicker Lake event as an excuse to attack the resident Beidaying Northeast Army, the shelling of the fall of Shenyang in Northeast China Yangcheng

Lesson 15 rather be killed in ghosts, do not be conquered imperialist aggression against China during the massacre of the Chinese people to grasp the monstrous crimes
Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Incident of August and the Nanjing massacre and other important facts
ability training process approach
readings from the text and illustrations
strategic location in the understanding of the importance of the Marco Polo Bridge to experience the heroic resistance of the Chinese military and civilian national feelings, accusing the Japanese invaders, barbaric act

order to collect information identifying Japanese War, the Japanese invaders of the major crimes, with the first 85mm87 page the activity classes, ready to national integrity

hate fascist ideology, willing to human peace, democracy, progress and strive
teaching points sinister right-wing forces in Japan teaching

into new courses: organizing students to review lessons learned in the first few clues, discuss the answer:
1, Why the Japanese invasion forces to create Manchurian Incident? (immediate goal is an excuse to attack the resident Beidaying Northeast Army, the shelling of Shenyang. The ultimate goal is to occupy the entire northeast, and then exclusively in China.)
2, Communist Party of China advocates peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident and the peaceful settlement of the reasons the historical role played by what?
After the Xi'an Incident, the situation is extremely volatile. executed Chiang Kai-shek, may lead to pro-Japanese faction in power, the state caught in disputes everywhere, warlords have carved out the situation. In this way, Japan will be able to take advantage then dominate China. a way out if left to Chiang Kai-shek, the KMT is likely to pro-American faction agreed to end the civil war, as quickly as possible anti-Japanese national united front. to national interests, the CPC decided to let go, put forward the idea of a peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident, and sent Zhou Enlai and others to Xi'an to mediation, and finally led to the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. From then on, basically ended decades of civil war, the anti-Japanese national united front formed.
nexus, teachers in the teaching: the three northeastern provinces after the fall of the Japanese imperialists took stretch the claws of aggression in North China, to Peking (now Beijing) to implement the siege. Peking Chinese armed forces to defend, defend the north, to defend the whole of China, where the enemy launched a bloody war and write some conquered people,
bloody new lesson to learn and explore the Marco Polo Bridge
1, under 74 the northwest has been occupied by the Japanese army or a traitor, only the southwest of the Kuomintang also controls 29 Army garrison in the hands of China. Marco Polo Bridge is located 15 kilometers southwest of Peking, Ping-Han Railway, and became the only gateway to the Mainland in Peking, is the the two sides compete for the military site.)
2, compare 69 and 74 documents, compared to talk about the Marco Polo Bridge Incident and the Mukden Incident, when they occur any change in the current situation? (A, day Army: Attack of Northeast development has been preparing to attack the North and the whole of China. B, China: Civil War to stop the Communist Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army adaptation, the formal establishment of anti-Japanese national united front. C, the Kuomintang troops: the Proposed a discussion desire to meet the needs of peace, the military's fear of death is high. Otherwise, the soldiers are not afraid of death will cause a major disaster.)
Summary teachers, transition: for example, the Japanese respected the so-called textbooks, said: , that is life and death on the battlefield fighting the inevitable result. However, after the Japanese occupation of Nanjing in, for those who have laid down their weapons, soldiers, police and the implementation of the massacre of innocent civilians and violate international law into the defenseless people. So the Japanese middle school history textbooks is not tenable. It distorts the historical truth, the purpose is to beautify the war of aggression in an attempt to escape, they muddle through audio-visual.)
2, as the Chinese people should treat Nanjing Massacre? (A, we must be soberly aware that a war of aggression to people caused by the disaster are endless, absolutely can not forget our compatriots with their lives and blood to write on the pledge: against war, for peace! B , descendants must not forget that the hatred for the Japanese imperialism, to be highly vigilant of the despicable acts of right-wing forces in Japan, and resolutely prevent the revival of fascist forces. C, we are clear-headed Chinese students, we need to pay attention to the people of militarism in Japan molecule, right-wingers, the new fascist separate, as far as possible to help those who temporarily blinded by a Japanese high school students to understand the truth of the Nanjing Massacre.)
3, page under 85mm87 activity classes, ready to letter mm Nanjing Massacre can not forget. br> consolidate Summary
1, sort, consolidate knowledge lesson points.
2, when the Church to guide students to complete textbook on page 77, > 3, according to group to complete, 4, remind students to Preview Lesson 16

Monday, December 20, 2010

Obama visit to the United States disclosed the official version of the speech text

 Obama visit to the United States disclosed the official version of the speech text
Obama and Hu Jintao met with reporters after the handshake. Xinhua News Agency reporters Li Xue and Ren She
Sining blog (Obama joint press conference in Beijing Speech and direct dialogue with university students in Shanghai and the U.S. official version of the mainstream media in China reported a number of different deletions. are disclosed from the White House Press Secretary Office of the official version of the full text (translation of the U.S. State Department Bureau of International Information; To facilitate reading, Sining on the translation of the text and font of the technical sub-editor):
Obama joint press conference in Beijing, the speech
2009  11  17 
Great Hall in Beijing, China < br> Obama: Good afternoon. First of all I want to thank President Hu and the Chinese people have given me since we arrived and the delegation of the warm hospitality. Yesterday, we spent in Shanghai, a very pleasant day, with young men and women in China a very pleasant discussion. I look forward to our next two days of talks in Beijing and attractions to visit.
we are in the US-China relations to our common future with a time of unprecedented importance of the meeting held here. The major challenges of the 21st century, whether it is climate change, nuclear proliferation to economic recovery, are associated with our two nations, and which countries can not act alone to deal with these challenges.
This is why the United States welcomes China's efforts to on the world stage to play a greater role in mm a role in which economic development and growth with responsibility. That is why President Hu and I have talked about continuing to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive US-China relations.
such as President Hu said, we discussed the economic recovery continues to make the measures that must be taken so that the economic growth of new employment opportunities, and lasting prosperity. So far, the partnership with China is proof of our generations to get rid of its most severe recession in the vital efforts.
Looking ahead, we agreed to advance the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh made to ensure the implementation of the strategy more balanced economic growth. According to this strategy, the United States to increase savings, reduce consumption, reduce long-term debt, and China will have to be adjusted to balance the economic policies to stimulate domestic demand. This will lead to increased U.S. exports and jobs, on the other hand to improve living standards in China.
such as Hu President said, we also agreed that to keep our markets open and trade between the free flow will contribute to our common prosperity. I am pleased to note that China has repeatedly said, to move toward a greater extent by commitment to market-determined exchange rate. I'm with regional parties and other parties in the discussions stressed that this act in accordance with basic economic principles will be a rebalancing of the global economy,UGGs, a major contribution.
President Hu and I have the problem of climate change also made progress on. As the largest energy consumers and producers, not the joint efforts of China and the U.S. can not successfully address this challenge. Therefore, we agree in this area a series of important new initiatives. Hu indicated, we will establish a Clean Energy Research Center, we will be able to energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean use of coal, electric vehicles and shale gas agreement.
We also agreed to work towards successful outcome in Copenhagen . to support the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Rasmussen) are trying to achieve, we will not be a partial agreement, or a political declaration, but a problem that contains all of the negotiations, the agreement an immediate operational effect. This comprehensive agreement would be to mobilize the world climate challenge an important step forward in the effort. We agreed that each will take significant mitigation actions, determined to fulfill these commitments.
In the non-proliferation issue, President Hu and I discussed a shared commitment to stop proliferation of nuclear weapons, I told him how appreciative I am of China's support for the global nonproliferation regime and verifiable elimination of North Korea's nuclear weapons program greatly appreciated.
We agreed that the resumption of six-party talks as soon as possible is important. As I said in Tokyo, North Korea has a choice: It can continue down the path of confrontation and provocation, the result will be less security, less prosperity in the world more isolated in society; it can choose to become a full member of the international community, international obligations and abandon its nuclear weapons, so that its people live a better life.
Similarly, we also agreed that the Islamic Republic of Iran to the international community to provide assurances that its nuclear program is peaceful and transparent. At this point, our two countries and the five permanent members plus one of the other partners agree. Iran has an opportunity to showcase and demonstrate its peaceful intentions, but if it did not advantage of this opportunity will be consequences.