Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Latin Literature Name: Canis lupus
English name: Wolf, Gray wolf
named person and the age of species: Linnaeus, 1758
Canis chanco Gray, 1863, < br> Canis coreanus Abe, 1923,
Canis ekloni Przewalski, 1883,
Canis filchren Matschie, 1907 or 1908,
Canis laniger Hodgson, 1847,
Canis tschilienius Matschie, 1907 or 1908,
Lupus filcheri Matschie, 1907,
Lupus karanorensis Matschie, 1907,
Lupus laniger Hodgson, Calcutta Jour. 1847,
Lupus tschiliensis Matschie, 1907
Chinese Synonyms: gray wolf, wolves, regardless of Sri Lanka to open , Randa, Qianuo, Niulu Qi, Mao dog, Joe Smith
families are classified:
Carnivora Carnivora,
Canidae Canidae
subfamily Caninae
dog is a dog Canis < br> Endangered rating:
Wolf lived a solitary life, typically a group of seven, each one must be for the groups of responsibility for the prosperity and development. wolf and the wolf with a tacit understanding between the decisive factor in the success of the wolf. Whatever they do, they are always depend on the group to accomplish it. wolf patience is always amazing, they can cost a goal for a long time and not feel tired. keen observation, specific goals, harmonious cooperation, curiosity, attention to detail and perseverance and patience so that wolves will be successful. wolf's attitude is very simple, that is, persistent yearning for success. In the wolf's life, there is no substitute for perseverance, because it makes the wolf to thousand million hard to survive heart. wolves cohesion, teamwork and training to become a decisive factor determining their survival. Because they are rarely threatened by other animals. wolf's ability to manage change so that they become the vitality of the Earth One of the toughest animals.
�� cooperation:
wolves live solitary lives, usually as a group of seven, each one must be for the groups of responsibility for the prosperity and development. West, but each employee homes, can cause West is West, pleasant every common cause.
�� unity:
tacit understanding between the wolf and the wolf as a wolf with a decisive success factor. Whatever they do, they can always depend on the group the power to accomplish.
�� Endurance:
keen observation, specific goals, harmonious cooperation, curiosity, patience, attention to detail and perseverance to the success of the wolf always.
�� attachment:
wolf's attitude is very simple, that is, persistent yearning for success.
�� struggle:
in the wolf's life, there is no substitute for perseverance, because it makes the wolf to thousands of Heart hardships to survive changes in the ability of controlling the wolf makes them the toughest on the planet one of the animals.
�� harmony:
order to survive, the wolf has maintained harmony with the natural environment, a symbiotic relationship, not involved in unnecessary disputes and conflicts. West can maintain domestic unity and mutual assistance, and stress cooperation and harmonious coexistence.
�� Loyalty:
wolves for bounty on the animals they have been very emotional, can be ordered to repay .
Wolves in religion and folklore
species traits:
greatest canine in size, shape like shepherds, body length 1500-2050 mm, 50 to 70 cm tall at the shoulder and weighs 26-79 kg. supple limbs, for the run; snout slightly pointed; ear on end; fluffy tail and long hair. upper body is generally pale yellow, yellowish, gray-brown and light gray, but mostly after the two coat, while black and white persons. abdomen and limbs inside the white, but the inner surface of the limbs and abdomen lighter coat color, coat color often due to different habitats and seasons are different. front foot 5 toes, hind toe 4. shoulders and black hair more tail diverse habitats, such as Carex, ice, grasslands, forests and deserts, etc. has its footprint. the north in winter, the wolf often cluster activities, and community structure; summer camp smaller families. field range up to 160-350 square feet km. temperament cruelty, the main prey rabbits, large rodents, deer, all kinds of wild goats and birds and fish .2-3 month mating, pregnancy, 60-63 days, an average of 7 per child, Aberdeen.
widely distributed worldwide, but the current wolf distribution area has been greatly reduced, particularly in North America and Western Europe. wolves distributed in the country except Taiwan, Hainan Island and other islands, the various provinces, but mainly in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and the Tibetan population is less dense areas. wolf habitat and habits of adaptability. may include habitat for tundra, grassland, forest, desert, farmland and other habitats. altitudes does not limit its distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is widely distributed wolf density is higher. in temperate grassland areas such as Mongolia (including Mongolia's Eastern Province, Kent Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China and Ximeng Hulunbeier league) is widely distributed wolf. wolf like less interference in the human food rich in certain hidden conditions to survive. in North China, central and southern provinces of the wolf's activities are limited to the mountain environment is not suitable for the development of small human environment. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces The distribution of the wolf is limited to mountainous areas.
mainly provinces:
Beijing Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui Jiangxi, Henan and Hubei Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia ����
distributed in the following Conservation Area:
Tiantangzhai Xinglongshan Whitewater River (Gansu) Boolean spruce root beaver Setsurei Xishui Tuomuer Dongzhai bird Fanjingshan Jigongshan Macaque Baotianman (the Township) Honghe Xingkai directions after the River Lake Jiugongshan Shennongjia Lake Poyang Momoge Wuyi Mountain (Jiangxi) Taohongling EXECUTIVE Laotudingzi Liupanshan Laotudingzi Roshan (Ningxia) Qinghai Lake Foping Wolong Pangquangou Jinfo Taibaishan Yunnan snub-nosed monkey Everest Tarim Populus Mangkang Ganjiahu Nu Haloxylon forest Gaoligongshan Daweishan Tongbiguan Qingliangfeng Mount Gaoligongshan (Zhejiang) Gutianshan Sanjiang (Heilongjiang) Saihanwula Baxianshan subtropical rain forest of Populus euphratica Linnanjingnan
mountain lakes located in the following:
Altun Altun Altun Mountains in the Dabie Guandi Article Helan Mountain Karakorum Mountains Kunlun Mountains - the western part of Kunlun Mountains - east Kunlun Mountains - the middle of Lu Xiangshan Mountain teeth Liupanshan Taihang Mountain Taiyue Jieshan Qingliangfeng Qinling Junggar and Tianshan mountains and the Pamirs Valley Lake Kunlun Mountains
Funiushan habits:
wolf clusters or individual activities. small group of integration during the breeding season, the winter in North America taiga zone composed of a larger group of wolves often eat ungulate prey. In Alaska, the largest up to 36 wolves, but generally not more than 20. up to a group of up to 21. wolves vary greatly in size, often depending on the season and predation of the situation is different and change. wolf food ingredients are mixed, all animals are able to catch their food, including birds, amphibians and insects and other small animals. wolf occasionally eat plant food. wolves like to eat wild and domesticated ungulates. wolf phenomenon of eating at home and abroad have been reported, but this is only happen in exceptional circumstances.
Population Status:
China is the largest wolf population in the world. But of the wolf population has never been systematically investigated, it is difficult to make a ballpark figure. Hulunbeier recently on the Inner Mongolia Grassland accurate survey of the wolf; wolf population does not exceed 2,000 head. in the Northwest region of the wolf population is no report .
To risk factors:
wolf populations in some countries, less has been listed as endangered species. However, in many countries not included in the protection of animals. In some countries, including the distribution of wolf habitat destruction due and smaller. of a long time, the wolf as vermin to be eliminated, and to encourage the capture and killing of animals shall be rewarded. with their habitats shrinking habitat in recent decades, the wolf population is clearly smaller, and many distribution over the last wolf has not seen its tracks. wolf fur of good quality and some of its organs are used as medicine, is also a factor that led to being hunted.
rearing conditions:
wolf is widely distributed, common species domestic and foreign small zoo as a watch. Lafayette, Indiana Wolf Park City had 150 wolves have been raised, which is feeding the world, where most wolves. of keeping wolf numbers is not clear.
Existing conservation measures:
international will now extinct Mexican wolf as a wild (EW), the wolf will be Portugal and Spain as low risk (LR / cd), the Italian wolf as Vulnerable ( VU) (IUCN, 1996). International Convention on Endangered Species (CITES) will wolf this one as Appendix II species, and the Bhutan, Nepal, India and Pakistan as the wolf population in Appendix I species. can be seen on the wolf the importance of protection. by the idea of a long time, China is currently no existing laws to protect the wolf. On the contrary, the general continues to believe that the wolf is vermin should be eliminated.
protection measures proposed:
1) carrying out scientific study, the wolf population response to the national, sub-species differentiation of a full investigation to identify the distribution of the wolf population status and its scientific assessment of benefit and harm, so as to formulate a series of protection and control measures.
2) strengthening the legal system Management should consider the prohibition of arbitrary killing of wolves. there wolves cause serious harm in the area, take the necessary measures to control the wolf population, it must be based on expert evaluation, leadership organized manner.
3 ) to strengthen international cooperation, in particular strengthening of the adjacent CIS, Mongolia, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries of the collaboration.
Canis lupus alces (Kenai Peninsula Wolf) Kenai Mountain Wolf ( extinction)
Canis lupus arctos (Melville Island Wolf, Arctic wolf) wolves
Canis lupus baileyi (Mexican Wolf) Mexican wolves
Canis lupus beothucus (Newfoundland Wolf) Newfoundland wolf (extinct)
Canis lupus bernardi (Banks Island Tundra Wolf) Banks Island Tundra Wolf
Canis lupus columbianus (British Columbian Wolf) British Columbia wolves
Canis lupus crassodon (Vancouver Island Wolf) Vancouver Wolf
Canis lupus fuscus ( Cascade Mountains Wolf) Little Falls Mountain Wolf
Canis lupus hudsonicus (Hudson Bay Wolf) Hudson Bay Wolf
Canis lupus griseoalbus (Manitoba Wolf) Manitoba wolf
Canis lupus irremotus (Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf ) Northern Rocky Mountain wolf
Canis lupus labradorius (Labrador Wolf) Labrador wolf
Canis lupus ligoni (Alexander Archipelago Wolf) Alexander Archipelago wolf
Canis lupus lycaon (Eastern timber wolf) in eastern Minnesota
Canis lupus mackenzii (Mackenzie Tundra Wolf) Michigan tundra wolf
Canis lupus manningi (Baffin Island Tundra Wolf) Baffin Island Tundra Wolf
Canis lupus mogollonensis (Mogollon Mountain Wolf) extinction
Canis lupus monstrabilis (Texas Gray Wolf ) Texas gray wolf (extinct)
Canis lupus nubilus (Great Plains Wolf, Buffalo Wolf) Great Plains wolf, buffalo wolf
Canis lupus occidentalis (Mackenzie Valley Wolf) Wolf
Canis Michigan Valley lupus orion (Greenland Wolf) Greenland wolf
Canis lupus pambasileus (Interior Alaskan Wolf) interior Alaska wolf
Canis lupus tundrarum (Alaska Tundra Wolf) Alaska tundra wolf
Canis lupus youngi (Southern Rocky Mountain Wolf) South Rocky Mountain wolf (extinct)
Canis lupus albus (Tundra Wolf) Tundra Wolf (Europe)
Canis lupus arabs (Arabian wolf) Arab wolf
Canis lupus campestris (Steppe Wolf) Wolf
Canis Siberian Plain lupus communis (Central Russian Wolf) Russian wolf
Canis lupus cubanensis (Caspian Sea Wolf) Caspian Sea Wolf
Canis lupus deitanus (Spanish wolf) Spanish wolf (extinct)
Canis lupus hattai (Japanese wolf) Japanese wolf ( extinction)
Canis lupus hodophilax (Hondo Japanese wolf) Wolf of the Island (extinct)
Canis lupus italicus (Italian Wolf) Italian wolf
Canis lupus laniger (Tibetan Wolf) Chinese wolf
Canis lupus lupaster ( Egyptian Wolf) Egypt wolf
Canis lupus lupus (Common Wolf) ordinary wolf subspecies (Europe and Russia)
Canis lupus minor (Austro-Hungary Wolf) Austria-Hungary wolf
Canis lupus pallipes (Indian, Iranian , Asiatic wolf) Asian wolf
Canis lupus signatus (Iberian Wolf) Iberian wolf
information: the global status of the wolf
United States: distribution of the wolf is the largest state, Alaska, investigating the eighties, the highest 5,000 ~ 6,500 head; have a new population growth since the nineties, up to 7,000 head. Minnesota, about 2,000 head, Wisconsin 40, Michigan 30. In Alaska, wolves are still covering a total area of the state 85% had almost equal to the distribution history. In the past few decades, Alaska has suspended the state government within the scope of the wolf control program. It strengthens the restrictions on the hunting behavior of wolves, is strictly prohibited and air poisoning hunting the abolition of hunting wolves from the government to pay money, and control the activities of fight wolves and wolf trapping. the state legislature also set aside a large area of the state's National Park, where wolves were fully protected. wolves increase in the number it also brings drawbacks, ADF & G Organization (theAlaskaDepartmentofFishandGame) warned that many important areas the number of animals available for hunting increase the wolf population has decreased significantly. For example, the number of Delta caribou head from 10,700 in 1989 down to 5,000 in 1992 to 6,000 head. studies show that wolves and grizzly bears is causing this decline in the margin. Therefore, ADF & G organization in 1992 established a series of steps to prepare the wolf population down to an appropriate level. However, due to the resistance of public opinion, public opinion opposed to this plan and more, they can not believe the implementation of the Plan, the wolf population will remain stable or increase, rather than being extinct So, originally scheduled for implementation in 1993, the wolf management plan had to let the matter rest.
Canada: Canada is the world's wolf population has one of the largest. the country by scientists as Wolf savings bank. the wolf's survival, leading to the wolf distribution range in both the number and greatly reduced. Although no precise statistics on the number of wolves decreased, but the settlers and the farm near the wilderness of people believe this decline is real, official wildlife management agencies have confirmed this report. In the past, people shot, as the main way to trap a large number of hunting wolves. In this century, 50's and 60's, some regional and provincial government departments within their jurisdiction has also conducted a large-scale killing wolves. the government to allow any hunters to set traps to capture the wolf, the Institute also directs the Canadian fur trapping were to use the appropriate method to capture the wolf, so that the skins are exported to the EC member states successfully. Today This trend has been reversed, and all are suitable wolf habitat for the wolf's trail, which covers an area of about 86% over the past range. from all jurisdictions relevant departments and research scientists engaged in wolf density made Wolves distribution statistics and view the current wolf population in Canada is about 50,000 to 60,000 head. wildlife managers reported that in most regions and provinces, the number of wolves remained stable or in a growth state.
to in the past decade, the number of wolf hunting in Canada had dropped dramatically, and this trend continued .1983 An estimated 3,738 wolves were hunted in 1990 estimated that 2,285 head hunters, a drop of 40%. The reason is with the northern region the transformation of socio-economic means, people who make a living by hunting the wolf has been greatly reduced. hunting down the number of the most obvious area is Ontario, Manitoba, Sa tear Kache temperature, Alberta and Colombia. in which the total decline in Ontario accounted for 70%, from 1,300 in 1983 to head down to 350 in 1990. In addition, the management of wolves in Canada brought to the hunting is no longer just means that the government wolf management has begun to educate the public understanding of wolves in nature status, protection of wolf habitat and the significance of the number of wolves, and minimize conflicts between wolves and humans. in the minds of the people the wolf is no longer a legend centuries of allegorical story of the On the contrary, now the people of Canada that the wolf is a symbol of wilderness, a very respected. At present, at least in some areas, wolves have a degree of protection, the total area of these regions there are about 218,000 square kilometers, about the Canadian territory of 2.5% of the total area .
Mexico: the Mexican wolf is the best in North America, a subspecies of the southern, mainly in the narrow range in northwestern Mexico, about the number 50.
Romania: about 2,500 wolves, mainly In the middle of the Carpathian mountains; In addition, 50 wolves living in the lowland forest south-east. In winter, the wolf by the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains or migrate to the lowlands in southern Romania. the local main prey of the wolf is a wild boar (susscrofalinneaus) and roe deer (copreoluscapredus). there is no legal protection for wolves in Romania. As the local valuable skins, which allows hunting at any time throughout the year, but did not take poison measures. according to official records, each estimated to kill 250 wolves (Note: for the total number of 1 / 10). to kill a wolf, the government gave the hunter $ 5 bonus. Recently, the Government has begun to study to determine exactly how many wolves would only be appropriate to stay in the local ungulates (mainly red deer (cervusnippontemminck)) always survive. there is a region, the wolf was shot and killed or captured, the lower the density of wolves to livestock benefit from the rapid doubling the number of red deer head.
Hungary: Hungary, the history of the northern parts of the wolf, 907 to 1908, the wolf was shot. At present in Hungary can be seen only in the eastern wolf. According to hunt and observations, 1920 to 1930, the largest number of wolves .1940 to 1950, the minimum number of wolf .960 ~ 1980, wolf population has increased. In recent years, central and southern regions in Hungary re-established through the breeding of small populations of a wolf. The area is mainly larch (pinusgmelini) forest, a dense young forest grow, in order to provide a good habitat for the wolf and hidden conditions. Hungary established the small wolf populations with the surrounding countries such as Slovakia's population, improvement of population quality of each other. In Hungary, the wolf hunt deer, wild goats and livestock, they are so protected. but once the cause greater hazard, priority is still allowed to be hunted.
Slovakia: World War II, almost all regions of the wolf extinct in Slovakia, but World War II increased the number of wolves. After the war, a hunter by control of hunting and killing large number of wolves .1975 established the national park, wolves are protected in Slovakia for the first time, and provides for an annual March 1 to September 15, up to 6 months are not allowed to hunt wolves. now Slovakia has become the wolf population of about 300 or so is nearly 200 years, the largest population. protection of the wolf is the most difficult concept of the wolf people still need to change. wolf prey in Slovakia is the red deer, roe deer, wild boar and wild goats. pastoral areas in the Alps, there is a hunted wolf. In western Slovakia, not the forest, the wolf population in areas difficult to survive. non-protected areas and hunting wolves bonus, a wolf hunting, wolf hunting by the Government wages equivalent to about three weeks. Every year about 120 wolves in the hunt, (up to 40% of the total), does not killing too many. other wolves attack people infected with rabies have occurred from time, they have been a lot of killing . At present, there is no official management of a program.
Yugoslavia: in the central mountainous area of about 2,000 wolves live in the southwestern part of Slovenia to Yugoslavia, has rabies, but the wolves have been brought under control. In a study program in Bosnia near Sarajevo, but years of civil war in recent years, plans can only be postponed. wolf had a higher mortality rate, however, interrupt the research work on the wolf population here is almost no understanding of the dynamics.
Russia: Siberian Chukchi Peninsula, the most northeastern found a stable number of 400 to 500 wolf population. peninsula in Ta Muer increase in the number of wolves, but wolves in the Kamchatka Peninsula has reduced the number of .1980, the wolf, the wolf badger (gulogulolinnaeus) and snow sheep (ovisnivicolaeschscholtz) were being illegally used helicopters conducted a lot of hunting, the discovery has been stopped. Chukchi Peninsula wolf is due to increase in the number of government and economic changes, the region is not engaged in hunting activities; helicopter poaching has been stopped; a clear result of climate change, about 12,000 reindeer (rangifertaranduslinnaeus) to provide sufficient food for the wolf from October In 1991, the number of reindeer in the U.S. Wrangell Island too much, by the introduction of three wolf Chukchi Peninsula, and two male wolves to control the number of reindeer.
Middle East countries: the wolf population is as follows: Egypt (Sinai) 30 or so, the Arabian Peninsula 300 ~ 600 head around, Jordan 200, Israel 100 ~ 150, Lebanon 10, Syria 200 to 500, not more than 1,000 head of Iran, Afghanistan, about 1,000 head of Iraq and Turkey, an unknown quantity.
the former Soviet Union had a vast territory , the wolf population than any country in the world. With the economic development of this century, the wolf distribution area has expanded. After World War II, the maximum number of wolves more than 150,000 head in 1946 was 62,600 head killed the Soviet Union, only Russia 40,000 head to kill the late .60 ~ 70,000 population dropped to 60,000 head. With the economy changes, population increase in 80 years. current population status is not clear, because there is no investigation.
India: India's wolves two subspecies: Minnesota (canislupuschanco) and the Indian wolf (canislupuspallipes). the former is only distributed in the northern Indian Himalayas high altitude regions, the latter located in the arid and semi-arid steppe. India's wolf population is estimated at 1,000 to 2,000 head . This number fewer than the tiger in India [8]. but the wolf as the main predators of India m shrub and grassland areas of the main species, and not been given due attention and protection. Although the Indian wolf is listed as endangered species protected by law, but because of the wolf in most parts of India to small livestock such as goats, sheep for food, the wolf eats a sheep each, for the local poor pastoralists are a huge economic losses, so the legal constraints very difficult to play the desired effect. It nests and kill the wolf with the smoke of their cubs, as wolves were shot and poisoned. At present, western India Vera Vada National Park is the only Wolf Conservation Area.
China: China was once the largest wolf population in the world. but the wolf population has never been systematically investigated, it is difficult to propose a precise figure. Hulunbeier recent coyote on the Inner Mongolia The population survey showed that: the number of wolves does not exceed 2,000 head. At present, most areas are still producing the wolf in the northwest, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China and parts of Xinjiang. but from habitat destruction and hunting has long been a large number of people, making the wolf in our distribution area is much narrower distribution of the national past, and now only found in the area north of latitude 30 degrees, basically was massive distribution, has been largely extinct in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Even in the north forest, grasslands, wolves are only occasionally seen. There is no established specifically to protect the wolf's protected areas.
IUCN-SSC Wolf Group in September 1993 5 to 7 days held in Stockholm, Sweden, the first international Wolf Protection Conference, adopted the Declaration of wolf protection: the wolf as a species is proposed, with highly developed social behavior, in natural ecosystems have an important role and status should be protected. The European Association for the establishment of a research collaboration Wolf, to participate in 27 countries. developed a wolf research and conservation programs, regular meetings, publish the wolf population dynamics of the material, the full cooperation of the wolf.
wolf originated in the New World, dating back some five hundred years - - flourished before the human, the wolf was the world's most widely distributed wild animals. widely distributed in Europe, Asia, the Americas, the wolf in North America alone has the record of 23 species, subspecies as many wins enumeration hh
Wolves are canines, wolves alert, suspicious, very similar morphology and dogs, but more oblique eyes, mouth slightly wider, the tail is shorter and has never rolled up and down between the hind legs, erect ears, not music, have sharp canine teeth, Wolf's vision, a very sensitive sense of smell and hearing, the wolf's fur with white, black, variegated hh specifically different, wolves generally have more than 40 kg body weight, together with the 40 cm-long tail, the average length 154 cm, shoulder height There is a meter, the female wolf wolf's body smaller than the male of about 20%.
wolf is basically carnivores, the wolf ate too much, one can devour more than ten kilograms of meat, in summer occasionally eat grass, buds or berries, but often the food is rabbits, rodents, beavers, but also catch birds sometimes.
cohabitation of male and female wolves, hunting in groups. wolf is the largest group of skills is the use of the role of hunting than they are large enough number of herbivorous animals. Each has a certain level of wolves in the system, each member of the very clear understanding of their identity, so each other, very few acts of hatred and fighting. On the contrary, in rounding up prey and co-Nurture aspects, but also show a spirit of friendship and cooperation. It seems from the historical data, although in Europe against a large number of livestock on the wolf, attack the human record, but the North American continent in the wolves together, but almost no one wolf attack records.
ancient people painted the image of the wolf stone walls, the heart filled with wonder; Eskimos and Indians have long recognized the outstanding characteristics of the wolf, and many Indian tribes also Wolves selected for their totem, they respect the wolf of courage, wisdom and amazing skills, they value the existence of wolves, and even that on Earth, in addition to shotguns, poison and traps, and almost all the rival wolf.
back ancient times, our ancestors full respect for the wolf, ancient times, people believe that a living mammal predators are some other race, there are people who worship their magic power, the human no doubt as to his own tribe is this or that Animal Magic is a member of race, something between them to be revered their ancestors, to put this ...

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