Monday, December 20, 2010

Obama visit to the United States disclosed the official version of the speech text

 Obama visit to the United States disclosed the official version of the speech text
Obama and Hu Jintao met with reporters after the handshake. Xinhua News Agency reporters Li Xue and Ren She
Sining blog (Obama joint press conference in Beijing Speech and direct dialogue with university students in Shanghai and the U.S. official version of the mainstream media in China reported a number of different deletions. are disclosed from the White House Press Secretary Office of the official version of the full text (translation of the U.S. State Department Bureau of International Information; To facilitate reading, Sining on the translation of the text and font of the technical sub-editor):
Obama joint press conference in Beijing, the speech
2009  11  17 
Great Hall in Beijing, China < br> Obama: Good afternoon. First of all I want to thank President Hu and the Chinese people have given me since we arrived and the delegation of the warm hospitality. Yesterday, we spent in Shanghai, a very pleasant day, with young men and women in China a very pleasant discussion. I look forward to our next two days of talks in Beijing and attractions to visit.
we are in the US-China relations to our common future with a time of unprecedented importance of the meeting held here. The major challenges of the 21st century, whether it is climate change, nuclear proliferation to economic recovery, are associated with our two nations, and which countries can not act alone to deal with these challenges.
This is why the United States welcomes China's efforts to on the world stage to play a greater role in mm a role in which economic development and growth with responsibility. That is why President Hu and I have talked about continuing to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive US-China relations.
such as President Hu said, we discussed the economic recovery continues to make the measures that must be taken so that the economic growth of new employment opportunities, and lasting prosperity. So far, the partnership with China is proof of our generations to get rid of its most severe recession in the vital efforts.
Looking ahead, we agreed to advance the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh made to ensure the implementation of the strategy more balanced economic growth. According to this strategy, the United States to increase savings, reduce consumption, reduce long-term debt, and China will have to be adjusted to balance the economic policies to stimulate domestic demand. This will lead to increased U.S. exports and jobs, on the other hand to improve living standards in China.
such as Hu President said, we also agreed that to keep our markets open and trade between the free flow will contribute to our common prosperity. I am pleased to note that China has repeatedly said, to move toward a greater extent by commitment to market-determined exchange rate. I'm with regional parties and other parties in the discussions stressed that this act in accordance with basic economic principles will be a rebalancing of the global economy,UGGs, a major contribution.
President Hu and I have the problem of climate change also made progress on. As the largest energy consumers and producers, not the joint efforts of China and the U.S. can not successfully address this challenge. Therefore, we agree in this area a series of important new initiatives. Hu indicated, we will establish a Clean Energy Research Center, we will be able to energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean use of coal, electric vehicles and shale gas agreement.
We also agreed to work towards successful outcome in Copenhagen . to support the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Rasmussen) are trying to achieve, we will not be a partial agreement, or a political declaration, but a problem that contains all of the negotiations, the agreement an immediate operational effect. This comprehensive agreement would be to mobilize the world climate challenge an important step forward in the effort. We agreed that each will take significant mitigation actions, determined to fulfill these commitments.
In the non-proliferation issue, President Hu and I discussed a shared commitment to stop proliferation of nuclear weapons, I told him how appreciative I am of China's support for the global nonproliferation regime and verifiable elimination of North Korea's nuclear weapons program greatly appreciated.
We agreed that the resumption of six-party talks as soon as possible is important. As I said in Tokyo, North Korea has a choice: It can continue down the path of confrontation and provocation, the result will be less security, less prosperity in the world more isolated in society; it can choose to become a full member of the international community, international obligations and abandon its nuclear weapons, so that its people live a better life.
Similarly, we also agreed that the Islamic Republic of Iran to the international community to provide assurances that its nuclear program is peaceful and transparent. At this point, our two countries and the five permanent members plus one of the other partners agree. Iran has an opportunity to showcase and demonstrate its peaceful intentions, but if it did not advantage of this opportunity will be consequences.

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