Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cejiao An eighth-grade history

 Lesson 11 Expedition
teaching objectives

understand the basics of the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, the Northern Expedition and the failure into success, the failure of the national revolutionary movement and the establishment of the Nanjing Government to grasp the Northern Expedition
the object, the Communist Party's role in the Northern Expedition in the Training Process Approach
Picture stories
scenario analysis
Figure reproduced from the text and illustrations or images to imagine the Northern Expedition scene information, contact the Northern Expedition was to understand the historical background The purpose of the war, the Communists understood the process of war, the indomitable spirit of the whole teaching of integrated

Revolution Sun Yat-sen create the Whampoa Military Academy defect r r r work closely with the Northern Expedition Communist victory into r Chen r of the National Revolutionary Right betrayed the revolution failed
into the discussion to explore the reasons for the victory
Northern Expedition, the National Revolutionary failure
emotion emotional attitude and values love
Communists always put the party state, the nation's interests as their own struggle goals, they have shed blood and sacrifice in the Northern Expedition, and establish a monument for future generations

Expedition is the ideology of the revolutionary classes to participate in a just war against imperialism and feudalism, its history proves true Communist focus on teaching the importance of cooperation
victory of the Northern Expedition Northern Expedition into
teaching difficult because the victory march into new courses

teaching process: organizing students to review lessons learned in the first few clues, discuss the answer the question:
1, Why Revolution have not been successful? (fruits of the victory of the revolution was stolen by Yuan)
2, what is the historical role of the May Fourth Movement? (May Fourth Movement to Communist China laid the ideological foundation and the establishment of organizational basis, it is an important reason for the establishment of the CPC, the Chinese New Democratic Revolution)
3, the birth of the Chinese Communist Party What is the significance? (CCP was established epoch-making event in modern Chinese history, from the face of the Chinese revolution a new look.)
nexus, teachers taught: Revolution by Yuan Shikai, the fruits of victory, the Sun Yat-sen in order to save the revolution, with the Communist Party, to continue the fight against the northern warlords. it finally formed the climax of the National Revolutionary mm States Northern Expedition . (page layout of the whole class of students to read 50mm54 content, important age, place names, etc. read the tags to make eye-catching, exchange of personal views by the Panel to require everyone to pass.)
organize students to learn and explore new courses < br> The establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy
1, under 50 Army to save China's peril.)
2, the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Northern Army which is the difference? (inspire students to use the thinking.)
Summary teachers, transition: Yuan Shikai, who use the Northern army as a tool for their own dictatorship continue to disaster. Therefore, in order to save the country from peril, to be diametrically opposed, the use of guns to solve problems.
Northern Expedition Victory march
1, the Northern Expedition what is the purpose? (overthrow the rule of the Northern warlords, unified the country.)
2, the Northern Expedition of the objects have to? (to guide students in the 51 found in Chang Tso-lin, Wu Peifu, Sun Chuan-fang position, the circle marking.)
3, Expedition on the offensive line, What are the important names? guide the students in the 51 names, to tag:
A. r Yueyang, Changsha, Guangzhou r r r Ting Si He wins Wuchang bridge r r Jiujiang Bridge, Nanchang, Nanjing
B. Guangzhou r r r Nanchang, Nanjing, Guangzhou, r Shanghai

C. 4 Why can the Northern Expedition in less than six months, hit the Yangtze River from the Pearl River Basin? (with the following four reasons: A. the right operational policy; B. KMT closely; C. [Ye Ting Independent Regiment] Communist Party members played a vanguard and exemplary role, the majority of officers and soldiers fought a bloody war; D. workers and peasants under the leadership of the Communist Party of active support and close co-ordination.)
5, the ultimate failure of the national revolution What is the reason? (in the textbook to answer student basis according to , the additional information on the party Communist Party leader Chen made the interests of the bourgeoisie)
2, Chiang Kai-shek established the Nationalist government in Nanjing, China where the land side by side with three against the regime? (Northern warlord government in Beijing, Wuhan National Government, National Government)
teachers have pointed out : Later, Wuhan and Shanghai pooling the reactionary forces of the Communist Party in early childhood repression crazy. in the face of powerful enemies, many communists and revolutionary activists were massacred. However, the heroic communists do not be intimidated, but get up from the ground and wiped off the blood, buried the bodies of comrades to rejoin the fight. Expedition history shows us: when the two parties cooperate in good faith, for the state, nation and the revolutionary cause of great benefit; parties cooperation is destroyed, the state, nation and the revolutionary cause will have a negative effect.

Summary guide students to consolidate the class to complete the textbook on page 54 multiple choice questions: to be elected D (Chang Tso-lin, Sun Chuan-fang, Unite Wu). < br> Lesson 12 A single spark can start a prairie fire
teaching objectives

understand the basics of the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the knowledge of rendezvous points Jinggangshan
master Xinghuoliaoyuan Hard Work revolutionary predecessors invaluable
evaluation of events from the history of the Nanchang Uprising
independent leadership of the Chinese Communist Party began armed struggle and take br> Explore
discussion into the ranks of the Autumn Harvest Uprising reasons for its historical role in Jinggangshan
emotional attitude and values revered revolutionary predecessors performance
the Chinese revolution from the Soviet Union take the road to go its own way, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai and other revolutionary predecessors made a great contribution to this end, their performance is always worthy of respect
ideological descendants
different historical periods must be based on the specific circumstances of the struggle of different strategies must be with the Marxist theory of revolution in China concrete practice of teaching points
Nanchang Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising
difficulty of teaching the Autumn Harvest Uprising led by Mao Zedong's forces into the Jinggangshan reason (reason)

into new courses teaching process: organizing students to review the previous lesson studied the clues, discuss the answer:
1, KMT-CPC cooperation during the first time why the leadership of the failure of the national revolution? (A. right-wing Nationalist Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Jingwei, who betrayed the revolution; B. Chen guilty of Communist Party leaders Later, the reactionary forces in Wuhan and Shanghai pooling of childhood madness continued repression of the Communist Party. In the face of powerful enemies, many communists and revolutionary activists were massacred. However, the heroic communists do not be intimidated, but climb from the ground up, wiped dry off the blood, buried the bodies of comrades to rejoin the fight. (read the full course layout of the content of the students on important age, place names, etc. read the tags to make eye-catching, exchange of personal views by the Panel .)
organize students to learn and explore new courses
Nanchang Uprising
1, the profile of the Nanchang Uprising What? (ask students to tell time, place, leaders, the result:
A.: 1927 on August 1, the PLA Army to be in the Aug. 1.
B. Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. [require students to mark the location on the map page 56]
C. Leaders: Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, He Long, Chen Yi
D. Results: once occupied Nanchang, the withdrawal of frustration on his way south.)
2, )
4, Nanchang Uprising of the Chinese revolution in the history of any significant meaning? (started the armed struggle against the Kuomintang reactionary rule of the first shot, independent leadership of the Chinese Communist Party beginning of armed struggle.)
Summary teachers, transition: when Mao Zedong the CPC Central Committee also accepted the assignment, returned home to lead the Autumn Harvest Uprising in Hunan.
Jinggangshan Autumn Harvest Uprising, and joined forces
1, Mao Zedong launched the Autumn Harvest Uprising how, into the Jinggangshan? (complete br> A. Workers and Peasants Revolutionary Army three-way attack From: Xiushui, drums, Anyuan.
B. frustrated after the meeting place: Man City home.
C. Adapted forces Venue: Three Bay.
D. finally settled on the place: Jinggangshan.
2, Mao Zedong to establish revolutionary base areas to the countryside? (remind students to analysis of the enemy forces, to observe the 57 , 59 : Autumn Harvest Uprising in the national revolution and the continuous setbacks, the loss is heavy, but can work hard to adapt to rural life.)
3, observe the color images, where Mao Zedong and Zhu De meet, : Red Army Fourth Army [referred to as statement: Autumn Harvest Uprising, the worker-peasant revolutionary army established revolutionary base Jinggangshan Why go? (inspired guide to help students understand the idea of the answer. Then, layers of lead:
A. comparison of two forces: against a stronger enemy, the enemy power concentrated in the cities, the uprising in the city impossible victory.
B. Jinggangshan conditions: in Hunan, Jiangxi border, difficult terrain, easily defensible; near the rich agricultural products, is conducive to the mobilization of military supplies; away from the big city far, the enemy is weak rule; mass base, and ease the establishment of rural revolutionary base.)
consolidate Summary
combing for clues in accordance with this course outline knowledge of the signal:
struggle against the Kuomintang reactionary rule r {
Nanchang Uprising
} Jinggangshan south to rendezvous
r r
Autumn Harvest Uprising against a stronger enemy
Lesson 13 Red
teaching objectives are not afraid of difficult expedition
Basics < br> Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army was forced to understand the strategic reasons for the transfer of control of the Long March route
, Zunyi Meeting and the historical significance of the training process approach

ability to understand the historical
reading maps and illustrations from the text After the Long March in the understanding of the major provinces, rivers, form a clear concept of time and space, where the right to repeat the major events in analysis and comparison of

from the Red Army was forced to explore the reasons for the transfer to the Red Army achieved a strategic victory in the Long March, the different leadership decision-making led to different results
emotional attitude and values to guide students to learn the Red Army victory over hardship and courage of revolutionary heroism
patriotic feelings
party Aijun total Chinese Communist Party in struggle is gritty, and the total correction of errors through its own efforts. We should love the Communist Party, love the people's army, love the motherland and cherish today's happy life
the Central Red Army's Long March teaching points, teaching
Difficulties of Zunyi Meeting Red Army was forced to transfer to the Red Army made a strategic victory in the causes of the Long March contrast

into new courses teaching: organizing students to review lessons learned in the first few clues, discuss the answer:
1, National After the failure of the revolution, the Communists to struggle against the Kuomintang's massacre, which launched an armed uprising (Nanchang Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising, etc..)
2, the purpose of these uprisings have not fully achieved? (did not direct occupation of large cities, has been to serious setbacks. However, the uprising of the troops turned to the relatively weak enemy forces in rural areas, the establishment of the revolutionary armed forces and the revolutionary base areas, the formation of a spark Liaoyuanzhishi.)
nexus, teachers taught: Later, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Army strategic shift from Jiangxi, Fujian, at the junction of the central revolutionary base of departure, the expedition over twenty-five thousand in the northern reaches. This is the famous Long March. (arranged student group to read into the situation, the whole class to read 60mm64 page content, to the important era of place names, etc. read the tags to make eye-catching, by exchange of personal views on the Panel to require all pass.)
organize students to learn and explore new courses
Long March and the beginning of the Zunyi Meeting
1, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Army strategic shift why? (Spark Liaoyuanzhishi formed, the KMT launched the revolutionary base areas right under the command of the Red Army crushed the enemy of the first four . Zunyi Meeting was held in what year? (1935) How to remember this year? (the birth of the party from 1921 to 1935, after 14 years, from 1935 to the birth of new China in 1949, also after 14 years.)
B. Comparison of the 14 years before and after the 14-year history of the party, what is important changes? (the first 14 years, the party's main office for a few leaders, has experienced a significant failure, endured the failure of the National Revolution and the fifth against > C. This shows what the historical significance of the Zunyi Meeting? (this conference as the core of Mao Zedong established the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee to save the party, the Red Army and the revolution, the history of the party turning point in life and death.)
Long March victory
1, guide students to complete the 63 marked out.)
A. After the provinces in which the Red Army? (Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, West, Gansu, and Shaanxi)
B. Please condemnation to say that three points on the blackboard names. (Ruijin, Zunyi, Wu Qi town)
2, under the auspices of the teachers, Red River Army diversion Siduchishui River, disrupt the enemy's hunt for programs.
D. Red Army through the Jinsha River Jinsha River, from out of the enemy's encirclement.
E. Dadu Dadu Red Army force a crossing, flying won the Luding Bridge.)
3, grassland; also a lack of food supplies, etc..)
layout activities, and consolidate new courses
1, according to activity class pages 65mm67 three words, through the website, Chinese Anti-Japanese War Mukden
Lesson 14 memorable goals

teaching the basics of understanding of Mukden Incident After
; People in the Northeast Anti-Japanese struggle;
grasp the background of the Xi'an Incident Mukden Incident of the results; the Xi'an Incident of the background and significance of the peaceful settlement of the training process approach

ability to read the text repeat the facts
Mukden Incident in chronological order and repeat after the Xi'an Incident, pay attention to stroke the importance of the time, place, characters and other research materials of historical knowledge to understand the reasons point

Northeast because the rapid degeneration of Japanese imperialism deliberate, premeditated plan, Chiang Kai-shek the implementation of arrogance of the Japanese invasion of the discussion to explore the dialectical analysis

CPC urged the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident interest from the whole nation, while also based on the prevailing circumstances, to promote the KMT to end the civil war, together against the Japanese in the direction of transformation
values of patriotism and national feeling emotional attitude
Manchurian Incident to the Chinese nation into a serious crisis, the Japanese imperialist aggression against the historical responsibility of the Chinese nation. For the barbaric aggression of the Japanese imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek Manchurian Incident and the Difficulties of the Xi'an Incident Xi'an Incident
teaching the nature and history of the peaceful settlement of the teaching process

into new courses: a group of news organizations, students understand:
1, change the outbreak 70th anniversary of the Liaoning Province and Shenyang city will have a series of commemorative activities. Mukden, Liaoning Province Research Association, Professor Zhang Yibo war that this day will live in infamy, all the Chinese people should remember this painful lessons of history. ; in such days, and then opened out like weddings and celebrations, it should not be Vice-Chairman Lin Sheng at the time that the Red Army, World War II veterans and victims of workers to participate in the forum, also issued the same call, he said: festive event, which is inappropriate. 18 Shenyang opened a hotel to commemorate the national humiliation day, deliberately delayed the opening date. Some had intended to tie the knot this day young people has also changed the wedding date.
4, this year's br> 5, in recent years, whenever the September 18 Incident erupted, Shenyang, should sound an alarm to remind the public not to forget national humiliation.
6,2003 of Sept. 18, is the war of aggression against China launched by Japan 72 anniversary of National Humiliation Day. And these days, Zhuhai, it happened enough to make the Chinese angry scene mm composed of hundreds of Japanese men and a tour guests in a five-star hotel in wantonly said, important to the suspects in prostitution case Liaomou .14 days, Ezhou Zhuhai police handed over the police will Liaomou.
nexus, asked the question whether the transition: how to deal with the anniversary of this national disgrace? believe students learn this lesson will come to the right answer. (68mm72 page layout of the whole class of students to read the contents of an important era, names, names, etc. to make eye-catching book to read tags exchange of personal views by the Panel to require everyone to pass. When the students to read, play the song > 1 Why do the Japanese invasion forces to create Manchurian Incident? (immediate goal is an excuse to attack the resident Beidaying Northeast Army, the shelling of Shenyang. The ultimate goal is to occupy the entire northeast, and then exclusively in China.)
2,69 page million square kilometers of beautiful country occupied.)
4, northeast after the fall of the Chinese people how to expand the local resistance? (Northeast people and not the withdrawal of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army formed to resist Japanese invasion; Communist faction such as Yang Jingyu Foundation of the Northeast Anti-Japanese guerrillas, carrying out guerrilla war against Japan.)
Summary teachers, transition: People in the Northeast Anti-Japanese war struggle is the beginning of the local Chinese people. their courage under extremely difficult conditions against the enemy, to defeat the Japanese imperialists to a significant contribution, but also inspired anti-Japanese patriotic Kuomintang determination.
Xi'an Incident
1, in the Chinese life and death, the CPC put forward any ideas and requirements? (advocated the establishment of anti-Japanese national united front to stop the civil war , consistent with the anti-Japanese.)
2, Kuomintang patriots why Zhang and Yang Hu-cheng Chiang Kai-shek launched the seizure of the Xi'an Incident? (inspired students to summarize texts:
A, the root cause: the Japanese further violations of the north, so that the Chinese nation at a critical moment of national subjugation and genocide, ethnic conflicts and Japan intensified. This makes the patriotic traditions of the descendants of a common enemy, to stand together. CCP's anti-Japanese advocates for Zhang Xueliang and Yang and patriotic appeal played a role.
B direct causes: anti-communist Chiang Kai-shek stubborn, bent, and stirred the patriotic officers and men students and strong dissatisfaction.)
3, how to evaluate the Xi'an Incident? (this Justice of the event.)
4, after the outbreak of the Xi'an Incident teachers with the complex situation:
A. Japan: tacit support of the KMT's pro-Japanese in the attack to Xi'an to extend it to invade China.
B . American: fear of pro-Japanese took the opportunity to power, the Japanese invasion of China to expand, push American influence in China, hope for a peaceful solution to keep Chiang Kai-shek's ruling.
C. pro-Japanese faction claims attack KMT Xi'an, ready Chengluan seize power.
D. pro-KMT advocates peaceful settlement of the Anglo-American School, Soong, Kai-shek, who personally went to Xian and Zhang and Yang negotiations.)
5, address the reasons for the Xi'an Incident and the peaceful settlement of the historical role played by.
After the Xi'an Incident, the situation is extremely volatile. executed Chiang Kai-shek, may lead to pro-Japanese faction in power, the state caught in disputes everywhere, warlords have carved out the situation. In this way, Japan will take advantage of, and then dominate China. If you leave a way out to the Chiang Kai-shek, the KMT is likely to pro-American faction agreed to end the civil war, as quickly as possible anti-Japanese national united front. to national interests, the CPC decided to let go, put forward the peaceful settlement of Xi'an Incident proposition, and Zhou Enlai and others sent to Xi'an to mediation, and finally led to the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. From then on, basically ended decades of civil war, the anti-Japanese national united front formed.
consolidate Summary
1, in accordance with the following This course outline signal combing knowledge:

stabbing outside massacre must first destroy the peace within
1927 年 cooperation r1931
the Xi'an Incident in

Japan Communist contradiction contradictions mainly increased
Communist agrarian revolution

establish the anti-Japanese national united front
armed resistance
2, when the Church to guide students to complete textbook page 71 question fill in a form:
Incident Name
simple results after

Mukden Incident
Japanese manufacturing wicker Lake event as an excuse to attack the resident Beidaying Northeast Army, the shelling of the fall of Shenyang in Northeast China Yangcheng

Lesson 15 rather be killed in ghosts, do not be conquered imperialist aggression against China during the massacre of the Chinese people to grasp the monstrous crimes
Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Incident of August and the Nanjing massacre and other important facts
ability training process approach
readings from the text and illustrations
strategic location in the understanding of the importance of the Marco Polo Bridge to experience the heroic resistance of the Chinese military and civilian national feelings, accusing the Japanese invaders, barbaric act

order to collect information identifying Japanese War, the Japanese invaders of the major crimes, with the first 85mm87 page the activity classes, ready to national integrity

hate fascist ideology, willing to human peace, democracy, progress and strive
teaching points sinister right-wing forces in Japan teaching

into new courses: organizing students to review lessons learned in the first few clues, discuss the answer:
1, Why the Japanese invasion forces to create Manchurian Incident? (immediate goal is an excuse to attack the resident Beidaying Northeast Army, the shelling of Shenyang. The ultimate goal is to occupy the entire northeast, and then exclusively in China.)
2, Communist Party of China advocates peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident and the peaceful settlement of the reasons the historical role played by what?
After the Xi'an Incident, the situation is extremely volatile. executed Chiang Kai-shek, may lead to pro-Japanese faction in power, the state caught in disputes everywhere, warlords have carved out the situation. In this way, Japan will be able to take advantage then dominate China. a way out if left to Chiang Kai-shek, the KMT is likely to pro-American faction agreed to end the civil war, as quickly as possible anti-Japanese national united front. to national interests, the CPC decided to let go, put forward the idea of a peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident, and sent Zhou Enlai and others to Xi'an to mediation, and finally led to the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. From then on, basically ended decades of civil war, the anti-Japanese national united front formed.
nexus, teachers in the teaching: the three northeastern provinces after the fall of the Japanese imperialists took stretch the claws of aggression in North China, to Peking (now Beijing) to implement the siege. Peking Chinese armed forces to defend, defend the north, to defend the whole of China, where the enemy launched a bloody war and write some conquered people,
bloody new lesson to learn and explore the Marco Polo Bridge
1, under 74 the northwest has been occupied by the Japanese army or a traitor, only the southwest of the Kuomintang also controls 29 Army garrison in the hands of China. Marco Polo Bridge is located 15 kilometers southwest of Peking, Ping-Han Railway, and became the only gateway to the Mainland in Peking, is the the two sides compete for the military site.)
2, compare 69 and 74 documents, compared to talk about the Marco Polo Bridge Incident and the Mukden Incident, when they occur any change in the current situation? (A, day Army: Attack of Northeast development has been preparing to attack the North and the whole of China. B, China: Civil War to stop the Communist Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army adaptation, the formal establishment of anti-Japanese national united front. C, the Kuomintang troops: the Proposed a discussion desire to meet the needs of peace, the military's fear of death is high. Otherwise, the soldiers are not afraid of death will cause a major disaster.)
Summary teachers, transition: for example, the Japanese respected the so-called textbooks, said: , that is life and death on the battlefield fighting the inevitable result. However, after the Japanese occupation of Nanjing in, for those who have laid down their weapons, soldiers, police and the implementation of the massacre of innocent civilians and violate international law into the defenseless people. So the Japanese middle school history textbooks is not tenable. It distorts the historical truth, the purpose is to beautify the war of aggression in an attempt to escape, they muddle through audio-visual.)
2, as the Chinese people should treat Nanjing Massacre? (A, we must be soberly aware that a war of aggression to people caused by the disaster are endless, absolutely can not forget our compatriots with their lives and blood to write on the pledge: against war, for peace! B , descendants must not forget that the hatred for the Japanese imperialism, to be highly vigilant of the despicable acts of right-wing forces in Japan, and resolutely prevent the revival of fascist forces. C, we are clear-headed Chinese students, we need to pay attention to the people of militarism in Japan molecule, right-wingers, the new fascist separate, as far as possible to help those who temporarily blinded by a Japanese high school students to understand the truth of the Nanjing Massacre.)
3, page under 85mm87 activity classes, ready to letter mm Nanjing Massacre can not forget. br> consolidate Summary
1, sort, consolidate knowledge lesson points.
2, when the Church to guide students to complete textbook on page 77, > 3, according to group to complete, 4, remind students to Preview Lesson 16

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