Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daquan University campus slogan slogan

 Daquan banners decorated the school classroom or campus
, maybe you can learn about mm
successful, we work together to create!
Success, we all create together!
I hear, I forget;
I see, I remember;
I do, I understand.
love life, learn to live, to create life.
Learn how to love life;
Learn how to live a meaningful life;
Learn how to create your life.
schools should aim to cultivate independent thinking and independent action of individuals, but they should serve the community as their highest goal in life. mm Einstein
The goal of the school is to develop the human beings of independent thinking and action, however they should view serving the society as their ullimate goal in life .------ Einstein
education is to help those being educated, to develop themselves the ability to complete his personality, the human race can do duty as a member. mm Cai
Education is supposed to help those being educated, to enhance their ability to develop themselves, to perfect their personalities, so as to fulfil the duty as a member of the human race. m by Cai Yuanpei

health is the greatest wealth of knowledge is the eternal pursuit of
Health is the greatest fortune, and knowledge is our permanent pursuit.
accepted overall quality of life challenge and cultivate
Brave the challenge of life, and cultivate your comprehensive quality.
sowing life, harvesting habits
sowing habit, reap a character
sow a character, reap the fate of
Habits are framed in daily life;
Personalities are accumulations of oners habits;
Destiny is partly determined by oners personality.

health is the greatest wealth of knowledge is the eternal pursuit of
Health is the greatest fortune, and knowledge is our permanent pursuit.
teachers the best educational approach is to set an example.
The best way of the teacher to teach students is to set up a good example.
healthy growth and future students development above all else.
The first priority we should bear in mind is to ensure the healthy growth and promising future of our students.
love students, respect their parents, colleagues
Love your students, respect their parents , and get along well with your peers.
each student achieve much more than what he has done
Every student can achieve much more than what he has done.
to create a happy and full life < br> Create a merry and full life.
ideal plug in the wings, raised youth sailing
With my wings I fly to my ideal goal,
With my sails I head for my safe harbor. < br> were only a reed, is one of nature's most fragile things; but he is a thinking reed to, thought that makes man great. mm Pascal
Man is as tender as a reed, but a read that thinks; It is the ability of thinking that makes man great.
Only two things in this world can make our hearts deeply shocked: First, the stars shining above us, and second, the noble within us moral law. mm Kant
Only two things in the world can make us deeply shocked in our innermost being: one is the overhead starmshining sky, the other the noble moral standard in mind.
language to the world, Let the world closer to us!
With the help of foreign languages, we can embrace the outside world, and bring it closer to us.
responsibility above all else! success comes from hard work!
Responsibility is absolutely above all. Achievement comes from hard work.
passion ignited sparks of wisdom, labor to create the bright future!
Kindle the sparks of wisdom with our enthusiasm; create the bright future with our hands.
if I seen farther than Descartes, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants sake.
If I have seen farther than Descartes, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.
propose a problems are often more important than solving a problem.
Raising problems is more important than settling them.
pioneers footprint is the starting point of historical progress.
the shoulders of the Struggling climb the ladder
The science footmarks of pioneers are the starting point of historical progress, and the shoulders of explorers are the ladder in scaling new heights in science.

Office of the President Office of slogans (with Pinyin):
people-oriented by Virtue
school office: to treat people with emotional reasoning to public confidence of people who
Registry: thin solid ground cast image building teaching and research division to change the soul of Church and State Department
: No non-moral education, not without emotion management
General Affairs Division: 1, owner of the school to do a good servant of students
2, do the routine work to enhance the quality of service
Youth League: development are the foundation of the foundation services group established Language Section of the Mission

1, life is language
2, profound knowledge layman
3, poetry and literature articles on educating people keep
4, take the highest, made of single domain environment to open
5, is satisfied that rivers flow into the sea through the ages through the Code of significant literary talent
6, well-read repeat itself were also enjoying themselves
Education for Mathematics Group:
1, focusing our attention on quality and focus on development
2, point, line, surface interpretation of outlined worlds Math infinite sky
3, insatiable in learning tireless in teaching life-limited knowledge infinite
4, meticulous paintings of the size of the merits of tireless radius
5, comprehend mathematics world beyond the ordinary classroom
English group: 1, Offering is life dedication is life
2, Discard the old ways of life in favor of the new
Be promising and diligent in oners work
reform and innovation work hard < br> 3, English is the bridge to the world
English is the bridge to the world
4, Time is life time is life
5, Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese and west
erudite Chinese and Western
6, Learning English well having bright future
bright future to learn English
7, Teach students in allowance with their opportunities
Take advantage of their specialties
individualized development expertise < br> 8, Master English you can roam the world
fluent in English all over the world
9, Develop create and improve together with the time
10, The motherland in heart and the world in eyes
passion for the country an international outlook
11, Solidify your base and richen your knowledge
to improve your ability based on wide knowledge and strong ability thick
12, Learn different languages to master the world < br> Culture and foreign language learning through five continents and cultural
Physics Division: 1, read all the documents the natural wonders of investigation of things and Cultivation Culture Chihlee century Yingcai
2, bitter attack rolls of books ancient and modern Chinese and foreign human physical one thousand clever painting paintings
Chemical group: 1, the chemical key to human progress
2, the promotion of human development of the human shape who
3, meticulous research ground to teach good biological group considered indomitable
: based on careful observation of the basis of observation-oriented scientific summary
Political Group: individualized loyalty serve as role models filled with a blood
geographic groups: access while you're thinking to do as hundreds of thousands of miles through the United States into one of the singular
History Group: 1, History is a mirror
2, known Reading history books in order to achieve reasonable wise
3, Zhao rise and fall of human society past the traces of ancient and modern research
Sports Group: Chinese heroism inspired the world to climb the peak
Sports Reading Room: 1, ladder of progress books mm Knowledge mm source of strength
2, it can learn Stone Mountain Kim Chen moves mountains
3, generation of gardeners Tao Li Wing Lok pm
4, learning to know to teach Morals
5, Reading enriches the dawn of years major
6, rule out the rise and fall of the room the police Jinshizuofei
Physics Laboratory: 1, then the right to know the severity, the degree and then to know the length.
Having weighted it we know is importance.
Having considered it we know is drawback.
2, in addition to experiment, there is no other way to identify the error.
Nothing but experiment can distinguish mistakes.
3 , science is the commander, practice is the warrior.
Science is a commander while practice is a soldier.
4, good scholars do their science, their good deeds are difficult to study.
Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.
5, as rumors of my own eyes, as the police, as the shadow shape.
Seeing is better than hearing and in vesting is better than seeing.
6, and those who know as of persons,.
To do is better than to say.
7, the father of experimental science.
Experiment is the father of science.
Chemistry Laboratory: 1, any person who had recognition of the father of experimental science.
Anyone has admitted an experiment is the father of science.
2, all reasoning must be obtained from observation and experiment to.
All of the reasons must come from observation and experiments.
3, heard better see for oneself, see for oneself than enough practice.
Seeing is better than listening while practice is the best.
4, paper come Zhongjue, knowledge from the matter shall be practice is essential.
One shouldnrt believe everything he close oneself rather than truths from books.
5, exploration, knowledge, grace,
Explore truths, seek knowledge and you'll understand reasons.
6, take the view anglers, the fish only have envy the situation.
Lookers-one will not experience happiness of observers.
Biology Laboratory: 1, heard as one, see, see a better test.
Nothing is better than experiments.
2, virtual fight empty words, not as easy to test the effect.
Attempt is more effective than empty words.
3, does not feel deceived people, determine who will deceive down.
Feeling is not always right but judging sometimes.
4, bold exploration, trial and error.
Explore bravely and do experiments repeatedly.
5, careful observation, careful analysis, scientific summary.
Careful observation seriously analysis and scientific summary .
6, the test of practice without everything surely this is stupid.
Without practice everything proves to be failure
electronic preparation room: quoted ten thousand springs, pouring the motherland flowers; tilting a cavity blood, sterile future pillars.
flower room: 1, refinement of good at music
Of all music changes customs among the people best
2, with a beautiful soul to play the melody
Beautiful heart plays wonderful music. < br> network center: a ray of silk, the essence of human transmission.
Dance Studio: Dance is the music of the heart, the voice of music for the dance.
information technology classroom: 1, learning technology, to meet the challenge.
2 , acoustic form, color, and Mao, scenarios intended to blend.
3, strict procedures, careful operation.
restaurant slogan: 1, a rice porridge when thinking hard to come by;
2, let a smile to decorate the living;
3, pay attention to health, love life;
4, regulate behavior, shaping the soul;
5, learn to live, learn fitness;
6, one for all, all for one; < br> 7, mutual understanding, enjoyable;
8, to civilized meal, do civilized people;
9, water into a river, poly meters into the basket;
10, to strengthen self-cultivation, a good virtue; < br> 11, the restaurant clean is everyone's responsibility;
12, a warm home, and jointly create;
13, learn to live, learn to survive;
14, school is my home, clean by everyone;
15, time to eat, eat like;
16, civilized dining, polite;
17, love the restaurant, I start from;
18, my virtue, pass the school reputation;
19, the wall no footprints on the ground without Tanji;
20, saving a glorious waste of shame;
21, do good deeds, but not as small, small and whom not to be evil;
22, When the food of knowledge, 粒粒皆辛苦;
23, the restaurant is my home, clean depends on everybody;
24, respect for others is to respect yourself;
25, take good care of public facilities, improve self-cultivation;
26 , cultivate healthy sentiment, building a civilized restaurant.
restaurant on the second floor:
1, carved out of fine, tempered the Golden;
2, as often as those who, often to a monk;
3 , confident successful, self-taught, self-growth;
4, there is nothing, Road in the foot;
5, knowing the same, speak louder than words;
6, realistic and innovative, with the times;
7, overall development, improve quality;
8, self-improvement, social commitment;
9, Chi tree centuries to serve the country, to do the pillars century before;
10, who guest, respect, love to help others;
teaching building corridors
1, spit out the word tolerance is not to forget language, bad behavior Remember that small is not
2, perseverance can conquer a mountain anywhere in the world < br> 3, a thousand miles began with a single step, the mountains from dust
4, Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous
5, sensitive and eager to learn, help in the field
6, life consists of two parts : the past is a dream; the future is a hope
7, the birds flying in the rain is brave, braved the difficulties ahead of him is a promising talent in the
8, the sea spray by Jin wind, the waves of life by the ideals muster
9, nourish the soul is the nectar of sweat, his hands flying wings is the ideal
10, more than one input, one more study, more reflection, more persistent
11, Eagle in the sky, the flowers in the green leaves the United States, if the United States in truth, the people working in the United States in
12, only one way to access ambitious goals and a great cause: the power and tough
13, who has much knowledge, there is much strength
14, sunrise wake-up earth, wake up the mind reading
15, life without books is like the sun; wisdom, no books to if there were no wings
16, a truly beautiful soul and is always there as a real person
17, optimism is a passionate march, always encouraged the entrepreneurial spirit of your career
18, in a quiet environment, the mood relaxed quietly reading, is the most flavored enjoy
19, honors the world crown, are made of thorns textile
20, a person can get his want to do everything, just need perseverance and sustained unremitting efforts
21, learning is the premise of creating, but also the creative process.
22, a coward to difficulties as a heavy burden, Warriors difficulties as a step forward to
23, at Cunyin today, tomorrow will be leaving any regrets
24, the time the water like a sponge, as long as you are willing to squeeze the total, or some
25, Victory often is to the end of five minutes to go to the
26, Where there is a willing heart
27, force view worthies country and family, broke into the thrift by the extravagance
28, Mother gives us the soul and body, I will take my body and soul to explore the life
29, thousands of hammers into a weapon, Best Make Chungang
30, no matter how beautiful ideal, there was always rooted in reality, the soil in
31, hates few when goes to use the book to, You never know hard
32, Road, although that was near, not less; thing, though small, is not not a
33, I'm Born with < br> 34, winds and waves there, Ji Yun-Fan economic sea
35, wide sea diving, the days of the birds to fly
36, only to learn wonderful, life was wonderful; only success in learning, career was successful
37, where there own do everything possible, no blog are only thousands of hard to extremely difficult
38, like the candle of knowledge that can illuminate a person, it can illuminate many people
39, the reality is that this side, ideal is the other side. the middle across the turbulent rivers, action will be mounted on a bridge on the River
40, determined not high, the addicted Liu Su; fit loose, then into the bandit speech
41, For the poor testimony thereof
42, wire sawing off, dropping water
three office corridor
1, all the great cause of, or all events, are composed by a small
2, thought to be Top Gun; dry to realistically
3, less empty talk, more work, solid, hard
4, there are multiple components of moral life is to leave footprints how deep
5, innovation is the soul of a nation's progress
6, aspirations and ideals for the cause, is as the ultimate goal
7, human happiness and joy that struggle is the most valuable ideals
8, hope is the source of life, loss of its life will wither
9, you can not Church people anything, you can find something to help others.
1, a grain a sweat
2, saving the United States, waste is ugly
3, a smile is our language, civilization is our belief
4, good health habits is the protection of the health
5, a grain porridge, when thinking hard to come by; Bansi half thread, read the material and dimensional constant hard
6, who knows the chopping block 粒粒皆辛苦
7, saving is the virtue
8, thrift is the traditional Chinese virtues
9, start with the mouth, speaking health
10, order meals, civilized dining
1, courtesy of civilized coexistence Golden Key
2, a house does not scan, how can you sweep the world
3, civilization is the source of happiness
4, the care of public property, everybody
5, the Earth Mother to remind you to save water
6, do it yourself its own, relying on others is not a hero
7, for the survival of us all, please save water < br> 8, want to govern the body, the first rule the heart; For responsible people, the first responsibility has
9, verbal abuse does not export, Gou made without leaving the ear
10, not from violence, abandon myself, since the flexor
11, has friend, true to its word
12, had to say is that short-long, self-confidant
school gate length is short
1, disheveled, please do not enter the
2, foreign workers Please register
guard room lawn
1, at the foot of mercy, grass grass
2, do not step on me, I'm your Green who
3, I was the grass, is your friend < br> 4, for our contribution to the green lawn, please protect it
5, the natural beauty of the flowers, it is the beauty of your mind mapping
6, you enjoy the beauty of the flower, flower appreciate your noble
7 paid to the flowers of a flowering, the flowers give you copies of praise
8, to leave flowers on the branches, so beautiful to stay in the mind
four, three thousand years of inspiring slogans
Spring and Autumn Period: BC 770 - 221 BC 1, the day Gentleman to self-improvement. mmm , self-cultivation, regulating the family, ruling the state and the world. mmm Qin and Han Dynasty: 221 BC - 220 AD 8, the sparrow know that the swan? mmm
10, where there is a way. mmm efforts, a lousy age. mmm Song: AD 581 - AD 1271 14, I'm Born with. mmm Li Bai, > 16, dared not country. mmm Lu You, Xiang wasted. mmm Banqiao
five, thought-provoking slogans
1, we grow in love, love is also the growth of us, (the United States Saint Vincent Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, the main hall banners)
2, love someone to pay a high price but does not love a person, the price goes up even more. (Florida apartments for the elderly in the lobby of a slogan)
3, not the young man as your filling the empty bottles, so you see them as lighted candles . (U.S. high school teachers lounge in a banner)
4, young misconception that education can replace the experience of the misconception that older people can replace the experience of education. (an executive search firm's slogan)
5, criticism should like a spring rain, as moisture leaves only, without causing root. (United States England Road garden building one of the company's slogan)
6, happy people who are good to have people forget what they always remember someone else to lead their own nothing. (a Canadian welfare agencies)
7, if you love your job, you are its owner, if you hate it, it will be your master. (the slogan on the gates of a factory)
8, the night gave me black eyes, but I use it to search for schools create strong light
arranged publicity slogans, banners, poster, columns selection.
9, a man should be contented, you have to know enough scholarship or else be content.
mm Qiu (the famous surgeon, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10, science must not get something for nothing, apart from perspiring outside, there is no other way to obtain.
mm Herzen < br> fully implement the Party's education policy to cultivate virtue, wisdom, all-round development of qualified personnel to carry out entertaining
technological activities and to develop young people's creative spirit and practical ability
study science, science, and about science, scientific
believe in science, respect for science, relying on science, advocating science
features to create City Science and Technology school, to promote sustainable development
school activities as a leader of technology to promote the moral characteristics of school construction
as a leader in education activities to promote the overall development of students
one street, the gate for
1, basically eliminating illiteracy among the rural labor force training vigorously, is our bounden duty.
2, Office Good people satisfied with the education, in order to contribute to building a moderately prosperous society!
3, and vigorously promote the science and education town (city) strategy, a general increase in the quality of labor of the peasant masses!
4, tt priority is to achieve long-term development of education fundamental measure!
5, emphasis on education up schools fortunes Xingchang!
6, the whole society should care for and support education!
7, advance education and social development of education the responsibility of the revitalization of the whole people!
8, education is expected to revitalize the nation!
9, change the fate of education to lead the brilliant wisdom!
10, vigorously develop education and create a social atmosphere!
11, adhere to the scientific development concept for the great development of education!
12 , long-term goal of education-oriented!
13, the implementation of the strategy of science and education to promote sustainable economic development!
14, always give priority to the development of education in a strategic position!
15, National Hing Education, to ensure priority to education development!
16, economic development, education should be first!
17, the concept of lifelong education, building community education system, create a modern education system
18, give the city the power, the highest education Strong City! < br> 19, vigorously promote vocational education to enable students to learn a director and learn something special!
20, lifelong learning system, building a learning society
21, lifelong education system, the formation of learning for all, lifelong Learning the learning society
22, establish the scientific concept of development, promoting the learning city to create
23, the development of rural community education, rural urbanization
24, built for life ...

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